The Future of Hawty McBloggy: A Website Announcement

Halo: Reach Screenshot

Over three years ago, on one particularly fateful day, I started this crazy, little website. I’ve always loved video games as well as the written word, so the melding of the two was a very natural progression. Because I’m frequently traversing the virtual world of the internet, I’ve happily shared numerous fan-made projects, entertaining videos, hilarious pictures, and pretty much anything video game-related that’s worthy of your time. I’m immensely proud of not only what I created but also the fact that I’ve always stayed true to my one main passion: Halo. It’s because of that love that I’ve decided to venture down a new path, one where my dedication to all things Master Chief will reign supreme. I’ve accepted a position with 343 Industries, and thus Hawty McBloggy, my baby that I will always hold near and dear to my heart, is officially closing its doors. I’m thrilled to be joining the likes of Frank O’Connor, Alison Stroll, Cocopjojo, Vociferous, David Ellis, and numerous others whom share my passion for the constantly-expanding Halo universe, and I’m beyond excited that my focus will be solely on community management. I adore each and every one of you, and you will continue to be my number one priority.

Some things are changing, and other things are not, so let’s start by addressing both.

Things that are changing

  • I currently work with my ass firmly planted on my couch. I was told, in my new job, that I will be sharing an office with Master Chief. That’s why I accepted anyways, so fingers crossed!
  • I have to be nice now. They put it my job description. I have a lawyer looking into potential loopholes, but none have been found thus far. I also think the F-Bomb is off limits. Fudge. x 2.
  • In the near future, I no longer will be rubbing Frankie’s head for free. That’s right, soon I will be getting paid for it! It’s in the form of Mister Chief pictures, but payment is payment, right?

Things that aren’t changing

  • If our paths cross in the vast world of matchmaking, I will still probably stick a plasma grenade directly upon your back. Last I heard, they don’t have any magic buttons to push that will improve my Halo skills. That will be my first request, however.
  • I will still be spreading my inane drivel to anybody who will listen. I will still spread it to those I can successfully corner as well.
  • My message, the one I’ve been passionately preaching for the last 40 months, is not changing. I have always loved Halo, and I will always love Halo. Until the Covenant get me anyways.

Whether you’ve been with me since the very beginning or you just found me last week, I’d like to thank you for spending part of your day with me. I’m so very honored you’ve found my content worthy of your time. The support many of you have given me means the world to me, and it’s something I will never forget. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

I’d also like to thank Bungie for creating the very thing that drives my passion each and every day. The love and dedication you’ve poured into your product has been felt by many and appreciated by all. I’ve been tickled pink whenever you’ve carried one of my articles, deemed me worthy of being an official affiliate, or invited me to various amazing events. I look forward to working with you in a new capacity and carrying on your incredible legacy.

The transition will be a slow one, so for now you can still look forward to updates here. In the near future though, you’ll be able to find me exclusively on Halo Waypoint (and even before that, at the Seattle EMP launch party!). Please know that while I am switching locations, I am not leaving. You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily, did you? ;)

Love, angel

461 Responses to The Future of Hawty McBloggy: A Website Announcement

  1. halcylon says:

    There are no words that will encompass the joy of watching this site grow and become the place that it is now. You have done wonderful things and will continue to do so in your future ventures. I, among so many, many others, owe you a debt that cannot truly be repaid in any amount… though I’m sure you’ll be fine with a check.

    Without this site, this community, and without the dedication of its tireless leadership our hopes and dreams would not have ever come to pass.

    I would like to be the first to say congratulations and a well, long coming, thank you.

      • bs angel says:

        Shall we do our usual song and dance? :)

        You are where you are because of your talent, passion, and dedication. I have simply gone on that ride with you, happily posting your creations for all to share. Maybe we can start a new song and dance; one where you take credit for your accomplishments, and I take credit for mine… on second thought, that doesn’t sound nearly as fun, LOL!

        Thank you for your kind words. I sincerely appreciate them. <3

      • Ray says:

        What can I say? I’ve been coming to your site since the beginning, and I’m really going to miss it! I think what made me keep coming back in the beginning was your different perspective and sense of humor, which has only gotten better as time has passed. I’ve made it a point these past three years to read every post, and your RSS feed is usually a highlight of my day!

        I can honestly say I’ve never been happier for someone I’ve never met, lol. I’m relieved you’ve found a great new job, and can stick with the Halo community though. I look forward to following whatever new blog or content they put you in charge of!

        I’m sitting in my office here at work with a big goofy grin on my face because I’m so happy and excited for you! =D

        Best of luck!

        P.S. -> I will be sorely disappointed if a Hawty McBloggy or BS Angel reference isn’t in the next Halo game. (“Property of BS Angel” in tiny font on the Chief’s codpiece?) LOL!

        • bs angel says:

          Best easter egg ever? I think so!

          Thank you so much for all your kind words, Ray. You’re someone that’s been with me since the beginning, and your support and interactions have been something I’ve greatly appreciated. Even when you went off to have a baby (well, your other half anyways!), you still came back to me. Thanks for that and for everything. <3

        • D○m says:

          Well, Angel, good luck in your future endeavors. I’ve only been visiting this site for a year or so, and I may not have really been active, but hey. I think I was the first person to link my name with That’s something.

          In all srsness. Or at least some, good luck, and thank you for the laughs. Hopefully I remember tp drop by Waypoint every now and then to check out any screenshots you post.

        • bs angel says:

          I won’t let you forget. Primarily because I will, undoubtedly, be featuring yours!

    • agdtinman says:


    • a rascal cat says:

      I couldn’t agree more. You’re brilliant Angel, and we’re all going to miss you so very much. I wish you the best of luck with your new job! You’re going to be brilliant!

      ~ John Rockefeller


    • pittofdoom says:

      I’m surprised nobody has made mention of the combination of the words “long” and “coming”. I know this is a serious moment, but I find it hard to believe anyone on this site would just let an opportunity like that go!

    • RyJen says:

      When the thrill of two wheeled racing on an asphalt racetrack came calling a little over a year ago my gaming time was cut to almost nil. Along with it, went the numorous communities, and my clan (which I found thanks to an email to you). I understand.
      However, I’m still going to spam you with invites and the occasional “I can has BTB?”
      Sierra 117, The Pillar of Autumn’s shipboard AI, Reach, and Hawty McBloggy. All these things brought to us by the Halo universe….and all…..lost

      Much love to you girl!
      The black sheep of the 8 Bit Brigade-RyJen8BB

  2. Mr. Angel says:

    Way to go Hawty! You mean a lot to this community and I know your true fans will follow you where ever you go. I hope 343 knows just how lucky they are to have someone as awesome as you! I am proud of you for all that you have done, keep it up and I know I can speak for many when I say , we love you BS Angel!!

  3. Mizzy says:

    …does this mean you might get a little banhammer to swing around in the community?

    Reading this brings tears to my eyes, but happy ones. It’s one of the first things I read in the morning, and share with my husband when there’s something absolutely hilarious. Not having daily posts will be sorely missed, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I hope your new endeavours only take you upwards. <3

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you for your kind words. I had no idea you and your husband shared occasional gaming-related giggles over the breakfast table! I’ve always enjoyed our banter, Mizzy, and I hope it continues as I put out content on a different website. I’ll still bring you all your goodies, you’ll just have to enter a different url to find them. :)

  4. Canuck-Errant says:

    I’ll leave it to the more eloquent readers to say the big mushy things, but: you’ll always be the hot dog in the hotsilog of my heart, bsangel.

  5. =D

    Congrats!!!!!!!!! Thats so f’ing awesome! ^_^

    So happy for you!

  6. DeepCee says:

    I am not at my eloquent best right now but here goes :)

    I’ve been along for the ride for almost two years now and it is through the blog and the forums that I have been able to witness how truly awesome the Halo community is. Thank you for giving us a space where we can just hang out and peruse through the extensive Spartan pron collection. Congratulations and I wish you the very best in this new chapter.

    Also, thank you for giving Steve a home.
    We love you.

    • bs angel says:

      While you thanked me, I’d like to thank you. You’ve been such a wonderful and vibrant part of this website. So many people love your comic (myself included!), and I can’t wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. Thanks for the content, thanks for the friendship, and thanks for everything in between. <3

      • General Vaguneness says:

        So what’s going to happen to ODSteve? For that matter, what’s going to happen to Friday captions and, and who’s going to put completely unnecessary and sometimes annoying innuendo on every piece of Halo news?

        • bs angel says:

          I will let you know the future of ODS Steve and Grin + Bear It as soon as I have that information. I offered each of them alternatives, and they’re pondering their options. I’m hoping to continue caption activities at my new digs, I will of course be featuring tons of screenshots there, and I expect you to pick up the task of making inane innuendos on every article!

    • SonofMacPhisto says:

      Here, Deep, just in case… let me help.



      NO MO

  7. ODST Alpha says:

    I may have only known you since 08, maybe even 09, but I at least feel obligated to congratulate you upon your new work career.

    It’s been a wild ride, but let us hope it gets wilder.

    May your stickys stay blue!

    PS. Who gets your pr0n collection? :P

  8. TPA Nightmare says:

    343 Industries sounded cool, now it sounds AMAZING! Way to go Hawty, I can’t wait to see what kind of Halo goodness you will bring us in the future! :)

  9. That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you!

    We <3 you angel

  10. slayersremix says:

    GREAT SUCCESS!! You’re about to live almost every Halo fan’s dream =]

  11. Jim 028 says:

    It’s been a fantastic time angel, I wish you all the best at 343 Industries. <3

  12. Absolute Edge says:

    First off, I would like to congratulate you on your new position at 343. I’m sure you will do much good there, especially so since it is something you enjoy.

    I’ve been here maybe a year now, or just over that and I have some fond memories of that time. From the entertaining articles, videos, comic hostings or simply gaming news you’ve made my time on the internet much more enjoyable. The fact that you have created your own community here and brought others together is commendable. So thank you, and I wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Hopefully I’ll see you around the forums sometime :)

  13. Jussy says:

    Awesomesauce Angel!

    Congrats on the 343 job, we’ll miss your Hawtness, but wish you every success in getting paid for staring at MC’s crotch!


  14. Awesome;Opossum;McCoy says:

    First off, I want to congratulate you, angel! It’s sort of the thing that everyone dreams of, in one way or another: doing things you love, and then get paid to do it. I’m very happy for you, but all the while I’m also saddened by not seeing as regular updates. HawtyMcbloggy has been attached on hotkey on my computer for almost two years, and I’ve had may giggles, and found yet another great part of the Halo community. From the bottom of my heart, thank you what you’ve done, and what you’re going to do <3

    I luuuuuvre bs angel shenanigans<3

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so, so much for your kind words. The fact that you’ve been with me this long means a lot to me. I’ll still bring you all the shenanigans you’re used to, you’ll just have to hit a different website to find ’em! And I’m definitely thankful for exactly what you mentioned, the opportunity to do something I love and being lucky enough to get paid for it. Man oh man, life is good. :)

      • Awesome;Opossum;McCoy says:

        Yeah, it’s a little bittersweet to not check this site a few times a day, but have to go somewhere else. Any word on when we can expect the aforementioned shenanigans to arrive at the new site?

        • bs angel says:

          I will continue updating HMB until I’m familiar enough with their software and website to get going there. I’ll make an announcement here when things officially shift. :)

        • Awesome;Opossum;McCoy says:

          Make sure that you do! Again: I’m very happy for you <3

  15. Hedgemony says:

    Congratulations. Love and hard work combined DO pay off. You deserve it, best of luck.

    • bs angel says:

      Who’d a thunk, huh?! Speaking of love and hard work, keep up the good job on your site. I love seeing what you do, and the passion with which you do it. <3

  16. Ryaaan14 says:

    Oh my gosh. Does this mean we have to break up?

    Congratulations, so proud of you <3

  17. Justifiedcandy says:

    Though it saddens me to see this great site close its doors and not bringing a smile or laugh to its public, I’m so thrilled and happy for you to work with 343 studios and see you be an even bigger part of the Halo community, you’ve earned it and deserve it, congratulations hawty.
    May the sun shine upon your face and the wind be always at your back to carry you to greater heights and adventures. I wish you the best!

    P.S.> you never answered who gets your halo pron collection, you gotta give it to someone ;)

    • bs angel says:

      “May the sun shine upon your face and the wind be always at your back to carry you to greater heights and adventures.”

      What an incredible quote. I can only hope for it to stay true. :)

  18. Predator5791 says:

    N… no.. no more hawtymcblogging?? *fists clench* NOOOOOooOooooOoo

    Seriously though Angel, congratu-fucking-lations! It’s been an absolute honor, pleasure and privileged to have gotten to know you over these years. The forge dates, the playful banter, meeting at PAX, it seemed that every time I had a conversation with you, the more I saw what an amazing and kind-hearted person you are. I honestly cannot think of a more deserving person for this job than you. Your dedication and enthusiasm knows no bounds. You’re an absolute sweetheart and I am extremely proud of you, you and Halcylon both as a matter of fact. You two are a huge inspiration! Now go infect 343 with your contagious smile!

    • a rascal cat says:

      I believe she said I could have it…


    • bs angel says:

      Predator, meeting you and counting you as a friend is a pleasure that is solely mine. You are an incredible person, and I knew that the day our paths crossed. To find someone else so passionate about Halo, screenshots, and the little things like answering messages has been nothing short of a blessing.

      And I’m sure I’ll infect 343 with something, I’m just not sure it will be a smile! ;)

  19. mendicantbias00 says:

    At the moment I am half-awake, but I will do my best to make this coherent. It was late July of ’07 when I first found this site, and it has become a daily addiction ever since. You have always pushed yourself (and sometimes Hal) to the near breaking point, and all for the love of a codpiece and the community surrounding it. I hope everyone at 343i realizes how truly lucky they really are to have snagged you. And if they don’t… :chair:

    I just want to tell you how truly proud of you I am. I look forward to hearing more from you, in your new post. It’s been a helluva ride so far, no reason to stop now!

    <3 mendi

    • bs angel says:

      Your point about pushing myself (and Hal!) certainly rings true, and while I can’t speak for him, I can say I, personally, have loved every single second of it. I simply can’t picture it any other way.

      Thank you for your support over the years. You have repeatedly gone above and beyond for me, and for that I will always be appreciative. I rest easier knowing my community is now in your hands. <3

  20. Rippolighter159 says:

    Wow. I’m really happy for you Angel, this must be a dream come true to work among those who carry the future of your , and hopefully with your influence they can lead the Halo franchise to untold heights. Your dedication to the community and passion for Halo is unrivaled and is the thing that keeps me and many others coming back here day after day.

    I hope you find much happiness and fulfillment in you future endeavors, so thank you. Thank you for three years of lulz, my little ponies and cod pieces. Thanks!

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so, so much. I have loved every single second here, and I simply cannot wait to start my new journey. It’s because of people like you that it’s been so incredibly rewarding.

      Btw, your summary of my site (lulz, my little ponies and cod pieces) is the one of the best things I’ve read today! <3

      • Rippolighter159 says:

        Well HMB just wouldn’t be the same without cod-peices.

        I wish you the best of luck with your new job.

        Just one more question, will the site be shut down completely or is someone else taking it over ? Or do you still plan to update it from time to time?

        Thanks again.

  21. jarjarjake says:

    please dont leave!!!!!!!1

  22. jarjarjake says:

    why didnt you wait until the halo reach launch date to anounce this!!!!!!!!!
    nobody would have heard it!!!!!! :(

  23. Leeumm says:

    Well holy shit, Angel! :O That’s incredible. Congratulations! :D Hope you enjoy the new job, can’t wait to see what we may see from you in the future. And thanks for the few months of entertainment on here as well. Been visiting this site daily for a couple months, and I could always find something to be entertained by on here.
    Again, congrautlations. I hope your new job brings you a ton of happiness. You must be pumped. <3

    • bs angel says:

      I’m honored you’ve found my content worthy. The fact that other people enjoy the same things I do has never been short of mind blowing. And yes, I’m incredibly pumped. I can’t wait to bring you more awesome stuff at Waypoint!

  24. DeathDealer says:

    I have only commented a few times here, but I check this site at least once a week for halo related stuff. Thanks you for creating this site. Congrats on your job! I wished I could of join the fun and actually comment on this site instead of browsing. Anyways thank bs angel, and the rest of you guys!

  25. Tim Acheson says:

    Congratulations! Something like this was always inevitible.

    Gamertag: cbjoe

    • bs angel says:

      Apparently you know something I don’t, because I didn’t see it coming. I couldn’t be happier about the development though. Such a great surprise, and it will definitely be a fun journey. :)

  26. Sgt Benton says:

    Congrats Angel, no more HMB is a shame but weel done and good luck!

  27. Glasses Guy says:

    Wow. And to think you only started three years ago. Congrats! I’m gonna miss the site and all the hawt spartan pr0n but it’s comforting to know that the site will live on waypoint. Sorta. I’m still going to be checking for updates everyday.

    • bs angel says:

      Three years is so long and so short all at the same time. Sometimes it seems like I just started yesterday, other times it seems like I’ve been doing it forever. I’m thrilled to continue though in an official capacity, and maybe someday I can get you to swap out urls. :)

  28. a rascal cat says:

    Dear Angel

    I know you will probably not see this, but I just wanted to let you know how much I will miss you and this site. It’s not often that we really even get to play matchmaking together, and I really wish we could have. You have always been there for me when I need someone to talk to, and you are always so kind, and generous to everyone. I think I speak for everyone here, and on when I say that you are going to be very missed. I don’t even know where to start. No matter how many emails I sent, you would always reply with the kindest of words, and a smilie at the end of each. Ha, I know it sounds dumb, but that would always brighten my day. You’re a terrific friend, and I really hope that you have an amazing time at your new job! I know you’ll be great! Even though I will miss you very much, and this website as well, I wish you the best of luck Angel. I really hope that I can get the chance to talk to you again in the future through email, and if I’m lucky enough, over Xbox LIVE. Anyways though, I really do wish you the best of luck Angel. You’re going to do wonderful in your job, and I really hope you have a brilliant life!


    John Rockefeller



    • bs angel says:

      I won’t let you miss me, because I refuse to go anywhere. I’ll still be here, more than ever, and I expect everything to continue as is. I’ve always looked forward to our interactions, seeing your screenshots, and just our general state of shenanigans. If it were to stop, I’d be a sad panda. You don’t want that, now do you?!

  29. scooter girl says:

    Wow! I am so pleased and excited for you.

    So many people have said it already but it’s been a blast since I don’t know when and I’ll miss you.

    You are a star and deserve this

  30. xxxJL AUDIOxxx says:

    Congrats on your new position! But who will I send my future “Jesus RROD” craigslist ads to? LOL, Its always great to see one from the community grow into something even greater then they already were. Thanks for giving me something to look at everymorning when I wake up(of course you’re bookmarked!), and look forward to seeing what you cook up at 343.

    xxxJL AUDIOxxx

    • bs angel says:

      I plan on cooking up Grunt Stew, Fried Jackal, and Chocolate Spartans of course!

      Thank you for your kind words. I hope you still send me all your great finds. What I can’t use on the website, I can post on Twitter. Or I can simply soak in the awesomeness on a personal level. All of those options are A-OK with me. :)

  31. Artemas says:


    And second, Holy crap congratulations thats freaking awesome!!


  32. mattroe says:

    I mightn’t be a very big part of your community, but there hasn’t been a single second I’ve spent on your site bored and I can’t think of a better person for this job than you. Congratulations, thanks for all the laughs and good luck!

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so much! I’m in just as much awe today as I was three years ago that anybody finds my site worthy. I appreciate your visits and also your kind words. :)

  33. ApocalypeX says:

    Good luck and congratz :(

  34. JLay says:

    Wow – shock and awe… Congratulations on the 343 job, what a dream come true. It’s about time they started paying you for all you contribute to the community! I am so happy for you ;)
    I am going to miss the Friday morning caption contest. I have always anticipated opening the site, like a kid on Christmas morning, to see if my caption was chosen. I have lost count how many weeks I got to see my name up there in bloggy lights, but it made my day/week everytime. I will have to find another outlet for my smart ass comments. I guess my work productivity will skyrocket now that my mornings with Hawty will be going away :(
    I wish you the best of luck on your new adventures Angel and the absence of this site will leave a big hole in the internet for me.
    *sheds a tear, waves goodbye, slowly turns and walks away (sad Hulk music plays softly in the background)*

    • bs angel says:

      Obviously I don’t know specifics at this point, but my goal is to continue as many of my shenanigans as possible. The caption festivities have always been one of my favorites, so we’ll see what I can work out. Regardless of what happens, come back tomorrow. We’re totally on schedule for our usual frivolous antics. :)

  35. Zwooosh says:

    Wow… A couple of weeks ago we celebrated a Hawtymcbloggy anniversary and the 10,000,000th hit. Here you asked yourself the question how long HMB would continue to bring us the awesomeness of the wonderful Halo community…

    Who would have guessed it’s demise would be upon us so soon :(

    Although HMB isn’t dead yet, and your amazing post will just continue under a different site (an official halo site that is!) It’s always sad to see something as great as HMB end.

    I’ve always known your site from near the very beginning but it was only until late 2008 I actively started following your posts.
    But from the moment I found out about HMB it was clear this was not your regular gaming related blog… Your well written articles, hilariously random posts and amazing finds all contributed to the great site that HMB is today..

    It’s truly amazing you got the chance to get paid for the things you love to do.
    As always, it’s sad to see great things end, but I wish you the best of luck at 343 Industries and hope to hear, read or see more of your awesome work long after HMB has passed away :D

    Again (I can’t stress this enough :P): I wish you the best of luck to you angel!
    May Master C’s codpiece be with you… ( But according to your article, you’ve already got that one covered :D)

    PS. Will your hilarious twitter spam also come to a stop? If so, I think twitter just lost its usefulness :P

    • bs angel says:

      I can confirm that I get to keep my Twitter account, so your favorite steady stream of spam will continue uninterrupted!

      Your words are extremely kind, and I’m so very grateful for them. You hit it spot on when you mentioned an opportunity to get paid for doing something you’re so incredibly passionate about should not to be squandered. I’m thanking my lucky stars right now and just can’t wait to begin my new journey. I appreciate the support you’ve given me, undoubtedly more than you know. <3

  36. JaYn0 says:

    What can I say? For a little over a year now, I have enjoyed this site for the awesome content you would post on a day to day basis. I think what really grasped my attention was the fact that you put a lot of love into your posts unlike other sites who just do this because it’s work. I always knew without a doubt that you cared about your community. I really believe that you will succeed at this new opportunity. Thank you for everything that you’ve done, are doing, and will do in the near future. I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors.

    Thanks Again,

    JaYn0 <3

    • bs angel says:

      I’ve always done this site simply because I enjoy it. It’s been quite an adventure and one that I’ve never taken for granted. You are right, I’ve poured my heart and soul into this place, and I’m simply tickled pink that it led me directly to my next venture. Thank you for your kind words and support. It means a lot to me. <3

  37. RevMDN says:

    Congrats, this is great news.

  38. I can almost remember way back when in October 2007 when I found you. It was love at first sight :) A woman with a love for Halo, a gamer, a mother, a kindred spirit. I may not have read your blog daily lately, nor popped in the forum every day; but I have always thought about you and your entourage. This great adventure ahead of you is going to be fantastic! No one else can do that job better than you. I look forward to following you on this new path and know that I can follow no better leader!

    BS Angel, I salute you! Congrats, and hugs! :)

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you for letting me follow your journey as well. I’ve enjoyed hearing about your kids, your wedding, your daily adventures, and your general state of shenanigans! I’ve gotten a lot out of our friendship, and I’m incredibly appreciative of that. :)

  39. Ragingterror says:

    Congratulations, and GG to you…

    The Mrs. and I will be in attendance at the launch party in Seattle. I hope to be able to congratulate you in person.


  40. Deacon says:

    congrats my angel!!!! :) 343 just got a hell of a lot better…and 10x more angel ;)

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so much, Deacon! You have always been so incredibly good to me, just routinely going above and beyond. You’ve always had faith in my ventures, and I appreciate that more than I can express to you. Thanks for always believing in me and finding me worthy. What I did to deserve that, I have no idea. <3

  41. Grif says:

    I’ll miss you…

  42. Rhamsey says:

    I know I don’t post all the time, but I do check the site at least once a day, if not more, and will miss you and the site terribly. Congratulations on the new job though, it sounds like a lot of fun.

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you for all your support over the last several months. I appreciate the time you’ve spent here, and I can only hope it’s been worthy of your time. :)

  43. That is awesome angel! I bet you’ll do a spectacular job in the new position and show the rest of the 343i that you are perfect for the position.

    Though I am pretty jealous. How cool would it be to work in an environment like that.

    Congrats again!

    • bs angel says:

      I am so, so excited! Thank you for everything, Canis. Not just the last three years but the ones before that as well. 8BB is amazing, and the times I’ve spent with all of you have been incredible. :)

      PS: You know who to email when it’s holiday fundraiser time!

  44. Schoony says:

    Angel, I am so happy for you…sad, but so happy. If it weren’t for you and my fellow Hawtites, I would have quit playing Halo a long time ago due to horrid matchmaking experiences. I still remember my first forum night and the late night Firefight matches we played. I guess the door to the left finally lead you to you dream. You always were, and will remain the matriarch of our Halo family.

    • bs angel says:

      I remember our first night of Firefight! We knew, after that evening, that you would be a wonderful addition to our group. I’m so glad you stuck around and found enjoyment in the game again. I’m a big believer in community playing a vital part of that. Please help keep the forums a wonderfully active place, and I’ll still stop by when time allows. :)

  45. Cardo 8 ATL says:

    Thank you for all the chuckles and awesomeness, Angel. Very much appreciated. Damn, I feel a lil’ emptiness in ‘The Pit’ of my stomach.

    Thanks to Louis Wu for bringing this blessing of a Halo site to my attention. And a big thanks to your contributors as well.


    (Did I just hear someone say, “Hawty McBloggy All-Time Article Award Show!”? Let’s send this sucker out with style!)

    • bs angel says:

      Cardo, it’s been a pleasure getting to know you, both on the website and also when our paths have randomly crossed in matchmaking. I’m always amazed at what a small world it is sometimes!

      And your All-Time Article Award idea is an interesting one… I feel the rusty wheels starting to turn!!

  46. Tony says:

    Congrats! That is great news and of course a perfect fit. Don’t forget us little guys on your way to the TOP!

  47. Rayna says:

    congrats! That’s great news:) good luck with the new job :D

  48. DTA_MoonDawg says:

    Angel, that is so unbelievably awesome! I can’t wait to start seeing you work with 343! I have to admit I was skeptical about them at first, but with so many great people, I now believe they will do the right things with Halo. This site was always a fucking awesome thrill. (Yeah I said it!) You might as well post the F bomb as many times as you can to get it out of your system! And I look forward to you sticking me in the back with a Plasma Grenade yet again!

    Just don’t forget all of us!!! :D

    Cheers! *beer glasses clink all over the room*

    • bs angel says:

      Aaawww, thanks for all the kind words, MoonDawg! The future of Halo is one that I believe strongly in, and I very much agree with your sentiments. The team in place is a strong one, and one that is getting better every day. I’m so excited to join them but even more excited to plant explosive blue balls on your back. w00t!

  49. Firestream says:

    I knew you’d make it big time. Your site is one of the few on the Internet with such a high level of passion, dedication, humor and genuine commitment to the community around you. I’ve been a fan and a reader for quite a while and I’m quite excited now to see where 343 takes you down the road. Halo Reach is just the first small step to a whole new experience and endeavor for you and I wish you the best of luck!

    Now, how about some Firefight sometime?

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you, Firestream. I have enjoyed our joint ventures and the friendship that has evolved from that. You have gone above and beyond for me several times over, and for that I will always be appreciative. Watching your success has been a pleasure, and I can’t wait to start working with you in a different capacity. :)

      Now, what is this about Firefight?!

  50. XMixMasterX says:

    I’m happy for your good fortune and elated that you’ll be sticking with the Halo community!

    I’m sad that this all has to end, but it’s for the better… for all of us :-)


  51. Captain Spark says:

    Wow, congratulations angel. I will miss our forum night games and your plasma grenades on my back.

  52. Anton P. Nym says:

    Congratulations! Enjoy the new awes0me p0w3rs!

    — Steve

  53. one crazy idiot says:


    And be sure to share any free swag you get with all your followers here;D

  54. OMG This is fantastic news!
    I haven’t been hang around here long, but it’s been enjoyable you always bring a smile to my face. I’ll follow you whereever (not in the stalky-sense) see you on Waypoint!

    P.S. Need any Windows Server Guys at 343? ;-)

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you, Jettstream. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m thrilled you’ll come check out my new digs, and you’re welcome to hang out in the bushes. I’ll wave every time I walk by!

  55. *sniffle* Good luck and Godspeed, Angel.

  56. BOOOO!! (For having to close)

    but YAAAAY!! For getting the opportunity to work with 343! Even still, I always love to take a look around every day here, just because you find the coolest stuff to post.

    Otherwise, all the best with 343!

    • bs angel says:

      And I’ll still be posting all this super cool stuff, it will just be somewhere else. I couldn’t give all of that up if I tried!

      Thank you for the well wishes. :)

  57. Skiggs says:

    Hello everyone.

    Long time reader first time poster. I’m extremely happy to hear the news that you were offered a job at 343 Angel! I’ve enjoyed coming to this site just about every day since I discovered it a little over a year and a half ago. This site has had some of the best Halo and game related articles I’ve ever seen, and some of the best fan created work I’ve ever seen. And on top of that it has some of the best community members posting comments and the likes underneath the articles. I’ve found your (and the community’s) dirty sense of humor to be extremely entertaining, and this site has managed to raise my mood on even the worst of days. Thanks for running such an amazing site, best of luck to you @ 343 with master chief. :D

    • bs angel says:

      It absolutely makes my day when people comment for the first time! Thank you for that and also for sharing the last 18 months with me. The Halo community is a talented one, and I’ve always enjoyed being able to show that off. The fact that others enjoy it as well is just icing on the cake! Again, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Being able to thank you personally for your support is important to me. :)

  58. Wow where do I even begin?

    You are like the bestest person ever. Before I made my way here, I drifted around, mostly played online solo, never really had a place to call home. Then, around 2 years ago, I found your blog and the connected forums. Best discovery I ever made. Since then I have met dozens of awesome new people, never play XBL alone anymore, and even got to meet you in person at PAX this year! I will miss your wacky posts and finds (and the free publicity you’ve given some of me work :lol: ) but you’ll be awesome at 343i. [Can you recommend me if I apply there someday? ;) ] I look forward to a deliberate sticky to the face once we step foot on Reach.


    • bs angel says:

      I am so thankful you stumbled upon our little corner of the net. You’ve been such a positive addition to our community, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about the fact that you decided to call this place your home. I have no doubt you guys and gals will continue to thrive, and that makes my heart happy. It was a pleasure meeting you at PAX this year, and you know where to throw your links when you make new super awesome videos! Especially ones where the Banshee dies. Good, good stuff. ;)

  59. K2theM says:

    Wow. Maybe I should discover more awesome Halo related blogs to help them score a job with 343. I found Ascendant Justice and then a few short months later they were signed on to 343. Same thing happened here. I found out about you through RagingTerror around the beginning of the summer, and now you have now been added to the 343 fold.

    I say congratulations because jobs like this are one in a million and we’d all jump at the chance to take it, but I am saddened that my one stop shop for Halo Theme Cakes and other Halo related Shenanigans will be shutting down. :(

    Guess this means I have one more reason to check out Halo Waypoint more often.

    • bs angel says:

      Your last sentence is music to my ears. I’ll still be digging up all those crazy awesome Halo creations (NOM NOM NOM), and I need people like you to come see them!

      PS: Thanks for stumbling upon my website. Clearly I owe you! ;)

  60. Joshua says:


    I will miss you.
    This is a site I visit often.

    BUT! i am still waiting to see you in that My Little Pony Unicorn t-shirt!!! (preferably wet!)

    Good Luck and God Bless.

  61. Mike says:

    is the screenshot section of the site closing down too?

    what will i look at when at work now i ask you? what?!

    • Mike says:

      okay so it is closing down too… i say again, what will i look at while i am at work?! halolz only updates every so often and i cant put all the other sites you link to up on my bookmarks! it will get suspicious!

      • bs angel says:

        Tell you what, I’ll start updating the Waypoint website just as soon as I can so you can still get your Halo fix in. Screenshots, community content, tons of good stuff! Deal? :)

  62. Andre says:

    OMG!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

    We’ll miss you!!
    Congrats though….always visited your site and HBO when I wanted Halo news. Now what’ll I do with myself.

    • Andre says:

      On an aside, if you get the chance to talk to Vociferous or Cocopjojo, tell ’em we want ascendant justice back dammit!
      Where are we supposed to read, detailed, brilliant analysis of the Reach lore come Tuesday?!!?

      • bs angel says:

        Vociferous and Cocopjojo are still pushing out tons of good content. You should check out their videos on Waypoint sometime! I will definitely pass along your message to them. I know they’ll be thrilled you still remember their earlier contributions. :)

  63. Alisonst says:

    343 Industries: Now with 94% more Angel!

  64. a rascal cat says:

    What’s going to happen to


    • InsaneViking says:

      ‘cept for the spartan pr0n, I would imagine this will be the like the second cuming coming for (sorry, I’m feeling a little raunchy now because I’m afraid I won’t be able to later on the site)

  65. Gilver says:

    damn….I’m happy for you. I know you don’t know me, I am the creepy kid in the back of your classroom writing profane comments on my desk. Yes…yes…remember the BR tatoo? Mhmm, I liked the spread.

    You provide me with many giggles, Angel. I am really happy for you. Good luck!
    Have fun and don’t be afraid to abuse your new power!! (Did they give you a banhammer BTW?) :)
    see you around!!

    PS. I hear if you rub Frankie’s head enough, something explosive happens

    • bs angel says:

      Oh yes, Gilver. I know your name well. Your comments have made me giggle on numerous occasions! Thanks for sticking around with me for as long as you have. I greatly appreciate it. You’ll have to come up with some new lines though. The DMR may be a bit more challenging than the BR was in that regard. ;)

  66. Mid7night says:

    Congratulations Angel, you’re taking your place where so many of us only wish we could. Here’s to years of love-laboring that you didn’t even know would pay off in such an awesome way! Keep doin’ what yer doin’, yer good at it. ;-)

    • bs angel says:

      You are correct, I never anticipated my path leading in this direction. I just couldn’t be happier about it though. I so grateful and excited about the opportunity!

      Thank you for the well wishes. <3

  67. t0rm3n7 says:

    I’d just like to say thank you for all the love and support you give the community. I read this every morning, and it always brings a smile to my face. :)
    Good luck at the new job, I hope it’s everything you dreamed for! <3

  68. Billdebeast says:

    This site has been one of my homepages for around a year, and one of my favourite blogs on the net. What you’ve achieved is amazing, and I’m sure we’ll all be sad to see you go, but I know it’s for the best. Hopefully we’ll see more of you in the future – good luck with your new job!


    Is now the best time to reveal your real name?

  69. Morpheus says:


    Where are we going to get our oh-so-delicious F-bombs and our awesome Spartan Pr0n?!? You’ve redefined the term NSFW!!! I don’t know what we’re going to do without you!

    God, I can barely type, my hands are shaking so bad…

    While I am thoroughly jealous, I’m very happy for you, and sad for Hawty McBloggy.
    No more Captions, Cakes, Tattoos….
    Jeez. Now I guess I have to go Rule 34 Master Chief…….

    If you don’t mind me asking, what will you be doing over at 343?

    Either way, I bet it’s gonna be wonderful. Best of luck and congratulations. Love ya like a sistah. *two finger kiss, taps computer sceeen*

    • bs angel says:

      The captions, the cakes, the tattoos, I plan on bringing as much of that to the table as I can over at Waypoint. The community activities and featuring all the fabulous content has always been one of my favorite things about this blog!

      As far as what I’ll be doing, I am transitioning into the Community Manager position. I’m not sure what the means, but I’m hoping I can ban people. Muhahahahahaha! ;)

  70. KalamariKidd says:

    You are truly an awesome person and definitely have a way with words like no other person I have known. Even though I am a little sad that the end of HMB is near, I am very happy to hear you are joining 343i. I am completely confident that you will make a spectacular addition to their team. Congratulations!

  71. InsaneViking says:

    Congratulations Hawty McWaypoint. This could be a lot of fun for all of us. Still, I’m a bit nervous. You were so good at being a different kind of outlet that now you’ve got a job doing it. There will be some new challenges- namely facing throngs of whiners, Lousy Larrys, and Rude Rudys who will not be happy with anything you do (and no that did not say thongs of wieners). My hope is that you a representative of a really great fan base, rather than a representative of a company, brand, or product. We love Hawty Mcbloggy. We could get our halo fix many places, but we come here.
    Now, ahem, titillate us with something great!

    • bs angel says:

      I definitely anticipate some challenges, but I’ve also never been one to let that scare me. There’s always a solution, and I’m confident I will find several! I’ll make you proud. You just wait and see. <3

  72. UnrealCh13f says:

    Way to go Angel! I’ll be definitely missing the site once you are entirely devoted to 343 Industries, but at the same time I’m really happy for you! Good luck in the future and I’ll be looking forward to again finding that you stuck a plasma grenade on me on Reach!

    P.S: Tower of Power? haha i’m kidding ;) (Great, I just ensured myself that I will get a stick to the face. lol)

  73. Skitzo Sven says:


  74. triptup says:

    Congratulations H McB!!!! When one sticks to their passion long enough, usually good things eventually happen. Perseverance definately pays off!!! We look forward to your new outlet. and as always, If 343 needs a personal chef, you have my number (remember the S’more Baked Alaska???)

  75. Rakolai says:

    Well, if the next Halo game features Master Chief with an over-sized cod piece, we’ll know exactly who to blame.

    On a more serious note, congratulations and best of luck. Make us proud, Angel.

    • InsaneViking says:

      We can only pray that she doesn’t get creative input. People will say “Reach was like Shadowrun and Halo 4 was like Conkers Bad Fur Day”

    • bs angel says:

      Well, if the next Halo game features Master Chief with an over-sized cod piece, we’ll know exactly who to blame.

      Oops, you accidentally put blame. It’s ok, I know you meant thank!

  76. GundamCat says:

    Wow, congrats! Very happy for you, and best of luck! You definitely deserve it :)

  77. snotwoogle says:



  78. Morio kun says:

    CONGRATS!!!! Our little Angle has grown up!!!

  79. Kete says:

    At 343i job interview:

    343: We like you to be community manager but..
    angel: but what?
    343: You like penis too much. Can you like it less?
    angel: NO
    343: Ok your hired.

    Congrats angel!

  80. zach2beat says:

    my only question about this is what will happen to steve and delta squad?

  81. Basic Paul says:

    Thanks for all the entertaining news over the past couple years that you’ve been on my radar, its kept me entertained daily, weekly and so on.

    I hope ill cross paths with you some other time, and hear your stuff on waypoint and what not.

    Don’t be a stranger to all us mcbloggy fans, priority tickets to your awesomeness should go to us i think ;)

    I expect you to forcefully take things from the waypoint guys, and offer them up via twitter competitions >:)

    See ya round

    Also, if you ever get some space on your xbox to add me, my gamertag is the same as my name on here, just Basic Paul.


    • Basic Paul says:

      Ahhhh, and congrats on the new awesome job.

      • bs angel says:

        Thank you, both for the congratulations and all your kind words. Per your request, I’ll work on scoring some swag. I heard through the grapevine though that some heavily armored, seven foot tall dude guards it. I’ll see if I can muster up the courage to challenge him!

  82. Josh says:

    I’m extremely happy for you but sad at the same time.

  83. Beorn says:

    Congrats, Angel, this is very exciting news! Looking forward to seeing what gets cooked up over at 343. :)

  84. the_eNeME says:

    Holy crap congratulations!

  85. Antithesis says:

    HHURRRRRWWWWHAAAT! Congrats, angel! I saw the post come up last night and my eyes exploded.

    Go make Halo:Forerunner and plant pictures of my sculptures around the offices.

  86. Cailus Griffin says:

    Ya know, in a way, I couldn’t help but feel this was inevitable. When two uber-awesomes exist, then they are quite naturally pulled together; such is the case for 343 and Hawty. I like to call it the awesomesauce law, because face it Hawty, you’re freakin’ awesome. Congratulations on your new job, and thank you sincerely for doing so much for the Halo Nation, and for what’s coming in the future.


    • bs angel says:

      Contributing to the community has always made me happy, and I’ve consider myself blessed to have reaped much more than I have sowed. I’m tickled pink I now get to do so in an official capacity, and I’m thankful people like you are willing to join me on that ride. Thanks for that!

  87. Louis Wu says:

    Cybr got to this post before I got to the web today, so I didn’t get to express my sorrow (at HMB’s closing) and my excitement (at the new phase in your Halo evangelism) on HBO’s front page – but you have my every hope for success in your newest endeavor, and my sincere gratitude for all you’ve done in the past three years.


    • Ray says:

      I was actually thinking the same thing when I noticed it was posted by him instead of you. xD

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you, Claude. The support you have given me the past three years has made such an impact on my ventures, and I appreciate that more than I could ever tell you. Thanks, for everything. <3

  88. DrDoctor says:

    So if i get front-paged on HBO and Bnet enough I will get a job at 343i? MUST START SHOWING RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF FAN-DOM NOW!

    Congrats BS! Sounds like it’s a very good fit for you. Even if your job training does include, “open mouth. insert soap. repeat.”

    • Louis Wu says:

      Actual conversation at PAX:

      I’m walking around with a friend, and we get in line for the Portal 2 demonstration. Melinda Sussman (much, much better half of Jason Sussman, Bungie Artiste Extraordinaire) is working the booth, sees me, says “come back in 20 minutes, I’ll get you into the next showing.” We walk away, and my friend says “how did you do that?” I said “All you have to do is maintain a fansite for 11 years.” He says “please maintain a fansite for me.”

      I think his way is easier than yours. :)

    • bs angel says:

      How many bars do you think they’ll make me do?!

  89. pwkwsfi says:

    Big congratulations to you! Looks like your passion has really paid off in a way that will let you reach out and touch many more people than you already have.

    Thanks for everything.

    • bs angel says:

      That’s one of the things I’m so very excited about, to continue to showcase the community’s work, just on a larger scale. It should be fun, that’s for sure!

      Thanks for your kind words. They are appreciated. :)

  90. staticrift says:

    Congratulations Angel. You definitely deserve it. Thank you Its been fantastic reading your blog for, I think, 21 months – ish.

    At least we’re no losing you. Although the f-bombs, innuendos and the disturbing mental images will be whole-heartedly missed.

    • bs angel says:

      They’ll still be in my head, as they will undoubtedly be in yours! And thanks for sticking around for almost two years now. The fact you’ve found me worthy for that length of time means a lot to me. <3

  91. shlugendah says:

    Congratulations, lady! Best of luck to you, and may fortune smile upon your golden visor!

  92. Chris Haldor says:


    I think i’ll be on Halo Waypoint more often now!

  93. SonofMacPhisto says:

    Make us proud, kid. :)

  94. A Deaf Boy says:

    I guess you finally request to the Master Chief renders pre codpiece.


  95. a rascal cat says:

    You really will be missed Angel. I cannot stress that enough.

    I really do hope we get the chance to play Halo: Reach together!


  96. hongoasdf says:

    I have a humble request for you, dearest angel. Something so simple, you probably won’t find bother in getting it into completion. I’m pretty sure you will actually enjoy it. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure you would do it even if nobody asked you to… or explicitly asked you to not do it, either. You see, what originally bound me to this place was the Friday’s Captions… something for which I soon realized I had no talent. Afterwards, what kept me here (Besides your vast pr0n collection), was the love you and I share for a particular item found within the Halo universe. The request I spoke of has something to do with this item, which I have no doubt has kept you awake many nights in the past, like myself. Seeing as you will now be working for 343 industries, it is only proper at least someone asks:

    Moar codpiece.

    Thank you for your time.

  97. Das Kalk says:

    Almost two years ago to the day (on September 15th it will be two years) I visited this web site with the naive hope of winning Recon armor. Well, I didn’t win recon, but I got something way better from visiting Hawty McBloggy.

    For those two years I’ve been coming here every morning as part of my “ritual”. This site has NEVER disappointed (how could I be with so much talk about bewbz?). I have been coming here since halfway through high school, and now that I’m in University, I can honestly say that this site, and the people here, the friends I’ve made, were an integral part of how I got to where I am right now.

    Most of my gaming memories have been either with or directly influenced by bs angel, from the forum nights we often have, to the community playdate I was so fortunate to be a part of, to simply having a sticky smacked across my Spartan’s butt from a teammate. The gaming memories go on and on.

    But memories from our favorite hobby aren’t the only ones I have from the two years I’ve been here. Many memories I have from here are from the people. Things from our Lolcat thread, to all the hilarious inside jokes, to singing 80’s music with you, and all the way to the amazing trip to PAX East last spring with the friends I’d made.

    This site has given me more than I can ever express to you with words, both written and spoken. You have given so much to us, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are all overjoyed for you, and feel that you will do great things at 343 industries (though it saddens me that there will likely be a decrease in the bewbs). I wish you all the best, and I look forward to playing Reach with you in the coming weeks, and I’m sure you’ll be coming to some of our forum nights.

    So thank you. Thank you for being a friend to all of us. For being there to talk to when life gets bad. For being so generous with all the things you have access to. For giving us a place to find solace on the Internet. For being a spirit right along side the rest of us. And lastly, thank you for staying true to who you are and never compromising yourself or your website for money, or other personal gain.

    Best of luck,
    <3 DK

    • Viktim says:

      Well spoken DK.

      Congrats Angel. I wish you the best in your new endeavours.

    • bs angel says:

      DK, I don’t even know how to begin to respond. You have been with me for such a long time, and the constant support you’ve given me is simply overwhelming. I’ve loved every single second of our numerous interactions, and the fact that you’ve gotten so much out of our little corner of the net makes my heart happy. I’ll definitely still be around HMF, because I simply couldn’t imagine not. Thanks, for everything. <3

  98. a rascal cat says:


    I just want you to know how much you, and this website means to me. This website has allowed me to meet people whom I never thought I’d even get the chance to talk to. I’ve really met some great people here, one of them being you of course. You managed to bring so many wonderful people here, and so many spectacular screenshots!

    I’ve told you this before, but you really do have an eye for screenshots! You refuse to believe me, but it’s true Angel!

    I’m really going to miss seeing you around here, and hawtymcbloggy, but I know you’ll be brilliant at your job at 343i. You were always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to, and whenever I had an idea pop into my head.

    You were never short of kind to me and everyone else around you. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say best of luck at your job! I know you’ll be brilliant!

    I think it’s wonderful that you are moving on, and that you are heading out to seattle, but we will seriously miss you around here!

    Have an amazing time in Seattle Angel! You really are those brilliant girl on Halo! Ha, and even though we didn’t get too many chances to play Halo together, that’s alright. I know you were busy! I’m lucky just to have played a few games with you. I hope I can get the chance to play Halo: Reach with you in the future, but if not it’s okay!

    Have an amazing time in Seattle, at 343i, and live a brilliant life!

    I hope to see you at PAX 2011!


    John Rockefeller



  99. CyanDeadEye says:

    I’ve only been here since ’09 but I’ve enjoyed virtually everything that was posted on here since then, thanks for putting a smile on my face every time I visit. Good luck with the new job at 343.

  100. Visitor at home says:

    I believe it was nearing the end of ’08 when I first stumbled across this little pink patch o’ Spartan-paradise. Nearly every since then, for two years, I’ve gazed upon the wonderful, creative, and wacky posts, pictures, debates, and downright amazing spartan pr0n that you’ve pumped out relentlessly. BS Angel, you’ve ingrained yourself into my life, and there is not a word in my vocabulary that can convey my appreciation. Whilst I had been dubious of 343 Industries, and what additions they may make to the Halo legacy, I am sure that with you on board, they can do no wrong. Whilst I may not know you personally, I have to say thank you. And keep on stickin’ us poor defenseless bastards.

    Visitor at Home.

    • Visitor at home says:

      P.S. we never did get around to playing a game after that tournament.

    • bs angel says:

      While we may not know each other personally, it certainly feels like we do! I’ve always enjoyed our interactions and reading your comments on various articles. I appreciate how long you’ve been coming around this “little pink patch o’ Spartan-paradise,” and I thank you for coming up with one of the greatest descriptions of my site evar! <3

  101. PaneInTheGlass says:

    Congratulations! That is awesome. Thank you for all the laughs you have given the visitors of this site. I know you’ll be freaking great at 343i, keep representing the awesome franchise that is Halo for us.

    Good Luck!

    – PaneInTheGlass

  102. Willy says:

    Congrats Angel, and good luck. Tell Frankie I said hello…. 1 day I will interview that man 1 day.

  103. ComaToast says:

    You have been a very big part of the Halo community and many other parts of the communities. You never seem to hear about Resistance or Metal Gear Solid communities. You do however know there’s Halo communities out there. And you were there to help shape a good part of them. I wish you the best, don’t forget to have tons of fun along the way though.

  104. nl beer says:

    well i dont pust much on your site’s but i am following it!

    i am gonna miss it angel!

  105. Doc Shaftoe says:

    That is awesome. Congratulations! Mazel Tov! You deserve it. You really do. It looks to me like 343 ind. is just picking up more and more talent. If anyone is capable of propelling the Halo series, it’s going to be the team they’ve assembled.

    • bs angel says:

      The team they have in place is certainly a talented one. Why they’re adding me to the mix I’ll never know, but I’m certainly extremely appreciative.

      Thanks for the well wishes!

  106. Clint Beastwood says:

    I remember when you had the “List the A-Z things that you hate about Halo 3” and I went nuts and listed everything past Z.

    But congratulations! You should get a real-life achievement for this! Good luck at your new job.

  107. Voicedwalnut says:

    Congratulations angel I am so happy for you.
    I may have only jus recently found this site not even a year ago while looking at halo stuff but after signing up at the forums well yea it will be hard to get by without your lolz everyday. So yea all in all best of luck

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you, VW. I’ve enjoyed having you around both the site and the forum. You’re been a wonderful addition to our little corner of the net, and I hope you continue to be active there. :)

      See you behind the door to the left!

  108. Seenoht says:

    “Office with MC”

    So THAT’S why the interwebz have been so humid today. Congrats, hon! I’ll miss the blog, but am incredibly pleased for you, this must be quite a moment for you!

    Much <3

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so much! I had no idea my journey would lead me here, and I simply couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity. :)

      PS: Sorry about all the humidity. I’ll work on that!

  109. Joshancy says:

    Ah, my feelings right now, simply put, is ecstatic, excited, happy and a little bit sad that this is going to change a bit. But mostly glad that you got a nice Halo-related job! It sounds so awesome!
    Even though I am one of the n00bs on the blog, I feel like if I’ve been here a long time.
    Hope you still keep us close! :)

    • bs angel says:

      Regardless of how long you’ve been hanging out around this place, we’ve appreciated your presence. Nobody is a n00b around here! Well, besides me that is. ;)

  110. soulofaqua says:

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

  111. twostone says:

    I am so happy for you. 343 will be awesome. Of course we will all miss you, but entering a new url won’t be that hard.
    I thought about this long and hard (lolz, long and hard…) and I think this were the most awesome 6 months of my life (so far).
    I owe you big time!
    Thank you again for your awesome work here. We can’t thank you enough!

    I (dunno about the others, but I certainly) love you for all you have done!

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m thrilled you’ve had such a positive experience here. I appreciate you hanging out for the last six months, and I can only hope you’ll continue the tradition over at Waypoint with me! <3

  112. Tru7hiness says:

    Congratulations! You deserve it!

  113. Senor Leche says:

    You’re so fun and entertaining I don’t know if I should congratulate you or 343. Win-win for both, me thinks. Well done little Hawty, well done. It was always a pleasure to come here to this site and be entertained. I’m happy for you. :)

    I guess I’ll need to tell Bassaddict we got a divorce. He’ll shed Australian tears.

    P.S. Boobies
    P.S.S. …and how the hell did Halcylon get here so fast. That guys always bitching and moaning about all the work he has to do. ;D

    • bs angel says:

      Divorce? I thought we had a fabulous time at PAX! I’m going to ignore the fact that you’re trying to break up with me, and simply say thank you for your well wishes.


  114. VYPER117 says:

    T~T Where will I go for Halo-related penis jokes now?!

    In all seriousness, I’m glad you found a job in the industry you hold so dear. I hope you will continue to provide awesome content on Waypoint. I’ll miss your blog, but I wish you all the best in your new career!

    • bs angel says:

      I’m so excited about this opportunity for the exact reason you mentioned. Thank you, for both the kind words and the support you’ve given me here. Both are very much appreciated. :)

  115. Broseph Stalin says:

    Congratulations on your new career reappointment, don’t fail the motherland!

  116. WCF S0L0 says:

    Sad for today!!!!!!!!!!! But this is wonderful news for the future of Halo. Thank you lady for all the laughs.

  117. Xor1an says:

    Congratulations, and good luck! I know I’ve been more of a lurker than an active participant in the HMB community, but I’ve certainly enjoyed it. I look forward to your future exploits.

    • bs angel says:

      Xor1an, you have been with me for so very long, both here and on the screenshot website. Thank you for your numerous contributions and also our off-topic conversations. I’ve always enjoyed our interactions. Continued luck on your ventures!

  118. Doc says:

    Words can not express what I’m feeling right now (and I’ve been thinking about this for 10 hours now).

    Also, I love the fact you take time to reply to everyone on here!

    • bs angel says:

      If people take the time to comment with well wishes, the least I can do is express my appreciation. <3

      And I'm a bit short on words right now, too. Crazy, crazy times. :)

  119. Crazeye0 says:

    Hey there, I don’t know wether you remember me, I became less frequent in the last few months, but it’s been a good couple of years. Your blog posts have brightened my days for the past couple of years. I’m not just saying that either, I mean it, you’ve made me laugh and smile all whilst sharing my passion for Halo. You’ve been part of what keeps me going, that might sound sad and lame but to be honest, your blog posts really really do add a little extra boost to my day. I check this website, every day, and every night.

    I know that I have become inactive in the comments, and especially on the forum, even if my stay on your forum was only for a brief while, but I think you’re an amazing person, with a very amazing blog. Whilst I am sad to here this fantastic blog will be ending soon, i’m happy. I’m happy for you. I’m happy to here about your new job, heck, it will actualy get me using Halo Waypoint for once.

    Maybe we could catch a game some time? i’d like that.
    My gamertag is the same as my username here, Crazeye0
    See you around Hawty, and I wish you all the best for the future to.

    Where am I supposed to get Halo Pr0nz now?

    • bs angel says:

      How could you even ask if I remember you?! You’ve been with me so long. Even if you aren’t always commenting, you do it enough where I know you’re still around. Thank you, not only for all your kind words, but also for all the support you’ve given me over the years. I’m honored I’ve been a part of your daily routine. <3

      And I'll be on Reach plenty, so definitely look me up online!

      • Crazeye0 says:

        I apologise, I am incredibly pessimistic at times. And that is ok, Thank you for your excellent blog and lighting up my days, I have also been honoured to have your blog as part of my daily routine, I have enoyed it greatly, and will do until the very end.

        I will also defintley be on Reach! not as much as i’d like to thanks to studying, but we should definitly catch a game somtime, I sent you a freind request the other day but your list is full =(

        I apparantly removed the Hawtite Horde, I shall have to rejoin that to =)
        Make room for me on your friends list? =)

  120. Indeed Not says:

    First Vociferous, now you? 343 Industries is stealing all my favorite people from my internets. But really, if the people they’ve hired are any indication of the future, 343 Industries is going to rock.

    This blog has been my site for Halo news and funny pictures/videos for more than a year now, and I even abandoned H.B.O. for your awesomeness. Thanks for all the laughs and for being so nice. You’ll be sorely missed here, but I look forward to seeing what you bring to 343.

    It’s been fun. Good luck!

    • bs angel says:

      I’m really excited about working with Vociferous (and Cocopjojo too!). I followed their stuff back in the Ascendant Justice days and know the quality of their content. Good, good stuff.

      Thanks for all your kind words. Go back to Claude (I won’t tell him you ever left!), and I’ll see you soon at Waypoint. <3

  121. Biko AKA lifeskoolthug says:

    ALWAYS LOVE YOU ANGEL!!!!!! I love you and all individuals on this site! YOU ARE LIVING A HALO FANS DREAM! Keep it up! I believe in you and everything you do, and I hope you do fantastic in your future endeavors! You are the most awesome person EVER and I hope you live your life the way YOU want to, and that you enjoy it to the fullest!!!!! Never give up, prosper and do awesome thing. Embrace your undying love of Halo, and don’t forget about us! I’m shocked, but how proud I am over weighs it! I Extremely want to here from you in the future, and in the very best way!!!

    Do awesome things (because YOU are) and never let anyone get in your way! I have much love for you and everything you do. You are truly fucking awesome.

    Keep up with your Halo-influenced career, Angel


    • Biko AKA lifeskoolthug says:

      P.S Sorry ’bout the accidental double post…..woops. :(

      Still love YOU!

    • bs angel says:

      Aaawww, your words are not only extremely kind but they are also downright inspirational! I think it’s definitely meant to be that I read them the eve before my first day. I’ll keep them first and foremost in my mind through this entire experience. Thanks for that. <3

  122. rowboat 000 says:

    There’s rarely been a day in the last 2 years that I haven’t visited your site. :sadface: While it will definitely be missed, I look forward to seeing your “work” at 343i! :P

    • Das Kalk says:

      “work” is definitely used properly here. I approve.

    • bs angel says:

      LOL… thanks rowboat. You’ve been a vibrant force both here and on the forum. Thanks for always being willing to help out and for going above and beyond for me several times over. Best of luck with SoF, and you know I’ll be checking in frequently!

  123. L337MA573R says:

    Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many comments on a single post.

    Anyways, congratulations on your job. It’s truly inspirational to see such a dedicated gamer go places with their passion. While I’ve only been here for about a year, my daily check-ins are a tradition that I will sorely miss. Your dedication to your community, the unnatural amount of patience with your readers and your persistence to read every single comment posted on your site is unmatched, and probably the main reason I keep coming back here. I wish you the best of luck, and can’t wait to hear more from you.

    Once again, congratulations.

    P.S. Does this mean we don’t get any more Spartan Pr0n or IH3SotW?

    • L337MA573R says:

      Oh yeah, and I’m typing this with the song from “Deliver Hope” stuck in my head. So emotions are on overdrive. Sorta. Okay, not really. Just felt like writing that for some reason.

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words, L337MA573R. I’ve enjoyed your participation around this place and am deeply appreciative you’ve found it worthy of your time for so long. I loved every single second I spent here and am still amazed that other people have as well.

      PS: They’ll still be out there. And I have no doubt you’ll find ’em!

  124. Launch says:

    Well, I’m terrible at writing anything longer than a paragraph or two, so I’ll just say congratulations.

    This looks so out of place compared to a lot of the comments here…

  125. augustelc says:

    my experiences on the interwebz will never be the same because of you. (you can take that in a good or bad way). i will sincerely miss this website, which ive been avidly visiting for the past couple years or so. I hope you find that codpiece you dream of that is so close. keep REACHing for it. (c wut i did ther?)

    • bs angel says:

      I have a feeling it will always stay just out of my grasp, but that certainly won’t stop me from trying!

      Thanks for your kind words, augustelc. I greatly appreciate them. :)

  126. Panncakez says:

    Angel, I’ve got to say, even though I haven’t been a long-time follower of your blog, I’ve really enjoyed reading all of your silly perverted articles. Loads (lol) of innuendo always brightened my day, whether it was on the subway, in my living room, or in the classroom. I’ve always liked your brand of humor… it’s something that you really can’t find anywhere else. My friend told me, “Hey, there’s this blog that I visit, you should really check it out…” and I think you know the rest. All in all, I will really miss you and your ridiculous-ness, but I couldn’t be happier that you got this job. Your undying love for Halo has certainly paid off, and I wish you many good years at 343! Make sure that they don’t run Halo into the ground!


    • bs angel says:

      I’m definitely an odd one, and I’m just thankful there’s other people out there that somewhat get me! Or at least don’t have a problem laughing at me, LOL… thanks for stopping by and for all your support. It’s my love of Halo that brought me here, and it’s my love of Halo that will keep me here. <3

  127. DustandEchoes says:

    I doubt I’ll get a reply, but I am curious as to what your position is at 343. Aside from that, there’s not much I can say. It’s been great, and my halo experiences have been (enriched/bastardized) thanks to you. It always helped to brighten my day, and I wish you luck in the future.

    • bs angel says:

      I am transitioning into the role of Community Manager. I’m really excited about that as the people that make up the community have been the exact thing that has kept my passion at such a high level. Halo fans are so talented and dedicated, and I’m honored to count myself as one. :)

  128. etha7 says:

    I certainly haven’t been here since the beginning. In fact, I’ve only been coming to this site for a couple of months, but I think that it speaks wonders for your skill as a blogger and your wonderful personality that you have managed to keep me coming back and make it apparent from the very start, that you work hard infuse a bit of yourself into everything you post.
    The best thing about your site is definitely the unique viewpoint and hilarious commentary that you bring to each new piece of content, and while the content is, in itself, entertaining I certainly wouldn’t be here if it were not for your strangely sexual descriptions of halo cakes and strange fascination with Master Chief’s codpiece. Congrats on getting the job, keep it fresh, and don’t let the guys at 343 tie you down!

    • bs angel says:

      Thank you etha7, not only for your kind words, but also for visiting this place for the last few months. One of my main goals with this website has always been to take something, no matter what it is, and make it fun to read about. The fact that I succeeded in that way with you just makes my day.

      I should also thank you for your tips. You’ve been supplying my content for pretty much this entire week! :)

  129. a rascal cat says:

    Ha, I know I’ve posted at least 5 times already, but I wrote a ‘goodbye journal entry’ for you.

    Sanders, and some others also said goodbye here.

    It’s the first one. =)


  130. Peaceta1ker says:

    I can truly say I am going to miss you, I have only been here for nearly 10 months, but during that time I have enjoyed your work. I am really going to miss it, I hope you have some Pimp ass party’s and some amazing fun. I on the other hand shall fire my Virtual sniper rifle in your honor!


    There I did it, farewell HawtyMcbloggy!

  131. WolfKing4 says:

    it was nice reading on what you had to share. Good Luck in the future. ^_^

  132. TwitchingAWOL says:

    I find myself regretting that I have only just been introduced to the wonders of halo in recent monthes, and just as dissapointed that such an amazing site that contributed to my good spirits since I stumbled across it is to be no more. It would have been awesome to have found myself in matchmaking with the infamous angel and be caught in an epic betrayal war(or atleast that’s how it goes down in my head), but Reach will bring just as much possiblilty of that happening. Congratulations, and thanks for all the bewbs and such.

    • bs angel says:

      There is no time like the present to discover the joy of Halo. You’re coming in with a fabulous game, that’s for sure! I’ll be on the virtual battlefield plenty, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that our paths intersect at some point. And hopefully my plasma grenades will behave themselves!

  133. CapturetheBomb says:

    This is so freaky… I had dream that Hawty McBloggy would end soon last night, but not this soon. I am truly happy for you and I hope that you have a lot of fun working formally with the Halo community.

    P.S. Be sure to save your Halo Pr0n before you close shop.

  134. Spartan billion says:

    Thanks for all the laughs over the years….and the pron. Looking forward to you work at 343… even if it is censored… :)

  135. Personsen says:

    1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:
    2. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! :D Will you be signing autographs at the EMP?! :D :D

  136. Xy Monster says:

    We will miss you very dearly Angle. Hawty McBloggy will always hold a very dear place in my corrupted heart. SO, so long, fear well, and live long and prosper.

    P.S. CODPIECE! :)

  137. MGH1138 says:

    You’re not even gone and I already miss you. :(

    I feel like that episode of South Park where Stan is standing outside of Wendy’s house with a boom box. ;o)

    Okay, joking aside, congrats–you’re probably done the best job of marketing Halo anyway–they might as pay you for it!

  138. etha7 says:

    216 comments and not one negative sentence in sight. Damn straight

  139. porge says:

    Hopefully I’ll have time to find another place I can find crude innuendos. Wait… this is the internet. Either way, it won’t be the same

  140. Ryan M says:

    things can only get better i guess! :D

  141. StephaBon says:

    Congratulations! Now I have to find a new website to bookmark! (eventually). Thanks for teh lulz!!

  142. thatcaptain says:

    The future of the Halo community management just got a whole lot lewder, and I can’t say that I object to that.

    In all seriousness, though, I don’t think I can thank you enough times for everything you’ve done for the community. I’m on what is technically my fifth year of Xbox Live, and it still absolutely boggles people that the player on the other end is indeed the owner of ladybreasts and female genitalia. Too often I find myself wrongfully lumped in to one of two categories: either I’m an attention whore playing just to win the affection of sweaty neckbeards, or I’m an incompetent girlfriend who’s struggling to keep pace with their significant other in-game.

    Untrue as it is, I’ve experienced far more matches with ladies from the first two categories than any other. I’m fairly certain that reading Hawty McBloggy saved at least some of my sanity. Whenever I was hours into a game of TF2 in which my team went completely slack-jawed over our incompetent Medic just because she was a lady (whose daddy never loved her, apparently), I could look at your blog and remind myself that there are indeed lady gamers who appreciate playing games (badly) just as much as I do.

    What I mean to say is that I’ve got the maturity of an eleven year old boy, and I thoroughly appreciate the dick jokes you’ve provided us all with these past few years. <3

  143. Babbott says:

    Thank you so much! I always loved coming to the website on Fridays to look at the weekly caption, and when I saw you picked mine, I was -blam-ing surprised.

    I even remember getting into a random matchmaking game with you. Thank you so much for all of your Halo-based and video game parodies, weekly captions, and for everything. Good luck at 343 Industries!

  144. Mace Windex says:

    WTF man, that is awesome news! I’ll be sad to see HMcB close it’s e-doors, but I’m far happier to see you land what sounds like a dream job. Congratulations! Do they have orange juice at 343 Industries?

  145. bsangel, it is truly a shame to read this news. HMB has been my main source for video game related lulz and (occasionally) news for over two years now. And while a job with 343 may mean no more Halo pr0n, I look forward to whatever you will bring to Halo, and whatever written word you may publish when you should really be working. It has been a great pleasure, it truly has.


  146. vashkey says:

    Congrats. A dream job any Halo fan would envy.

  147. little tired now, will send an email in the morning :)

  148. SpaceGhost2K says:

    I am going to leave a simple “congratulations” here, and go write you a novel length email.

    Check your box. No, the other one.

  149. SoFickle says:

    :( mixed with :D = :(D
    Its a dude with a moustache!

    Love you Hawty

  150. Morlok8k says:

    wow… I’m glad to see you got an awesome job. I’m sad to hear the site is closing though… I guess i should have commented more! I’ve been following you for years – not quite from the start, but soon afterwards and only commented 3 maybe 4 times – not including this one! HEY NOW…. i have an idea! Keep HMB for the innoproprate stuff and and the cleaner content on the official site… Its hard to imagine that your contract can limit what you do on your off hours… But I guess its a price to pay for mixing your personal life with your professional one! (The pros do outweigh the cons though, so you cant complain too much.)

  151. chwbcc says:

    Congrats on the job!!!!!! But you suck!

    Who am I going to twitter stalk for my random off the wall and totally inappropiate content pertaining to Halo Universe?

    I hope some one else will pick up the torch and carry on where you left off!

    Best of luck! and pick my caption for the caption contest!

  152. angel, you have been such a great friend since we met. i am sad for the change but happy that you’re moving on to bigger things. i want nothing more than the best for you and hope you are more happy doing the new job.

    i’d like to say your blog has been an inspiration and has changed my life and now i’m a superhero. but all i can really say is that it had me laugh and tired from lack of sleep. but it also spurred a great community. a community that will never die, as long as there’s covenant bastards (and 8-year-olds) to kill.

    i still expect to be there when we veto territories for land grab, reach style. =P

    oh and she has her card on top of her dresser next to her bed. i see it all the time and think of you! <3


  153. Ben says:

    Hooray for getting a word in edge-ways :D

    Your blog alongside is the single most fantasmical thing on the whole wide interweb :D You’re contribution to the community is priceless and I can’t wait to see what you get up to in the future :)

    Keep them folk at 343 honest, don’t let them rough up our baby [that being Halo ;D]

    Wherever you continue to post blogs or inappropriate Halo screenshots, I’ll be there to ensure my unquenchable thirst for Halo and lol moments gets its fill :D

  154. BUfels says:

    Good for you.

  155. Necromantici says:

    Thanx for the Hawtness you delivered to matchmaking. We all loved Halo but You completed the circle with your Hot Spartan Pr0n. And made us admire ODSteve.

    Best of lucks and hope to see You on the other side of the reticule…

  156. Pete Cooper says:

    Mucho congratulations! You gave me my first interview, were gracious in our every meeting, and never stuck me. For that you have my eternal thanks.

  157. BS Mother says:

    Congratulations! Your dedication and passion for gaming has been there from the very start. This opportunity came about from all of your effort and is so well deserved. What a joy see your dreams come true! It will be wonderful to have you in our part of the world!

  158. ZeroGFrame says:

    Well, congrats! This is quite cool, moving up in the world!

    Now, forgive me for being stupid, but what exactly is 343 having you do? You’re in the “community” department, so are you just continuing to blog in an official capacity?

    (Please forgive the stupid question, especially if you already answered it, but this threat has so many comments I just can’t wade through them all now!)

  159. ReiterYIII says:


    I loved the site since I first found it. From meeting you in the FLAG tourney last year (and making that cool video about you falling) to submitting pics for your different articles it has been a blast!

    Good luck we will all miss you but look forward to whatever you can toss at us in the future from 343!

  160. Hey angel ,just wanted to join the chorus of folks congratulating you on this BIG news!

    Very well deserved!



  161. Dekar2401 says: This seems apropos, also, congratulations.

  162. TJ says:

    I usually feel weird about typing these sorts of things, but with the knowledge that you will almost definitely not see this(266 comments at time of writing), here goes.

    You’ve earned it. Everything you have ever done for the Halo community has been positive, and you have proven time and time again that you are a brilliant and competent woman. I can think of no better person for the position you are going to take, and I honestly mean that.

    I’ve always had an uneasy feeling about 343 industries, and especially their connection to the community. When I finished reading this article, all those worries evaporated and in their place was excitement. Excitement to see what you will have to offer, and I know it will be great.

    I’m greatly looking forward to the future, and though this blog will vanish, it was always you that made it good. What will come will definitely be just as fantastic if not far greater than what Hawty McBloggy has delivered in the past.

    Good luck, Angel.

  163. Kfbb says:

    Hey, just had to say that being Hawty McBloggy’s Dad is infinitely better than being the President’s Dad!

  164. Liam says:

    I’ve only been here for a couple of months at the best but it’s been fantastic. The caption contest was always enjoyable, you introduced me to Zero Punctuation and the random stuff that you show us always makes me happy. Anyways, congrats on the job ( of which I’m very jealous of) and hope it all go’s well. for you. =)

    P.S Will HMB still be on the interntz for us to see, albeit with no new posts or is it going to be gone forever?

  165. LogicalHuman says:

    I’ve been here for a year, but I’ve had a great time here. Your website always got me into a good mood when ever I was down, but like all things, what comes up must come down.

    It’s sad it’s going, but it was a nice run. Surely I’ll miss it. Thanks for your time!

    Also, what exactly are you doing for 343?

  166. ZZoMBiE13 says:

    Wow. What a great opportunity for you Angel. I’m so happy for you. You’ve always been extremely kind to me and I can’t thank you enough for showing off my works over the years. It always made me smile when something I made ended up here on your site.

    I’ll see you on Live still, right? You’re not going to start kicking off your old friends from the list just cause your rubbing elbows with the top Halo brass, right? ;P

  167. Alex Monje says:

    Well, Im kinda sad and happy at the same time.

    Im sad that you are going to close this wonderful blog but Im happy because you are moving up the ladder. I’ve been trolling through this blog for 2 years now, and I love it.

    And I hope you still support the 405th :)
    we all love your blog and love that you post some of the awesome armor in there.

    If you keep talking about us, I promise you a pretty Noble Six helmet in the your mailbox ;)

    I will also add you on live, or you can add me, because

  168. Green117 says:

    Thanks you so much for everything you’ve done for me (featuring my Halo Flickr work), the Halo community and of course, world peace.
    You are one in a million Angel. Good luck with everything in the future xx

  169. Fata1Stryke says:

    I’ve only been around here for a few months, but I’ve loved every second of it. Thanks so much, and congrats. I wish you only the best at 343.

  170. a rascal cat says:

    Haha, stosh said that he should start a new website, and call it ‘Hawtymcstoshy.’



  171. Kensai says:

    We all wish you the best over here at the 405th! Hope to be working with you even more now! Thanks for all the great years together, here’s to many more to come.


  172. Veggie San says:

    Congratulations BS Angel…..its rare that anyone get a job that thay love and i can honestly say that you r very deserving to have one.

    Thats awsum. I have only been here a few months and its been so sweet to come on here everyday and see something new and fun to read/look at.

    Enjoy 343 and say helo to chief for me :D

    P,S Thanx for Hawty Mcbloggy……i love it :,)

  173. Woah. Wow. This was like the first real ‘fan’ blog of any game I ever found… sad face for me but happy face for BS Angel’s new career!

  174. Kazuya_UK says:

    You don’t know me really although we have spoken a couple of times briefly via email… it’s really sad to see the site closing, but you absolutely 100% deserve your new job, and I’d just like to say a MAAAA-HUUUUU–SSIVE thank you for all the entertainment you’ve given us all over the past few years. I hope everything goes well for you! :D


  175. VoltRabbit says:

    I don’t know what to do …so many complicated emotions. I’m so very happy to know my favorite lady gamer has found a place with 343, but please understand how much I’m going to miss HawtyMcbloggy. Nearly every visit made my day, really. This URL will never die in my heart. I will never forget the day you launched the site, I saw your post in Mid-World, and I clicked the link.

    “Innocence dies here”

    I was home.

    Those words made me laugh and I will never forget what you’ve created there-after.

    I’ll see you online sometime.

    VoltRabbit signing off.

  176. PikminGod says:

    Congratulations! You will be missed…

  177. Tactful says:

    Good luck and godspeed Hawty, I had a feeling this was going to happen after I saw your posts/articles on Halo waypoint. As soon as I saw this post title I knew it.

    Your caption competition kept me entertained for quite some time. There was a period where I would submit at least 5 captions per week back when I was in school. Of recent things picked in the real world for me, and I found myself browsing blogs like this less and less. I did pop back in occasionally though to see how things were developing.

    Good luck Ms Bloggy, I truly hope 343 produces successful excursions into the expanded halo universe even without the all-knowing omnipresence of Bungie.

    Today is the day I finally hang up my Caption skills, and retire.

  178. noobzor says:

    Have fun and good luck!

  179. parktatkrap says:

    i can not even imagine…my life…without you and this site….and you XD
    man…boom another chunk of my life…gone…i will miss you, this site, the people and comments, this site, and mostly you XD
    *insert witty comment here*
    good thing you got a job at 242….343…w/e…you’ll still be awesomesaucer than them….i hope to face you in matchmakking…sooner or later….and er, i believe im the king and owner of the sticky’s, i will ROCK YOUR SOCKS (off?) with my skillz…i wish i had an easy button for my video games….

  180. Y2Ken says:

    Many congratulations, as everyone else has said you definitely deserve it. Have a great time, and the very best of luck!


  181. Glasses Guy says:

    Wow long list. I hope someone reads this. I want to know if Hawty McBloggy will continue somehow. Not the site itself, but if bsAngel will still be posting her antics but on a 343 Industries approved site.

  182. Chris Haldor says:

    “Now get back in the kitchen and make our dinner!” :-)

  183. Surly 1 says:

    Wow. Good for you, your Hawtness. Best of luck with Frankie et al @ 343. I’m just hoping you don’t fall into that same interweb wormhole and disappear for too long.

    (Sheds small tear)

    Surly 1

  184. obsidianchao says:

    … I think I’m gonna cry….

  185. Ken Raves says:

    I’m sure there are legal reasons, but I just can’t stand that this site AND Acendant Justice are now on a read/comment only basis.

    I hope your board stays up – one more year, m’I right, ma’am?

    I’m particularly envious, but glad. I have been pretty vocal in my….let’s say ‘distaste’ for Waypoint and 343 on a number of fronts, but, hopefully some real fans like you can set this up nice.

    Semper Fi, ma’am. God speed. Honk if you love shishka.

    • RDKirbyN says:

      I know. What the hell?

    • Glasses Guy says:

      Yeah, 343 was a nice idea and all but I hope they don’t destroy Halo. God knows Microsoft’s gonna milk it until it’s long dead. Hopefully Chief dosn’t end up like Mario… Anyways, I’m gonna keep sulking about 343 until they tell me what happened to Chief, and the poor saps on Onyx.

  186. reverse snipe says:

    whait hmb is shutting down!?!?!??! NOOO! I JUST DISCOVERED THIS SITE!

  187. JedixJarf says:


  188. Angel, I may not have ever been active on here or been a member, but I’ve been reading your posts for awhile. Your blog always made me feel good, and you have a unique sense of humor. You cleverly input that into most, if not all of your postings on here. Your constant jokes about Master Chief’s crotch always amused me and you’re a wonderful writer.

    I’m very disappointed to see you go, you will be missed by me. I regret not having the chance to post more often or even become active in this small albeit loyal community. You seemed like a really nice person and I hate missing the chance to talk to you. You’ll do a great job as a community manager in 343. You’ll always have a place in my mind, and you’re one of the greatest bloggers I’ve ever known. You’re not afraid to speak your opinion and you’re fearless. ;D Thanks for the experience.

    Best of luck to you and your journey.

    ~Barely Hidden

    P.S. What is green and interchangeable? My jacket, I know what you were thinking…

    Master Chief’s dic…tionary.

  189. Joshua says:

    Congrats and good luck! :)

  190. the blue shoe says:

    Congratulations, bitter sweet.

  191. krazygamer1011 says:


  192. Ben says:

    Im so happy for you! It couldnt have happened to a cooler person x

  193. N1njaStars says:


    Congrats on your new position. Though I’ve managed to peel my ass off my chair and away from halo over the years (Damn you Reach for sucking me back in!) I still must give thanks to you (and ballistic) for what I consider to be my first real game in Halo 2, Team swords on Beaver creek.
    Thank you for showing me the value of gaming with good people and for drawing me into TTL, where despite my fallout with them – I had some great times.

    It’s been 4 years but I remain consistent in that I will never let you live this down:

    Thanks for all the excellent games Angel, I am truly honored to have gamed with you.

    -Freddyfurious>TTL Ninja>TTL Furry> N1nja Stars

    • bs angel says:

      We had more good times than I can even begin to list. From the video you linked (one of the greatest Halo nights ever!) to dancing in the green room to our hardcore strategy discussions, I have many fond memories of times we shared. Thanks for that, and I can only hope our paths cross again one day.

  194. That Guy says:

    I guess the site is dead now. ):

    Hope you enjoy working for 343.

  195. Predator5791 says:

    UPDATE DAMN YOU! UPDATE!!! *cries*

  196. Das Kalk says:

    I miss this place :'(

  197. porge says:

    This is in my favorites bar at the top and out of habit I still click it every day…

  198. xLAS3RP01NT3Rx says:

    This thing has so many replies it lags my laptop -.-

    Even when the site’s down, I won’t take it off of my favorites.
    Right between and Facebook is where HMB will be for a good long time.

    You should turn on the snow again… As a swan song of sorts.

    Man, I’ll never forget this place.

  199. Sgtpierceface says:



  200. xLAS3RP01NT3Rx says:

    I can’t stop stopping by.

    Anyone with me?

  201. Glasses Guy says:

    Hm. It seems as if the place is deserted. Well.

  202. Steven says:

    Although I may not have been with Hawty McBloggy from the beginning, I remember my “re-working” of Party in the USA (Escapin from the A-R-K) was on here, and for that, I feel a special connection to this place. I am sad to see it go. :(

    • bs angel says:

      I’ll always remember that song. It was so catchy and well done!

      I’m honored to have been able to carry that for you. The special connection goes both ways. :)

  203. I’ll never take HMB off my toolbar! I defy you logic! Must… keep… visiting…

  204. Glasses Guy says:

    You know, with no webmaster this place is gonna get over run with spam bots.

  205. Spartan 120 says:

    You know, you could leave Waypoint and all their glorious, dirty, money and come back to us :D We still love you <3 We may not be able to offer you expensive gifts and jewelery, or all the halo related products a human being could need, but what we can offer you is unquestionable, unshakable love ^-^ <3

    • bs angel says:

      I would never turn down an offer of unquestionable, unshakable love! Do you deliver, by chance? ‘Cause I have a new url where you are always more than welcome… <3

      • Spartan 120 says:

        Well, even though I’m on the other side of the world, I’d deliver :D For a person as great as you, its worth the 16 hours in transit ^-^ I’m sure that there’d be quite a few people who’d be just as willing ^-^ I’m glad for you though. Just miss ya is all :3 <3 [I promised myself I wouldn't cry, now people'll think I'm a big softy :3]

      • Glasses Guy says:

        Wait, new URL? You must tell us! (Or at least me, I have no idea what’s happening.)

        • bs angel says:

          I write and produce content for Halo Waypoint now. Tons of blog stuff and other stuff as well. :)

        • RDKirbyN says:

          Yeah, but it just doesn’t have the same feel as this place. And I’m not sure if it’s just me, but the interface seems too clunky, and there’s practically no history of posts, unlike here, where you can visit the very first post.
          could be just me.

  206. I still check here every day. Just in case. >.>

  207. Spartan-D615 says:

    Hmm, and to think i came to this site because of your opinion on the Armor abilities in the Reach beta, seeing as that is when I first wandered here months ago, is there a Gamertag we can find you at? If so, I think I missed it, I’l add it as soon as I get a 360 XD Sadly I don’t have one yet, so I can’t play Reach, but hopefully for Christmas *crosses fingers*

  208. xLAS3RP01NT3Rx says:

    I just nostalgia’d.

  209. Billdebeast says:

    It’s lonely here. ;(

  210. ODST Alpha says:

    *tumbleweed rolls by*

    Geez this place is a…


    Ghost Town.


  211. Greysen says:

    BS Angel, as the moon this morning turned reddish pink I sorta remembered a small pink Xbox controller with “bloggy” written across it. This site gave me so many laughs. It will be missed <3

  212. Don A K Bab says:

    Good luck Angel. Nothing better than getting payed to do what you love.

    Now if only I can find a playmate who needs me to drink all the cider in the world while she sucks me off.

  213. Zwooosh says:

    Wow.. I like totally came back here to relive the old days… :S
    This site made me laugh so many times…
    I still wish Angels the best of luck @ halowaypoint, but that site will never even come close to HMB :(
    I miss the jokes, the comments and the community that came by every day to check this blog.
    It’s nice to see you check the comment section from time to time :)
    Checking HaloWaypoint just isn’t the same…
    That’s all halo (and all silverlight D:< )
    And although this will probably never happen, I still hope you will start posting here again someday :P

    I have to admit though… still got this site in my RSS-feed, wordpress subscriptions and my bookmark toolbar…
    Just in case :')

  214. Glasses Guy says:

    Last…. not as cool. :(

  215. Tree12324 says:

    I just watched the new map pack trailer… and I saw BS Angel!!! And Ling ling!! YAY!!!!

  216. ReinExInc says:

    Have I been living under a rock for the past year or what?! I leave, I come back and not only one, but TWO people have had their lives changed significantly in a very big HALO way! Congratulations Angel, I don’t think the 343i team could have picked a better candidate to head up their community department! It truly is great to see Halo’s biggest fan chosen to coordinate and communicate with it’s community. Your written word, organization skills, charm (couldn’t forget that!) and overall connections you’ve made over the passing years have made you perfect for the job. Oh, and since I only live about 45 min outta Boston I will be attending PAX East again this year and I see your on the roster, I’m totally looking forward to meeting you! xD

    P.s. on the subject of career milestones and achievements I’d like to take a quick second to congratulate John on his contract position, way to go Hal!

  217. NINJA Dusk2Dawn says:

    Semesterly check up on site…..:(

  218. We’re at PAXEAST 2011 and it’s awesome!

    Above you Angel! <3

  219. No one of importance says:

    Hm. Has it really been a year? Well… I’m not sure anyone still visits this sight, but…

    Last year, i followed this daily. You brought me joy, and introduced me to some of the fanatics in the world. I was happy that you got to move one from entertaining random people like me, but i was devastated that i had to move on. It’s like, finishing the last book of a long, long series, You feel accomplished that you finished, but your sad to see the characters and settings you grew to love come to an end. So, you immediately have to move on to a new book to fill the gap. Well, today I’m breaking that cardinal rule and lingering on the past, taking time to thank you for what you did so long ago. So, with no further ado,

    Thank you.

    • bs angel says:

      Your words are entirely too kind. I still miss this site (hence, while I continue to check on it!) but as you mentioned, sometimes you have to close the previous book to start a new one.

      The fact that you came back to post that means a lot to me. Thanks for that. <3

  220. Ben Of Bodom UK says:

    I refuse to remove HMB from my Firefox bookmarks bar, and still check here every few weeks or so, just in case… :'(

  221. Glasses Guy says:

    How long before the site goes down?

  222. Valentine says:

    OMG I haven’t been in your blog for a while and I see this post. I’m extremely happy for you angel! I’m proud to say I was one of the many people who have watched your site/blog grow into what it is now :) Congratulations on you new job (which I may say is a pretty awesome one indeed!) Best of luck to you and your career!!

    P.S. Remember the “I like playing video games with Mommy” shirt you gave my daughter? Guess what? Now there’s another little princess who will inherit that shirt! I’ve kept it and someday my daughters will be proud to show that off and say ‘bs angel gave me this shit!!!’ (yes… I said shit….not a typo)

    Thanks for everything and all the laughs in the blog that I proudly recommendeded to a lot of my friends (online and offline gaming friends) and so far they didn’t beat me up yet for doing so! Hah!

    Good luck and See you online again in Halo someday :)


  223. ODST Alpha says:

    Why am I back here again.

    I mean it’s not like this site will be active again.

  224. Das Kalk says:

    It’s nice to know we can still go visit the house we lived in as kids.

  225. L3377MA573R says:

    While I am really happy for bs’s (still somewhat newfound) success, I still miss this place. The combination of dirty jokes and witty community posts really made it shine as one of the best Halo communities around.

  226. voicedwalnut says:

    Well I should stop coming here but I can’t. I just love this place too much. I’m gonna miss it so much.

  227. xLAS3RP01NT3Rx says:

    Gosh, it’s been awhile.

  228. xLAS3RP01NT3Rx says:

    That Vidoc was epic nostalgia.

    Reminded me of HMB…

  229. Why do I find this site after the message about its closing its doors…. I’ve only known about this site for like 5 minutes and I can already say that it’s pretty awesome. Wish I had found out about it sooner, but I liked reading all of the articles that I have read, starting with the 3 mistakes girl gamers make, and moving back about 5 articles, then clicking home and finding this post, that made me sad :( …. Hope to still see more updates, and good luck to you Angel

  230. Triptup says:

    Hard to believe its been almost a year. BS has kept us busy, entertained, & halo-filled, but I admit I miss clicking on this bookmark every day. There is something about the name Hawty McBloggy that makes my scalp tingle and my eyes burn. of course that may be the Selson Blue, but I’m not splitting hairs. THANK YOU!!!! for all that you have done over the years for us Halo fans. we love you….

  231. WrinklyCat says:

    I guess that you get used to it, the world ending I mean. I still go here and it makes me sad to think that I cant come here and see what you have to say about things happening in the video game world. Your “witty” jokes, and the fact that you cared about us like we were your other family. I love you, and all the people like me who still have this bookmarked for a rainy day.

  232. d3adbabys3al says:

    I’m very glad to see that you have kept this…. monument to all your sins. lol I just spent an hour browsing all my favorite halo eats articles. See you in Halo 4!

    Love, Bobtehalien

    • SuicidalKanoka says:

      Agreed. Here is a relic more highly regarded than those of the Precursors.

      A toast: May the incipient trilogy provide as did the last.

  233. triptup says:

    I woke up this morning in a dream. Like the old faithful three year cycle of BUNGIE, Hawty released HwtyMcblgy Duh, with better graphics and on-line matchmaking (dating service with fraggability). Still miss this site but love what you do on HW. Keep carrying that Cod Piece with pride.

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