Rated NM for Not Mature

Halo 3 Screenshot
Ur spelling is thiss bad seearrow

20 Responses to Rated NM for Not Mature

  1. ComaToast says:

    Musta been a squeaker trying to trash talk someone older than him. Thank you for sharing this with us BS.

  2. smurph says:

    well if “Ur” penis is clearly visible from way up there, “U” might have a problem.

    on the other hand, he has a sword so he must be cool.

  3. MGH1138 says:

    Intelligence fail.

  4. I think he might have trouble with Ss.

  5. Kato says:

    Come to think of it, maybe he just has a lisp?

  6. Overdoziz says:

    I bet BS made this herself just to get another silly screenshot. ;)

  7. BrantonT98 says:

    Its really Cobra Commander trying to make fun of the Joes…. A spartan just found it like that.

  8. VoltRabbit says:

    Its like that snickers commercial where the old guy paints “CHEFS” on the football field when it was supposed to be “CHIEFS”

    “Great googly-moogly”

    Maybe its just the font?

  9. L337MA573R says:

    The most ironic part is that the crude representation of the recipient’s “peniss” is the fact that it’s actually larger than the spartan.

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