Unlock Vidmaster Challenge Achievements, Get Recon Armor

halo 3 screenshot

The always reliable halo.bungie.org just posted a tasty tidbit of enlightening information gleaned from the pages of the December 2008 issue of Game Informer. Nestled amid other assorted facts about Halo 3: Recon was, “Recon Armor will be earnable for all – complete the Vidmaster Challenge series of achievements and it’s yours.” Urk, the new face of the informal and entertaining Bungie Blog, was quick to reply with a simplistically appropriate “Believe“. Seven achievements total (four from Halo 3 and three from Halo 3: ODST) will be needed to unlock the highly coveted armor. Once the Vidmaster Challenge series of achievements has been successfully completed, your shiny new set of Recon armor will be accessible by officially flipping the switch on your Bungie.net service record (look for the ‘Road to Recon’ under your trophy shot). You will need a valid and linked Bungie.net account to complete the required steps.


vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: Annual – Halo 3
After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.

vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch – Halo 3
Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.

vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 – Halo 3
Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.

vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan – Halo 3
Find all the hidden skulls on the Mythic maps.

vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: Classic – Halo 3: ODST
Finish any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown.

vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: Déjà Vu – Halo 3: ODST
Complete Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no ‘Hog or Scorpion.

vidmaster achievement

Vidmaster Challenge: Endure – Halo 3: ODST
In Firefight, on any mission, pass the 4th Set on 4-player Heroic LIVE co-op.
halo 3: odst-related stories dropping and shocking

726 Responses to Unlock Vidmaster Challenge Achievements, Get Recon Armor

  1. Hmmmmm, interesting.

    Anyone want help getting any missing vidmasters?

  2. Jak says:

    Oh snap.
    Vidmaster time. Still need the lieutenant one.

  3. Jak says:


    “So, how many of the three Vidmaster Challenge achievements have you unlocked thus far?”

    Three? There’s three out, but there is more Vidmasters. Do you only need to get the three current ones?

  4. bs angel says:

    Aaahhh, are there more for the Mythic maps?

  5. There’s still the brainpan one, I think thats it.

  6. Just collect all the new skulls from the mythic maps.

  7. Tortacular says:

    Yep, skulls on Mythic maps is the last one.

    • No you have to get the newer maps from Halo 3 odst Theres like alot of maps…alot of maps alot of skuls

      • Teali0 says:

        No, theres only 3 New maps from ODST. The other vidmasters have been “leaked” (no one knows for sure yet if theyre real.) just search on youtube… “halo 3 odst achievements”

  8. Jak says:


    Man, Recon armor shoulders are gonna be the new Scout shoulders. Same goes for EVA Chest.

  9. Mondo Titan says:

    @Jak. i would think that you need them all. that includes the one from the new map pack. yup, there are 4 total. (see: http://live.xbox.com/en-CA/profile/Achievements/ViewAchievementDetails.aspx?tid=%09%5D%3a%15%18*iAr )

    as for me, i’m 1 for 4. i’ve only got Annual, the one with the Ghosts and the Iron Skull. it was actually kinda fun to get.

  10. Jak says:

    ive got 2, the annual and 7n7. Annual was fun to get, lol.

  11. Nik says:

    I’ve got the current three vidmasters (annual was epic IMO), so chances are I’ll be able to get recon easily. But, I play as an Elite. So, chances are, I won’t be using it. Arby armor please, bungie!

    • brmonkey says:

      i agree their should be arbiter armor

      • CJ says:

        Man, i’ve seen at least 20 forums on bungie about arbiter armour, and still no response from one’s that were at least from a year ago. So, unless you have a friend who’s in a bungie at a high place, then it might not happen.
        Also, will someone help me with annual? I’m InfernalMass and me and my friend need help.Plz help if possible. Thank you and peace out.

  12. Tortacular says:

    I’ve got 7 on 7 and Lightswitch. I may try to get Annual at some point… but I never really cared about the armor anyways. I’ll stick with ODST.

  13. D taktics says:

    I only need one more. Just gotta find those skulls when the new maps come out.

  14. Crunchbite says:

    yeah, i wore odst helmet and people actually thought i was wearing recon and it was just the other day that my friend told me that in the odst helm is an azn face and he was right!

  15. Rhamsey says:

    all i need is the Lieutenant one. but thats because all of the new achievements were so bloody easy (as well as the majority of the old ones) that i have taken a hiatus from the game while playing others, mostly fallout three, fable 2 (unfortunately), tales of vesp(whatever) and some random other games i haven’t beaten yet but am over 75% through, yet stopped because of my horrible ADD.
    oh, and papers, these are the weeks of papers

  16. the silver fox says:

    I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to get “Seven on Seven”. I get up to seven exp. in the 7 on 7 playlist, give the game time to register, then start up game # 8 and nothing ever happens. I think it might be a problem uploading to Bungie, because after the first one, the website said I was short a point compared to what I know I had earned.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  17. AusQB says:

    Ske7ch says there are more Vidmaster Achievements with Halo 3: Recon.

    In any case, I thought it would only go to the first seven people to complete the challenge, not everybody.

    I don’t think people want to see another “Project Hayabusa”.

    Doesn’t bother me though, there will be bigger and better things further down the road.

  18. A10M1C says:

    This is pretty rad. I mean i like recon and icould care less if everyone has it.

    Ha, Anyways who wants to help me get annual can you email me at mindless_distortion@yahoo.com?

  19. AT-AT says:

    The 3 current vidmasters are pathetically easy.

    Recon has been ultra rare, bordering elitist armor. If the 4th vidmaster is also easy, it would seem Bungie has finally changed its attitude about Recon.

    Finally, I can have the chance to wear those super cool shoulders and body (the head sucks. I cant imagine anything uglier to wear on your spartan’s head).

    • brmonkey says:

      i really need recon shoulders because nothing else suits my spartan.
      i have ODST helmet, katana body, scout left arm and mark VI right arm. my colours are steel primary red secondary and red detail. my emblem is runes and circle with white primary red secondary and white background.
      dont know why i just wrote that or how any of that has anything to do with the comment that im replying too but oh well.

  20. If anyone needs help with annual, just message my GT “CrazedOne1988”

  21. MasqueNoMercy says:


    My thoughts exactly

  22. halcylon says:

    I’d be kinda urked if that were true.

  23. Morphen Jar says:

    That would be really lame if everyone had it. There’s just have videos on Youtube about where the skulls are and all the noobs are just gonna “OMFG I have RECON”.

    I doesn’t look that great, but when everyone gets it, it’s not gonna be special anymore.

  24. Well there will probably be more vidmaster achievements in Halo 3:Recon, which may be harder to pull off than the current ones.

  25. Das Kalk says:

    I don’t actually agree with this decision. Recon was coveted by those who were so honored to receive it (grats Hal!) and now it will be as easy as playing a lot. Hopefully they will make new armor that can be bestowed.

  26. Tortacular says:

    I don’t really understand why people are upset. Bungie gave it to people they wanted to. They have decided to give it to everyone. Do people really need a digital cool badge that much?

  27. mopy09 says:

    From what I understand, you will have to get the vidmaster achievements in Halo 3: Recon as well in order to unlock it. Still, I feel kinda bad for those who earned it. This will probably become the next Hayabusa, but I’m still going to wear it. I like the way it looks.

  28. Everyone will wear recon for a few months, then it will die down like hayabusa did, and it will just be another armor.

    That’s when I’ll wear the head.

  29. The Oreo says:

    Well, if that isn’t a ploy to absolutely sell billions of Halo 3: Recons, I dont know what is. I predict absolutely everyone who has Halo 3 will get this now.

    Kinda cool, in a total “Ruin the amazement of Recon” way. I like the shoulders.

    • Matty0040 says:

      too right buddy

      it does seem like a conspiracy to sell more copies of halo 3 odst, a strategy to attack the more…obsessed halo 3 players

      and yes the shoulders are very cool

      and yes i replied to a comment made 3-4 months ago

  30. Bryan Ojeda says:

    I can imagine a match with everyone wearing recon, just like the Hyabusa period.
    I can’t wait to put on those shoulders!

  31. xkevlar says:

    This is pretty lame… Unless the Halo 3: Recon Vidmaster Achievements are nearly impossible, then yes, this is very lame.

  32. FTM says:

    I can already smell the basement-dwelling halofags creaming themselves over this. All that effort for some armor that ISN’T RARE ANYMORE? All I can say is wow.

  33. Pingback: Unlock Vidmaster Challenge Achievements, Get Recon Armor - Xbox 360 Forum

  34. Reneiw says:

    I think this is Bungie’s way of hinting at new armor!

    It makes sense…
    Why would some dude give out a shitload of free beer?
    Because he has much better beer in the trunk of his car!

    I hope I predict correctly….
    I want some new Elite armor (Heretic armor anyone?)

    BTW getting some S.P.I. Armor would be nice too….

  35. I really don’t see what everyone is getting so worked up about.

    It’s just virtual armor. If someone did something cool, and bungie gave them recon, good for them. Do you think DigitalPh33r would have quit had he not known that he wouldn’t get recon? Or that Predator would not have made those unique pics had he known he wouldn’t get recon for them?

    They and others did what they did because they love doing it. Bungie just liked their work and gave them recon to show appreciation. There are those who got it through contests and challenges, such as the Pax 2v2 against bungie or various photoshopping contests. one way or the other, eventually everyone would have recon, wither it be little at a time through contests and gifts, or all at once.

    (note: This is aimed more toward the bungie.net thread where everyone is panicking. I just didn’t want to re-write the entire thing, so I copied and pasted.)

  36. Mace Windex says:

    I called this a few weeks back in a bungie.net thread! Don’t forget that there is a Banned From Recon list. I assume those peeps are S.O.L.

  37. Crazyeye0 says:

    Agh! I need the luetenant achievement still! I havn’t been able to get on, and when I have, I get on Social Slayer, only to either have all of us stuck in the lobby with no game loading, somebody lag switches me because thier *Censoredness*, or I disconnect, even though I’m on the best signal I can get >_>

  38. p0gothemonkey says:

    My Friend has recon, because he works for rare and bungie asked for some viva pinata goodies from him. Even though its really cool he has the privilege of recon, he finds it annoying because everyone just teabags him and gives him more abuse. not to mention the wall of questions of how he got it. I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill. They should just chill and do something productive for themselves if they want it so bad. We still die all the same, no matter what armour we are wearing. But then, it is fun to lead all those hyperactive kids on with stories of how to get it…” yeah you play a game with you’re controller upside down, with the contrast set to the highest setting….” fun times! Nice blog by the way. It keeps me sane at work.

  39. Socket says:

    Cna somebody help me here? I can’t seem to get 7 on 7. I leveled up to a 6, and then entered into a playlist. I played until I had a 7 and then entered again…I never go it…

    It’s making me really sad.

  40. p0gothemonkey says:

    Sounds really stupid, but did you do it on the 7th?

  41. SPARTAN G110 says:

    i have all current achievements for halo 3 whoop!

    and its pretty cool and all to get recon but EVERYONE will wear it!
    other than that RECON IS SHIT HOT

    GUUUUUUD Blog btw

  42. pumraWr says:

    if anyone wants to do the annual achievement with me hit me up on xbl… my gamertag is pumraWr

  43. SPARTAN G110 says:

    oh also someone (don’t know if their lying) but there is new armor

  44. AT-AT says:

    “I can imagine a match with everyone wearing recon, just like the Hyabusa period.”

    Those won’t be my matches. Not if my Elite has anything to say about it. And, as I stated in the other article, I definitely won’t be wearing the head, so you may not even notice my occasional spartan having recon armor.

  45. John Killer118 says:


    Seriously though, the three Halo 3: Recon Vidmaster achievements better be harder than shit if the prize is actually this. Something that only dedicated Halo fans would actually do.
    I know.

    Vidmaster Challange: Perfect!: Play 15 games with perfection medals in all of them in one day. Die once and you are banned from unlocking the achievement forever and ever. Loser.

    P.S. Currently (until the bitch above this P.S. message is unleashed) Annual is the hardest achievement ever! Because my dick ass friends never want to play Co-op with me, and I can’t play with other people because they always die and quit right in the middle of the game!

  46. Krishan K says:


    It’s cool that we can get recon armor, but i feel bad for people like Digital Ph33r and Predator5791 for doing some really cool things and getting it. Maybe bungie will award them with some new armour and then everyone will be happy :)

    • DethPwn says:

      They won’t be happy. If gamers are anything, they’re jealous by nature. (For the most part, at least.) If a new armor comes out, there will at first be excitement. Then, the flood. Messages will pour into b.net like a hailstorm. ‘Why did RoosterTeeth get AwesomeCon and not me? I got killed by a cone and my k/d ratio is fleeble flabble a-a-and…’ After the select handful of elite machinimators and MLG gods get their time in the latest perm, the hate mail will rain down until Bungie takes the only way out.

  47. lazyboyofpa says:

    hey if any1 wants to do annual send me a message dont request friend i might be full i gotta got threw it gt:lazyboyofpa

  48. david says:

    how would i be able to get the annual if i didnt to it on 09/25/08?

  49. it’s any time after 9/25/08

  50. GoldSparta says:

    “I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to get “Seven on Seven”. I get up to seven exp. in the 7 on 7 playlist, give the game time to register, then start up game # 8 and nothing ever happens. I think it might be a problem uploading to Bungie, because after the first one, the website said I was short a point compared to what I know I had earned.

    Any help would be much appreciated.”

    You have to get to 7experience on the seventh of the month, not before it.

  51. coldestgummi says:

    Anybody who go’s through all that trouble to get recon armor are Really losers. Who would go through all dat trouble to get armor that’s not rare anymore and everybody’s gonna have………??? What’s the point……… ??? U might as well keep playing wit the armor u got on now , if that’s the case !!! recon armor aiant that serious !!! People can put on as much recon armor as they want ………..ur still gonna die like a regular person !!! Lol lol

  52. T Moneyzz says:

    I have 2 complaints: first of all, how can the achievements in Halo 3 Recon affect your gameplay in an entirely different game and CD? Halo 3 is its own game, so how could a different game’s achievements help you in it? And second, doesn’t anyone think it’s time for an Elite version of Recon? Such as, maybe, the Honor Guard from Halo 2? If you have any questios my gamertag is T Moneyzz

  53. halogeek says:

    well the new CD thats coming out should not really i think happen at all like one of us said we will get noobs gloating “ive got recon im a bungie member look at me ill give you recon loosers” but even with the same concept you all know 4 out of every 2billion noobs will or wont get the cd because either it might be bought out because of sales because everyone will want it or we just might not want to spend the extra 40-60 bucks for a challange to get what we might or might not get. but there will still be them in our gaming world the come and go!!!

    also when the release comes out this cd will be said to give u recon after you complete the challanges.but thats a way away due to the game informer magazine all i can say.

    this is a dedicated halo player that quit for a bit comin back, :) and will be back in 6 days to own. hope to meet you on the battlefield.

  54. halogeek says:

    sorry calulations arnt correct but just anyway i ment 1-2million

  55. jakester0001 says:

    they should make a special elite helmet it is always spartan spartan spartan!!!

    • David says:

      Thank you! I love the elite armor but there isn’t enough! The commando helmet is cool but there needs to be some fresh faces.

  56. jakester0001 says:

    id be really pissed if it wasnt recon and it was just some secret achievment

  57. Sgt. Johnson says:

    This is Sgt Johnson I am requesting backup at my location I am broadcasting on all radio frequencys I will be at the bridge at dawn when sun is highest in the sky I will provide food water and protection

    Sgt Johnson out.


  58. War Hawk II7 says:

    Wait, then every body gets Recon armor so then what is the point in that. i mean the vidmaster achievements are really easy to gain and once “Halo ODST” comes out every one will have the armor in a matter of hours?

  59. War Hawk II7 says:

    oh and by about a month of every one wearing recon will probobly get tired of it and go back to the origional armors.

    • supertacos55 says:

      did that happen NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO its been a year and my friends have had halo since 07 and they still dont have recon and its 2010 there is only one person in match making with recon and thats probably just me

  60. Das Kalk says:

    there is going to be more vidmaster achievements in ODST though, so it won’t be easy…

  61. Some n00b with a gun says:

    The way I see it, Recon will become the replacement for wearing the Security helm with the Katana body and Scout pads. Not everyone will wear full Recon, but some will. Actually, a lot of people will probably wear full at first (myself included) because, well, just because. But after a while they’ll change it all and stuff. Then, when you see a full recon nub, you can smile as you kill him and teabag him.

  62. armyofcake says:

    for my irongravemind account i have the 59 achivments but it tuffed up saw i got one called armyofcake the vidmaster achivments i got for that are annual and lightswitch just have to for the 7 of febuary to get 7 on 7 then i have got all 3 again there main achivments im going for anyway

  63. Kaizen410 says:

    you people realize that there will be an extra three coming out with H3-ODST, so… yeah!

  64. jose says:

    ok for now there are only 4 but they are going to release 2 or three more i cant remember how many bungie said at the confrence but there will be more

  65. AIM DRIV3R says:

    you are all also forgetting that you need to find all 6 skulls in the 6 new mythic maps but only 3 are being released now. There is no date set for the remaining 3 and probably wont be before H3 ODST comes out so it will be after the release.

  66. Deadlock says:

    It won’t be a free ride, more vidmssters = more weird and wonderful challenges.

  67. rofl says:

    Once people start earning the recon armor, the armor will start to get really gay because everyone in the fricken world is going to wear it all the time bragging about it when it really isn’t that big of a deal that they did the gay vidmaster challenges which of course have nothing to do with halo 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Teo r says:

    Ihave ’em all :D

  69. DethPwn says:


    I remember a couple weeks or so ago I made a post in the forums about whether or not we deserved Recon. Frankly, I stand by my decision that we most certainly do not deserve it. While it will shut up the pesky little forum-dwelling buttholes, It makes it that much less special. I’m calling it right here and now, Recon will be the new Hayabusa. I called it.

  70. Krontos777 says:

    Does anyone know what the vidmaster challenges in halo 3 odst are going to be? What if they are hard like Annual?(did that one :D)

  71. xTedstax says:

    I have 2 of the four, and the others i can’t do, but need someone help with the 4-player legendary co-op?

  72. Mokibob says:

    for the one with 7EXP on the 7th month, if you go past 7EXP then you cant get recon… right?

  73. EnvY says:

    you cant get the mythic skulls achievement yet, all the maps haven’t come out yet.

  74. Ricky says:

    Hey I’ve done the lieutenant challenge :) but I need help with the co-op Legendary one Gamertag: TimelessCub

  75. Whizzer Hawk says:

    I need this achievement, help would be appreciated.

    GT: Whizzer Hawk

  76. fartmoore says:

    Got all Vidmaster Challenge!!!

  77. Paradox says:

    hey there are more vidmaster challenges than those 4 right there, there are also vidmaster challenges for the new halo 3 ODST game thats going to come out this fall. so dont get too exited about recon just yet =]

  78. G$ says:

    Recon Armor = The new Hayabusa

    I’m still going to sport my armor.

  79. AmsterdamMan420 says:

    hey i am getting people together to completing the level on ghosts, so add me if you wanna do it.
    my GT is AmsterdamMan420

  80. damienmcturnan says:

    hey…need help with the ghosts!!

  81. xibimmerix says:

    hey i found all three skulls on mythic but it didnt unlock the vid master achievement, any suggestions?

    • Jonfosta says:

      You have to wait until the 3 other vidmaster achievements come out when ODST does…
      7 vidmasters… Bungies favorite number

  82. true fuschnick says:

    hey anyone wanna help me with the 4 co op vidmaster achievement? send me a message my gt: true fuschnick

  83. WSimpson says:

    I have all of them so far just need the mythic skull 1 add my gt if u want WSimpson

  84. Trevor says:

    I need help getting the last three all I have is the Lieutenant one, my tag is “TSUT Rules”. Any help would be appreciated.

  85. Jonfosta says:

    I think its great that theyre giving the armor of everyone
    now all those people who are like “OMFG i have recon” we can just say ya who cares everyone does it makes us all equal in a sense

  86. philip says:

    hello may somehelp get the vidmaster acahiement plz

  87. An Admin says:

    I love to see people still looking for how to get Recon :)

    You won’t be able to get it unless you buy ODST when it comes out.

    Sorry guys!

    Gamertag: An Admin

  88. its taking forever to get recon!!!!

  89. how much longer will it take to get it i have scout head but no other scouts so i look wierd!!!!there has to be 1 way to get mythic without wasting microsoft points!!!!

  90. homesgnomes says:

    hey, if anyone out there wants to get together and do the vidmaster and other achievements send me a message or FR. i’m more than happy to help. my gamertag is Homesgnomes

  91. I tested this by modding my achievements on my offline account (No Im not a noob who wanted a boosted gamerscore I was testing and the account isn’t even a used account or a Live account). I unlocked all of them achievements and it didn’t unlock Recon.

    • Alex C says:

      To everyone who doesnt know this yet, the achievements that are currently out are not all of the achievements you need to get. 3 more will be coming out when Halo: ODST is released.

  92. Jerkywizz says:

    I need 3 players to help me with the achieve, if anyones up for it add JerkyWizz, cant find anyone lol :p

  93. kai says:

    u can get recon by playin halo:odst

  94. KAPS LOCK says:

    I need help with the campaign i almost did it but i need some help

  95. sc1l3ntone says:

    sc1l3ntone is my gamertag need help on 4 player achievement

  96. jon says:

    well i will need help on the annual one..my gamer tag is wite stick

  97. Derick says:

    Ive gotten it already so i know how too do it but i help people my gamertag is m5 k1lla76

  98. luiis ax 05 says:

    i need help w/ the legendary iron ghost vidmaster my gamertag is luiis a 05 pleeze message me

  99. AdrianRS says:

    I also need help on the 4 player achievement, can someone help???, my gamertag is AdrianRS, thnx

  100. luiis ax 05 says:

    may be im getting online on monday 29

  101. luiis ax 05 says:

    can someone give an advise on how to dont have lag

  102. Crooked72 says:

    haha wow i got all vidmasters awhile ago except annual and i just did that yesterday…..want me to prove it? my GT is Crooked72
    add me

  103. Erick Von Lippke says:

    I need some help with the mythic skulls. my gamertag is Slaya003.

  104. Jack says:

    I dont play matchmaking much and dont understand the 7 on 7 one if u can explain it better message me my gamertag is JACK1200

  105. RANDOL says:

    i need someone to help me to get annual my gamertag is RAND0L all caps and a zero instead of an o

  106. Aimman383 says:

    Hey how do you get the “Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month” achievement if you already have more than 7xp? Ive got way more than that so what do i do?

    • Earth Kin says:

      They always make a temporary playlist that has exp on the seventh of every month, Grifball, Juggernaut, etc. Just win seven or so times and Bleep Bloop for you! :D

  107. Kinji yakime says:

    Yes look me up my. User is kinji yakime. I can’t earn exp. Can’t figure out why

  108. robinhood says:

    they have a playlist called 7 on the 7th for those who have more than 7 exp in all the playlist. its on every 7th of the month :)

  109. CQBspecialist40 says:

    Is it true that if u get a ricochet snipe u will get recon?

    • Well not exactly… The person got recon for doing a funny / awsome suicide. So killing your enemy and your self with one shot one ricochet is considered funny. Do something like that, film it, then put it on your file share for two to three weeks. If you dont get recon by then that means bungie didnt think your film was funny or awsone.

  110. collin says:

    my screen name is TheUglyGorilla
    Really need help with the reunion one,add me, thnx

  111. REcon says:

    Ill help any one with the annual achievement send a message to FlameRazor and ill help ASAP

  112. Troy P says:

    Hey i need help on vidmaster and ill help anyone else too on it my gamer tag is


    mssg me n add me so we can do vidmaster and also if u complete vidmaster achievments do u automaticly get recon? mssg me answer on xbox live plzz

  113. Cool man says:

    ive got all the vidmaster achievements that you can get at the moment and they were pretty easy

  114. AllHopeRemains says:

    Anyone wants to do the Annual Challenge 4-p co-op Iron online Ghost thing, Ill be glad to do it with ya.

    Gamertag: AllHopeRemains

  115. Bas says:

    Play some games in matchmaking and invite everybody in your party and ask or they want to get the achievement i did it like that

  116. KU says:

    can someone help me with annual archivement my gamertag is CitywideSC999 you can add my as a friend

  117. Reese says:

    so you need 7 vidmaster achievements total to get recon?

  118. Reese says:

    Anyone need help doing Vismaster: Annual I’ll love to help you because I love campaign and I already have the Vidmaster:Annual but I’d still love to help you get it.

    Gamertag: MIST8KE

  119. callum says:

    anyone want to help me do the achievment with ghosts ? gamertag is iG MARKZMAN x

  120. T says:

    i need to get vidmaster annual.

    GT Mistr Mischief message if you want to get it with me

  121. xce says:

    i remember tryin to get the annual vidmaster and i hated just because if one person on the ghost fell to far behind you lost everything

  122. abdawg64 says:

    I could definiately use help with the “09/25/08” achievement.

  123. kim says:

    hey i need help with the annual one add me my gamertag is destroyerx71

  124. Justin says:

    Whoever want to get the Annual Achievement (After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.), please add me: Bluntmans, because I want that achievement too.

  125. nater tott says:

    i need to get the annual achievement add me if your interested nater tott

  126. AleYoYo says:

    I’m up for the 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op Iron and everyone in Ghost achievement!

  127. x3 KillerKid 3x says:

    ill help!
    mi name is x3 KillerKid 3x

  128. corey says:

    i’ll help out anyone that wants to get the annual achievement lol i did it and found it pretty fun so i’ll do it again no problem but its easier if u have a mic just to let u know gamertag is corey3012

  129. Sam says:

    Anyone want to help me & my friend with the Annual Challenge add samburger078 & leave a note why you’re adding me. Otherwise, I’ll think you’re a stalker & block you. I just finished school so I’m on mid-afternoons & late nights most days. Bring a friend who doesn’t suck if you can.

  130. Yo my names xXConeydogbenXx i just beat all the vidmaster challenges except the last 3 if anybody need help add me and join my clan thats all u have to do i dont die easy but i will need some good teammates

  131. Franklin says:

    I need help with the 4player co-op legendary on Halo with Iron, add me- please help ASAP!!!!!! lol My gamertag is FT3BEATME

  132. GingermAn13 says:

    Need help with the 4player legendary. Add my gamertag. Need someone who doesnt get bored and gives up :P GAMERTAG:: GingermAn13

  133. j says:

    Need 3 people to do the Annual achievement. GT: iJerome.

  134. Brandon says:

    hey i need help gamertag- Ruin Cross

  135. Trent says:

    Wow surprisingly the only vidmaster achievment ive gotten is the one that none of you people can get without help!

  136. ZAck says:

    I got all of em except the ones I gotta get when odst comes out and I think there 3 r 4 more on there so good luck..BTW the the vidmaster annual achiev is HARD!!!

  137. bill says:

    I need help to do all the vidmasters challenges. my gamer tag is Deathking853. thx

  138. Chris says:

    I need help getting the my last vidmaster on halo 3
    the one with four ghosts here’s my gAmertag if u r willing to help

    Artic Wolf112

    Plz n thnx

  139. Mike says:

    I don’t have the new maps yet, so i can’t get the mythic skulls. but i’ll get those when i get ODST
    but i have 2 people right now and we’re trying to get the annual challenge.
    Please someone help us, here’s my gamertag. try to hit me up on weekends.


    Please and thank you.

  140. Mikey says:

    I need some help with the Vidmaster: Annual Achivement. Lookin for 3 other people to do it with! My gamer tag is: Sunnymuffins777

  141. TheDude says:

    i need the vidmasters too! my GT is OMEGA JEFFERZ.

    and one question, so we dont need all of the other achievements but only the vidmasters right?

  142. silentassasin says:

    OK let me just point one thing out here. I myself am a huge halo fan(meaning halo is the only video game i play) and am an alright halo 3 player (commander grade 3) and i have very easily gotten all of the current Vidmaster achievements. Unless the Vidmaster achievments released with halo3 ODST are INSANELY difficult to unlock, every joe shmo and his little brother will be unlocking recon armour. IF everyone has the ability to easily unlock recon then be prepared to see another “Hyabusa” armor (meaning one that is very popular at first but then everyone unlocks it so it becomes a noob armor)

    For the sake of the halo community I hope players of my skill and below will find the new achievements almost impossible to unlock, (dare you call me crazy?)

  143. ac says:

    Anyone wanna do the annual achievement? Add me xAC91x with a message saying u wanna get it.

  144. psyclonesrage says:

    hey i need help too my gamer tag is psyclones rage ill be on on wensday please i really need help

  145. Dexter says:

    Anyone want to play firefight. None of my friends have ODST and I can’t find anyone to join me. If you would like to join me in a game of firefight, message me. GT: DexterM1122

  146. sirusocalypse says:

    add me. will be playing 9/24/09 2pm PST i will have 1 person split screening with me, so all i need is 2 others.

    gt: sirusocalypse

  147. Rapituss34 says:

    I need help if some one whant to help me add my gamertag it Rapituss34

  148. Stewpido says:

    Hey my Gt is Stewpido, looking for some people to help with the 4 man acheivements. Annual, Endure, and Deja Vu. Send me a message.

  149. Brandon says:

    I need the three 4 man achievements
    anyone wanna do it tonite? i got from like now to 12est

    (the second letter is a ZERO not an O)

  150. Steve9413 says:

    Index help on them I only have the 7 on 7 one I have tryed to get anule but my friends arnt good at it and I’m still working on the light switch one I can get the omes on odst other than firefight my gt is Steve9413

  151. Derek says:

    I am looking for a group to play halo 3 ODST for the vidmaster achievements
    Gamertag: SmokeProfff


  152. II TySoN FuZioN says:

    Hey if any1 needs any help with any achievement on halo 3 and halo 3 ODSt just Message me on xbox live my gamertag is: II TySoN FuZioN or email me On Devil_Man626@hotmail.com or SackyTacky@hotmail.com

  153. gordeee says:

    i u want to do endure add my gamertag = gordeee

  154. mcflem says:

    I love RECON!!! =]

  155. Daisy says:

    I need help getting the vidmaster on fireflight playing heroic
    and non of my friends have ODST

  156. meow says:

    need hel with the vidmaster challenges
    Send me a message on my gamertag Pein1227

  157. Trickkie says:

    Ill help people to get the vidmaster achievements radio logs and regular achievements just send me a message

    GT: Trickkie

  158. oldgum says:

    mines is OldGum i can help

  159. josh says:

    I got my Recon today. :)

  160. gordeee says:

    my gamertag is “gordeee” add me if u wana do endure

  161. CHRIS says:

    GAMER TAG= Ukrainian Boi

  162. Ezstreet4u says:

    I need help with most the vidmasters send me message gt Ezstreet4u

  163. Khamba says:

    i need help with the vidmaster endure

  164. ZeroTwitchy says:

    I got all of the vidmaster acivmnets and did not get recon armor

  165. dillybarsly says:

    i need help with de cha vu and strigise or the odst achivements excpet claccic that was easy gamer tag dillybarsly no capitales please i can help with all halo 3 achivment if you help me thanks

  166. flakmaster87 says:

    yeah, I need to run all 3 of the 4 player co-op challenges, I can’t seem to get any decent people coordinated to play. I have ODST till 11:30PM tonight (central time) so not much time to complete Deja vu or Endure. My gamertag is flakmaster87.

  167. griffy f baby says:

    i need 3 people to help wit deja’ vu if interested hit me up my gamertag is griffy f baby

    ill be up all night startin at 11pm est.

  168. XI H3LLFIR3 IX says:

    hey all i need is the firefight one if anyone is willing to help me out add me my gt is XI H3LLFIR3 IX

  169. Aimman383 says:

    Hey I am looking for a team to do Vidmasters preferably an Australian or New Zealand team so we dont get lag. Anyone interested add me Aimman383

  170. Tiones Is Fuego says:


    I definitely would like some assistance getting a few of these 4-Player achievements. If any of you would like to get them, or help me attain these then hit me up on my gamertag… Tiones Is Fuego. Thanks.

  171. MR quincyXX says:

    Need help on annual Deja vu and endure. Gt is MR quincyXX

  172. iigluez says:

    im down add me

  173. Vassili says:

    im VassiliZeitsev4 help wanted

  174. Shawn says:



  175. Revan says:

    I need help getting the vidmaster achievements, my gamer tag is raven72411. Send me a message as well to let me know if you can help me. Thanks you all very much!!!!

  176. Stan says:

    Guys, I have 3 out of the 7 Vidmasters (Brainpan, Classic, Lightswitch) and I need 4 more (Annual, Endure, Deja Vu, 7 On 7 [7 On 7 don’t matter, I’ll get it on October 7 lol) Can anyone help me out? I got a good connection like 99% of the time, I have school 8-3 then football practice usually 3-6 but after 6 I got till 11. Basically I can get an achievement a day. Anyone wanna help me out please? I have Myself and MAYBE a friend, but my friend has a much more packed scedule then me so I don’t know about him most of the time. So any help please? :)

  177. Monkey_lord says:

    Hey I could use some help with the vidmaster achievements. Currently got the brain pan one. Need help for the Annual, Deja Vu, Endure. Others I can do by myself. Also I have a sporadic college schedule so here it is:
    Monday: 8:00 am- 5:30 pm
    Tuesday: 8:00 am- 8:00 pm
    Wednesday: 8:00 am- 4:30 pm
    Thursday: 8:00 am- 8:00 pm
    Friday: 10:00 am- 11:00 pm
    My gamertag is yourleftkidney. Message me first so I know. Also send a in-game invite/friend request so I know.
    Probably ask others in the forum also.

  178. fjgdbf fb says:

    GREAT NEWS! my recon is shiny =P

  179. RMhalo says:

    hey i could use some help with all of the challeneges if anyone wouldnt mind

  180. RMhalo says:

    oh yeah my GT is lIlI OM lIlI thats lowercase L capital i lower case L capital i on both sides message and add me thanks if you can help

  181. SRGMJR says:

    im mostly looking for the legendary halo co-op, but i was also wondering if there was a way you could get rid of exp for 7 on 7? gt EarthbornSRG

  182. nathan says:

    please add gt: Crystl Army013 (013 are numbers for anyone not sure) I need people good enough to help get the endure vidmaster challenge. plz add or msg me about challenge.

  183. Pat says:

    Hey i need help with vidmaster challenge endure. I have tried it so many times and my team always dies, Friend me my gamertag SIMONSAYS OSU. Thanks hope to hear from you!

  184. x GaMeTiiMe says:

    Road to Recon!
    Error: We couldn’t verify the Endure achievement. Wait 24 hours for the game to appear on Bungie.net. Thats what it it says when i wanna get the recon even though i did the vid masters

  185. Equiten says:

    yo i need help with vidmaster deja vu and endure any one wanna help?? hook me up on xbox live GT: Equiten

    • a wild mexi says:

      i’ll help you out i still need to get those too. message my GT “a wild mexi” these 4 player live vids are hard :l

  186. Mayito snaipa says:

    hi, i need help with the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual, anybody who wants to help or needs the achievement too just send a msg, my gt: Mayito snaipa

  187. aaaayyyyron says:

    hey, all I have left are the 4 player ones. super awesome to have some peeps to help me out. add me MrCrossfield

  188. Andy says:

    I want recon, i need the three 4-player achievements! add me! iTz freNzy

  189. curtis says:

    how do i get 7 on 7 if i have 35xp

  190. curtis says:

    my gt is ambassa117

  191. CRAAZZYMIKE says:

    Can someone help me with Endure?

  192. player chief101 says:

    hey i need help with completing the 4 player one so add me if u can do the level and help me out my tag is player chief101

  193. Oliver says:

    if that’s mean im obliged to have halo 3 ODST?? to have the recon armor??

    Helpp me!

  194. iLoveLampXx says:

    Hey guys, i need help getting the Endure, Deja Vu and Annual.
    GT: iLoveLampXx
    right now i might need help getting Annual, i currently do not have ODST yet…

  195. rob says:

    hey my gamertag is x STANLAY x can anybody help me with annual or deja vu

  196. Noah says:

    I need all or any of the 4 player achievements. add me: Foxtrot Zek

  197. Ramintout says:

    If any of you are willing to help me with the Acheivements: Déjà Vu, Annual, and Endure. Thanks So Please Add me I’m Ramintout And thats my Gamer tag i will be on OCtober 10th to 12th and then im done for a while cause my live runs out so any help will be appresiated. Thanks!!!!

  198. Mayito snaipa says:

    hello now im looking for people to get the endure achievement and dejavu on halo 3 odst anyone who needs help too msg me
    my gt: Mayito snaipa

  199. jackhutch says:

    hey i need all the 4 player ones
    an im australian
    GT= jlHutch
    please add me, i want to do it realy soon

  200. Max says:

    add me for reciprocating help.

  201. Max says:

    Redact3r; add meee.

  202. chance says:

    I need help to add me: D3MON PIRATE85

  203. eric says:

    i help, gamertag is: ladiesman256

    thank you :)

  204. BULLZI319 says:

    neeed help with most vidmasters except 7 on 7 and the skull one also need help finishiong campaign on legendary

  205. BULLZI319 says:

    oh and my GT is BULLZI319

  206. need help with annual acheviment add me “harry_lockwood”

  207. IcyTreats says:

    help with ODST Vidmasters? middle eastern gamers plz. i know, random but. ok.

  208. Tctk1 says:

    I have alll the acheievements and i have no recon……….. how do i access my old halo service record online it says i havtn played halo odst or halo 3 online WTF

  209. Hi guys!
    I need to get the endure achievement, then i have recon!
    Plzz help mé! if yah wanna, i help ya with all the others..
    Add me to friend and sent me a message which country you from, and when you can join me,
    See ya, hope to hear form ya, Greetz

    DBM BloodStrike

  210. kev says:

    Blackrthanwhite, I need help with the “Dejavu” and “Endure”

    Help is very much appreciated :)

  211. angel says:




  212. heavensent2u says:

    add me if you need help!



  213. DrizzyDrake07 says:

    I need help with the achievements my Gamertag is DrizzyDrake07 thankyou!

  214. emperor adil says:

    i need all of them so if anyone needs some one i will help. my gt: emperor adil

  215. kumar says:

    add Kumarz Chronic if you need help with these

  216. Mohannad says:

    Hey, I need help with Vidmaster: Annual achievement, please message me (gamertag: Mohannad) if you need it or can help


  217. BEEFMAN LINCOLN says:

    Hey whats up, I need help with all the 4 player ones then im done.. please add me Beefman Lincoln

  218. spartanhunter85 says:

    hey i need help with firefight any 1 thats good plz add me and help my gamer tag is spartanhunter85

  219. BigNosedJew69 says:

    I would like some help getting Deja Vu and Endure

    My GT is BigNosedJew69

    Thanks for your help

  220. yo mamma 25 says:

    add me plzz ppl help with vidmasters on odst yo mamma 25

  221. dirtysanchezz says:

    Yo i need help with most of these :p
    my GT is aohernandez13 add me and send me a message if u wana help…

  222. spartanhunter85 says:

    need help with deja vu and endure add me my gt is spartanhunter85

  223. chris says:


  224. Pat says:

    i got all the acheivements. so if you need help add pdb323

  225. Chris says:

    Freez N 2 Pleez. I need lots of help on these. Pretty much just the four player ones. I think it’s stupid you have to do it with other people. Hard to round up a crew.

  226. Josh says:

    this is really annoy. im not really that fussed about vidmasters but i’ve reach luitenent and i havent got the achivement. which is annoying. i quess there not much anyone can do but if someone has an idea add me. Gamertag:OnlyJFRS

  227. Brandon says:

    Will be online Monday evening, the 26th of October gamertag brakito. Would love to get those 4 player achievements!

  228. eric says:

    anyone want to do the 4player ones now/soon?

  229. Tlaw says:

    Add me for all the 4 player ones. Tag: inlerElevate

  230. tazam says:

    hey dudes does someone knows how to make the vidmaster endure how to you make it???

  231. i i L L N E z says:

    whats up… i doubt anyone is going to get back to me but its worth a shot… if anyone else needs to get the achievments… let me know.. add me anytime… asap… because im working on it asap… thanks… GT is

    “ii L L N E z”

  232. The Oldsmobile says:

    Anyone wanting to help me get them for recon add me anytime gt: “The Oldsmobile”

  233. Brandon says:

    Still looking for people to get the 4 player achievements with. GT is “brakito” I’ll be on every night this week. Thanks!

  234. iisniper says:

    i need help getting endure my gt is iisnipercrazed i am a 40 in halo 3 i have 2 friends and i need a 4th if interested message me

    • forest fire 333 says:

      i will help anybody who needs Deja Vu or endure. My gamertag is Spunkee30 and I need people who are GOOD at Halo. ANd it woulf be helpful if you had a mike and I will be on practically everyday.

  235. Morpheus300 says:

    Need help with Endure and Deja Vu and also need help Finishing Kikowani Station and Coastal Highway (Coz I wants two recons, One to kindly donate to zZombie13 coz I suck so bad that I don’t deserve it…)

  236. All4Jill says:

    if anyone needs help just add all4jill i can help with vidmaster for halo but i dont have odst

  237. roo says:

    i need a anual team

  238. Lienx says:

    Anyone wants to do any of them with me hit me up. GT is Lienx

  239. stealingkidneys says:

    i need help doing the Vidmaster Challenge: Endure i need a whole team so add me on xbl if you can help my gt is StEaLiNgkIdNeYs

  240. Nightmare2993 says:

    Need Australian players ONLY for deja vu.
    GT: Nightmare2993

  241. simon says:

    Need help with the three vidmaster achievements that require 4 people. Gamer tag; NSG Peaceender

  242. Mr Pwnership says:

    I need help with annual, GT: Mr Pwnership

  243. melvin says:

    i just did the endour, guys…
    if u are rly going to do this, u need a plan
    our plan was
    1st off do the map alpha site, its the best one
    2nd off prepare for EXTREME boredom and possibble stress
    3rd off have plenty of time, we did the vidmaster in about 2.5 hours but u may have to restart, lose or somthing else
    4th off when u start, have 2 people take a hallway across from them, dont go into the middle until the wave is over ( we actuly made it to the 4th set 2nd round from the 1st set last round with 2 people and the others stay in a corner cus they had to go, this could work {less people, less deaths?})
    5th off at the last wave of evry round, go get the rocket launcher, its between the 2 hallways on a wall)
    6th off by the time famine skull is on, ull be needing to preserve ammo, alien weps are better for u
    7th dont use the smg…
    8th always get the needler, then the fuel rod, use the hammer only on brutes or larger, and nevr go into the middle with it
    9th stock up on stickies after evry bonus round
    10th dont fight with eachother if some one messes up
    11th watch where u jump, and when catch is on, stay back and headshot grunts
    thats all i can think of
    all i know is, im nevr playing firefight again!

  244. Norman Brackey says:

    I have unlocked all the vidmaster achievements, but I have not unlocked Recon Armor. What is wrong or what do i do?

  245. Gandroff says:

    Looking for a team for Annual, Endure, and Deja Vu. Send me a message or friend request if you are willing to help.

    GT: Gandroff

  246. Looking for 3 for annual, I’m on everynight around 8 est, and 9 times out of ten, if you message me, I’ll be ready to go. So, if somebody needs a forth, get with me.

    GT: xxxJL AUDIOxxx

  247. sean says:

    i got all the skulls but didnt get the achievement

  248. hey my gt is “mY sPo0Ns 2 BiG” – note: the sencond “o” is actually a zero.

    im looking for a group, i need 3 others or if someone else is lookign for a last man, i need endure, deja vu, and annual. please send a message or friend request if interested. im on all of the time in the morning until like 2 and then usually after like 11pm. or anytime mon/tue. im trying to get this recon!

  249. LoGaN says:

    Gamertag: KiIIerSmurfette

    (The two lines in “Killer” are cap “i”)

    I`m looking for help with all the Vid Masters, and I will put all my own effort into helping out the people that have helped me. I’m pretty good at Halo also, I`ve beat the game on Legendary, plus I’ve been playing Online for a long time now. I might not be a General or anything, but I sure as hell can keep up with them.

  250. Neko says:

    Me and my friend are doing this.

    Our GT’s are
    Me: NekoNoodle
    Friend: RookyEliteX

  251. volvagia07 says:

    HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP plz i need annual, endure and deja vu. it doesnt matter if u suck i need 3 people that can help me wit any of those and i will help them wit any achievement
    GT: volvagia07 =)

  252. JMasta97 TZA says:

    i need endure.add me.im JMasta97 TZA

  253. Banjo Legs says:

    Need people for Annual challenge. send me message if interested :)

  254. flukyben456 says:

    need annual, add me flukyben 456
    (with a space)

  255. flukyben456 says:

    alright me an xxxJL AUDIOxxx r teamin up for annual at 7-8 o clock TONIGHT if u wanna join in add me now

  256. A10dime96 says:

    I need help with all the odst vidmasters cause thats all i need for recon. If anyone wants to help they can add me and send me a message if you want to do it. GT A10dime96

  257. flukyben456 says:

    can u get online RIGHT NOW anyone cos i want to get annual (which is one of the old achievements)
    please add me flukyben 456
    i wil be able to help with de ja’ vu and endure and any others that require my assistance but annual is really buggin me as not many people can be arsed to make an effort or they quit halfway thru or my xbox overheats which is the most annoying thing in the world :@
    so if anyone needs help or just an extra person for vidmasters add me now an invite me when u need me, obviously explaining whats going on
    flukyben 456 (gamertag has space between flukyben and 456)

  258. flukyben 456 says:

    hey i need ONE more person to join my party, hopefully quite a good player but atm im not too picky,
    flukyben 456 add me with “vidmaster” as message an ill invite u
    soon as u can plz

  259. ProximateKnight says:

    Need help with the vidmaster challenge: Annual,Endure, & Dejavu. anybody need 1 more player? Send me an invite plzs. Thxs.


  260. fernyfarm says:

    I basically need help with all of the vidmaster challenges so please if you can help me let me know. Gamertag fernyfarm send me a message saying “vidmaster helper” thanks, Fernyfarm

  261. iamabombination says:

    i’m only 11 years old. please help me get recon armor. add me on xbox live at: iamabombination

  262. flukyben 456 says:

    Need only endure and annual
    add me
    flukyben 456

  263. Fragnotmyarse says:

    Lol, i joined a random group that inved me. And after 5 hours of long, hard, tedious, work. We finally got annual. I’d say that was the easiest of all lol. But Im pretty sure i have to wait till january 7th now, to get 7 on 7. I can get lightswitch…. And i need to buy mythic before i can get brainplatter or whatever it is. (getting all the skulls on the mythic maps.

    And ill have to rent ODST from my video store to get those. So if anyone wants to get lightswitch and on january 7, we can do 7 on 7… Or when i rent ODST, all of those…. Or when i buy mythic… that one.

    My gt is fragnotmyarse

  264. Waston131 says:

    I’m looking for help with ODST achievement if any body want to try my GT Waston131
    I’m on everynight

  265. TidierGuitar says:

    Hello I Need Help WIith Endure Deja Vu Or Annual Vidmaster My GT is TidierGuitar

  266. abws says:

    hello i need help with all the ones on halo3 odst plzzzzzzzzzzz help me
    my gt is abws

  267. fluke says:

    yea i havent got recon yet and i need help

  268. TidierGuitar says:

    my gt is tidierguitar I NEED HELP ANNUAL ENDURE DEJA VU

  269. TidierGuitar says:

    HELLO I NEED HELP WITH ENDURE AND DEJA VU NO NOOBS PLEASE AND YOU ROCK DEMON433 THANKS 4 ANNUAL MY GT IS TidierGuitar endure deja vu send me a friend request and wich 1 u want to help me

  270. princequent says:

    Can some one help me get the odst vidmasters and the anual vidmadster on halo 3 plz my gt is princequent

  271. adanseth says:

    i need help on the 4 player vidmaster challenges my gamertag is Kilrquadruplets send me a message ill be on tomorrow at 3-wutever

  272. TidierGuitar says:

    i need help with endre vidmaster all u need is a good conection and dont be a noob TEAM WORK AND DONT DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE gt TidierGuitar send me a msg

  273. princequent says:

    Vidmaster Challenge: Classic – Halo 3: ODST
    Finish any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown.

    how do u do it solo on live?????????????????????????????????????

    • adanseth says:

      go to the island where you first play as dutch in lost platoon and ride threw the whole lvl in a ghost remember to get new ghosts every chance and also health it will take a couple of tries but i think its the easiest vidmaster and feel free to splatter anyone

  274. adanseth says:


  275. blarg2556 says:

    i am willing to help any and all people with these just message me. my gamertag is blarg2556 i need all of them too and will do everything i can to help

    • StevenWoosey777 says:

      I need help I got all of the mythic skulls. I can do them all but 1. I need help on coastal highway on ODST. Can you help? My GT is StevenWoosey777. Thanks

  276. ACU Phoenix says:

    Im also looking for people to do the Vidmaster Achievements, and possibly some firefight stuff. Im being an achievement whore, and i just need people some stuff. my gt is ACU Phoenix IM Definatly not a noob, and i know how to do the vidmasters, just need the people. Feel free to add me and send me a message. Thanx alot guys and i look forward to pwn with you all!!!!

    ACU Phoenix

  277. sarge iz clutch says:

    Need people to do vidmaster achievements endure, deja vu and annual. my gt is sarge iz clutch

  278. Simmo117 says:

    heyy doesn any one wanna get the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual – Halo 3
    After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts.
    add me on live and we’ll own this acheivmentt =) my gamertags simmo117

  279. XPetrificationX says:

    haha i just got my 360 fixed and i just found out about this…I need some help for these challeneges can anyone add me? GT is XPetrificationX would really appreciate it..my friend thinks hes “god” at halo 3 and its rather annoying Lol u people know how kids get cocky as hell xD but i rlly want to b all “yo ho who has recon!” XD add me pl0x =3

  280. Mscottster says:

    hey can anyone help me with the vidmaster achievements my gamertag is XxMscottsterxX

  281. Kilrquadruplets says:

    For anyone that needs help with vidmaster challenge endure and deja vu i will help because i need them to

  282. Blooddragons says:

    Hey i need help with vidmaster achievments if any one could help i would like that i only have three left and 2 of the 3 are the hardest if any one could help that would be great my gamer tag is
    “Blooddragons” ty

    • Married Idiot says:

      I need help getting the vidmasters too. Just the one’s for firefight, annual, and deja vu. basically any that require online co-op. Hit me up please. I’m not a noob, and appreciate the help. GT is Married Idiot. And please help before my wife kicks me off…

    • Kilrquadruplets says:

      ill help you with endure and deja vu and nice gt and response married idiot no wonder your wife kicks you off

  283. TirelessThunder says:

    I need help with the co-op vidmaster achievements, Thanks in advance to any one who can help, my gamer tag is tireless thunder

  284. TirelessThunder says:

    Gamertag is TirelessThunder my mistake

  285. Kilrquadruplets says:

    I need help with vidmaster challenge: endure

    only join if you are an experienced player
    know the map: alpha site
    have halo 3: odst

    my gamertag is Kilrquadruplets message me or send me a friend request

  286. Kilrquadruplets says:

    i got recon! if anyone needs help getting brainpan or getting skulls in general or need a good person on their team to get easy exp just contact me and i promised a friend to do deja vu with him so if anyone needs it contact me and ill invite u when we do it which cud be anytime so… RECON


    and everyone who sees this change your emblem to a red heart and a white circle for every thousand people who do this bungie donates $100 to Haiti and the max donation is $77,000 lets (halo) reach it! if you dont believe me go to this website and also when you buy a “be a hero” T shirt the money that you gave to them to purchase the shirt goes to Haiti to


    and you can buy the shirt at


    Help Haiti, be a hero


    • Kilrquadruplets says:

      and i know that this site is for vidmaster helpers but if anyone wants to do any other achievements like the campaign scoring achievements or the firefight achievements ill do those with you

  287. NickRollUp says:

    Hey my GT is NickRollUp
    I need two other people to help me get the achievement on ODST
    Be great if you could do it today

  288. TurdNugget says:

    I need help on beating it on Legendary.

  289. Jesus says:

    Hey i need Help with Endure challenge my gamertag is jexuss

  290. BO8324 says:

    I’m so tired of trying to get the vidmasters none of my friends want to help my gamertag is BO8324 if you want me to help you with the vidmasters send me a friend request

  291. TidierGuitar says:

    my gt is TidierGuitar i need help with endure vidmaster

  292. xGrubby87 says:

    I need help with Recon.

    If anyone needs to complete the map Halo and all ODST challenges, then add my gamertag: xGrubby87

  293. redjoker94 says:

    needs to complete the map Halo and all ODST challenges. my gamertag is redjoker94

  294. SamsGotThePower says:

    Hey I need to do all vidmasters which needs 4 players because none of my friends have ODST and the campaign of halo 3. My GT is: SamsGotThePower. Help from anyone would be nice, anyone that needs help also message me. I’m mostly online all the time.

  295. Noeyedfish says:

    Hey, my GT is ‘no eyed fish’ add me i need to get those acheivements!

  296. JBWCHAMP says:

    anybody who can help me get Vidmaster achievments endure annual or de ja vu my gm is JBWCHAMP

  297. JBWCHAMP says:


  298. JBWCHAMP says:

    any body who still hasn’t got annual (like me) my gamer tag is JBWCHAMP me and my friend need 2 more people and no were not noobs

  299. BothEmperor says:

    i need annual and endure! anyone who needs these two add me! my gamertag is BothEmperor!

  300. Wardie28 says:

    I need help with Endure and DeJa Vu, European only (cause of lag), Mics req. GT wardie28.

  301. BothEmperor says:

    i will help you with endure and dejavu if u help me get endure and annual

  302. luke loy says:

    OK I need help geting endure,DeJa vu,and annual.I about get them all But some people are such babys and quit so if you need help geting these three Ill help you my gamer tag is eviltitan95

  303. TheSamI4m says:

    I need help getting the Deja Vu, Annual, and Endure…I currently don’t have the Halo 3 campaign disc so I gotta wait on that one, and I don’t have the mission for Deja Vu yet so I would need someone who does have it to just be the party leader.

  304. TheSamI4m says:

    GT is TheSamI4m (TheSam(i only capitalized)4m) not TheSam14m

  305. Jesus says:

    Hey still need endure can anyone help?

  306. OGR Assassin says:

    need help gamertage is OGR Assassin

  307. vZ riverside says:

    i need help with the endure achievement. looking for guys who are skill level 40 or above as i’m tired of going in with complete noobs who die 30 times. hit me up my gamertag is vZ riverside

    • Matt dude says:

      hey im not a 40, but only because i almost NEVER play matchmaking, but i am now and am a realy good sniper and even lookin’ for a MLG clan to take me in. So im awesome at halo but my age is different from wat u would expect… im 13 but NOT A NOOB! im just a calm dude who knows how to play halo, and I have a mike too. [just incase u were wondering] my gt is XMatt AsassianX I know its stupid and is spelled wrong but blame my little bro. He’s a noob. A BIG 1.

  308. TJ says:

    Hey i need help getting all of the 4 player achievements if anyone is willing to help out. My gamertag is TJ8111. Thanks

  309. TJ says:

    Endure, annual and deja vu are what i need help with.

  310. nemesis6520 says:

    hey yo anyone wanna help me get halo 3 odst vidmaster challenges
    my gt is nemesis6520

  311. Mike says:

    my gamertag is poiished if anyone needs help or wants to help me then just hit me up

  312. Steven says:

    Can one help me get some vidmaster achivement …. I will help i have 4 out of 7

  313. jack says:

    If I have more than 7 exp, will I Not be able to get 7 on 7? I mean Total, I have 96 EXP, does that mean for a play list as one kind, or over all, because … Clarification please on 7 on 7?

  314. Nattylightefect says:

    I need some help with the vidmasters. my gamertag is Nattylightefect. if anyone can help ide really appreciate it. thanks in advance.

  315. oOEGGOo says:

    i need help help with endur and dAzavoo gt is oOEGGOo. i’ll be on martch 14th

  316. Trifuse says:

    Looking for 3 others to do Annual. GT = Trifuse. Feel free to hit me up if you are interested.

  317. I Iz R Noob says:

    hey can you guys help me? I just halo on legendary and I wanna go for vid masters, my gamertag is I Iz R Noob

  318. DarkhorseM16 says:

    i need help with the vidmasters, my GT is DarkhorseM16. add me if u can help me.

  319. jake says:

    i can help im only one person username aussie_postie i need annual, deja vu endure willing to help with others as well

  320. Me says:

    My doubles partner and I are looking for two more to help pick up the Recon achievements. Need Annual, Deja Vu, and Endure. Have some free time this weekend, GT is JestersChef83.

  321. flukyben 456 says:

    I will help people get vidmasters if they help me
    i need a good doubles partner, im currently 36 an need 40-45 plz

    i need someone as good or better prefferably :D
    then i will help cos i already haz reconzz :P
    an deja vu is fuckin arrrghhhhh sooo boring but i will help for a good doubles partner

  322. flukyben 456 says:

    btw my gt is fukyben 456

  323. halo pro says:


  324. shay henderson says:

    Anyone who wants to help me, i need to complete the halo 3 odst de ja vu achievment as well as the iother on in halo 3 , send message if interested, Gamertag is lightseed77

  325. Swami says:

    Hello Inter-Web Halo fan’s,
    My doubles partner and I are looking for a couple of good blokes who are willing, talented, and patient, to help with ODST’s Endure, and the grand ol’ Annual on Halo 3. we are on-line most days and would be willing to help with others achievements if time permits. GT is Swami00 please send message via LIVE. (P.S. don’t message if you are a NUUB, only serious players who have completed games on legendary applicable.)

  326. idk wats goin on my vidmasters were unlocked just like said in he rules i saw it show each achievment unlock i go on the websit look at road to recon and for some odd reason it says endure achievment unable to be read wait 24 hours so i wait a day then a week and it still says unreadable help because i really dont want to get that 4 hour achievment again.

  327. 4455ah says:

    I already have reacon but i am willing to help with all vidmasters apart from endure because it is evil.
    let me know if you need help and i will add you on live

  328. HALOMAN says:

    every one, when u hav the vidmasters, go on bungie.net and on your service thing there shuld be a nutton sying get recon.

  329. blscc says:

    wells need help with vidmaster annual ma gt is blscc i could use some help :P

  330. jpmoney27x says:

    i’m going to need to have help with annual. my gamertag is Jpmoney27x. I will contact you if u add me when im ready to do it. i want to get the rest b4 annual.

  331. OMG ITS ACHMED says:

    add me my gamertag is omg its achmed

    i wanna get recon!!!

    i need 1 more guy anyone interested??

    ima be on all day this week.

  332. KillerKibbo says:

    hey can some one help me with the vidmasters i really want recon!! addME and let me no that you are going to help by sending a message to me oh btw my gamer tag is: KillerKibbo

  333. carlos says:

    i need help with endure and anual

  334. Marshall Lyon says:

    I wish to get a group going to get recon anyone interested add me
    GT Marshall Lyon
    I will be on April 4th through the 8th for most of the day

  335. Ryan says:

    I only need Annual and Endure I almost finished annual but someone quite out either way, if any wants to do this with me my gamer tag is: Atermortis I live on the west coast just to let you know my time zone

  336. PricyBarbecue says:

    I need Help with the Endure achievment.
    Need 3 More People.
    My GT is – PricyBarbecue

  337. Mike says:

    Got em all it told me could not verify the endure achievement wait 24 hours for it to show up on bungie.net its glitched and won’t show up :(

  338. Caboose says:

    I need all of the four player Vidmasters
    Gamertag is Ubernuck

  339. Hutchy says:

    I need help on vidmaster annual if u need it to add me XxfredhutchxX peace

  340. james says:

    my gamertag is EclipsedPhantom and i need help with the Annual in Halo 3 and Endure and Deja Vu in Halo 3 ODST. I am finally getting proactive to get the recon armor, friend request me please.

  341. Antheny says:

    I need help getting all the 4 player vidmaster achievements… annual, Déjà Vu and endure my gamertag is XerNaut add me if you also need help or want to help me thanks!

  342. Gard Skarsten says:

    I’m trying to get the 4 person Vidmasters as well, add me and we can see about getting them

  343. Gard Skarsten says:

    And of corse i forgot to add my GT: Sondreskarsten

  344. Hector4369 says:

    hey i will help with the odst ones my halo 3 scratched but i still want the vidmasters gt is the same as on here

  345. Glavisted says:

    Add Equinox 146 if you want any help to complete the challenges

  346. Bboii says:

    i have all the vidmasters and i tryed to get recon and it says could not verify the endure achievment it says wait 24hours and it been 4days. wth!

  347. Bryan says:

    I need help with Vidmaster Annual, Deja Vu, and Endure. Please help. My gamertag is Street Pharmer

  348. z3w y0rk says:

    i could really use help with these vidmasters. i need to complete vidmaster challenge: deja vu and vidmaster challenge: endure if any1 out there can help me out, my gamertag is z3w y0rk (all the vowels are numbers and the letters are lowercase)


    z3w y0rk

  349. xxrazzerbladexx says:

    Hay my gt is xxrazzerbladexx if any one of u guys can help tht would rock i need almost all ove them

  350. which leval is easyest on the halo odst last one on the list the endure

  351. caboose OWNZ says:

    i just got all of the vidmasters but i still havent gotten my recon plz help message my gtag Caboose OWNZ

  352. ashton says:

    could you help me my gamertag is UNSC PYRO

  353. hay ill help on day-ja-vu, endure

  354. PhNx KoYoTeE says:

    i am offering myself with another player for endure and deja-vu too.
    annual i will need three players! thanks

  355. austin says:

    i need help with deja annual and endure i gt a couple of people that wanna do it so if yu wanna join my gt is xxX AU5TiN Xxx

  356. Cole says:

    My gt is D E A T iH.
    I need 3 other people to help do the vidmaster achievements… i will be on in a few hours so if you will be on by then and will want to do them just hit me up

  357. Magon7 says:

    Need ppl to do Classic, Deja-Vu and Endure.
    GT : Magon7

  358. zell zen says:

    I am not going to lie I need help in all but Brainpan and Classic.

  359. Konfucius says:

    If anyone wants to do Annual / Déjà Vu / Endure I’d be up for it.

    Gamertag = Konfuuciuus

    • CoZcarter says:

      just recently got into halo3 & odst (after been skint from redundancies!) i’m in need of anyone who can help with the co-op based vidmaster challenges (on both games), I will also lend a hand to anyone who needs help on any others i can help with.

      if anyone is still around to go for these send me a message

      gamertag: CoZcarter

      I’m in the UK and free most nights from about 6pm-12pm and weekends

  360. 6lori9 says:

    I need help with the Vidmaster Challenges. I don’t have ODST YET but foe now I need annual. GT is G BRIZANDT just need 2 more ppl the help me out with this. Thanks and send me a VM saying that it was from this website that way I know is for this. =)

  361. dylan says:

    can some one help me out with these achievements? every time i get a group going they bail or suck horribly :( if interested just send me a request on live tag “Sveh1a”

  362. zobs says:

    i need endure & De Ja VU (ODST) & annual (3) – can prob get 1 other guy, free fri – sun nights (4pm –>)

    Pretty dam good, just can’t find the bodies to help – GT: Zobs09

    • zobs says:

      got 1, need 1 maybe 2 more

    • WALLNUTT97 says:

      yea ill help u i need them message my online accout if u want to it is WALLNUTT97

    • pervejon says:

      i can help you with them caouse i need the same ones and im really good but i can never get anyone to cooparate

      • zobs says:

        yo man i got them all de ja vu in an hour, I will help you, but can’t do it with cr@p people that won;t cooperate…..add me and I will help you, tonight or friday. UK time

  363. xsmgpro14 says:

    yo zob ill help i need dem to mt gt is xsmgpro14 add me k

  364. Killa4652 says:

    need some help right now for endure add me my gamer tag is: Killa4652

    every time Ive tried to get this one last achievement Ive had difficulty with getting players to cooperate and it makes me mad so please 3 people is all i need.

  365. WALLNUTT97 says:

    ill help gt WALLNUTT97

  366. insane says:

    i need help with these i cant do the 7 on 7 one bcuz i guess i passed 7 exp but my buddy got it today n he had 157 exp n i got 67 but i cant get it? but i got the skullz and nothing else soooo i needz helpz add me gamertag is InsaneSnipez666

  367. pervejon says:

    I need to get endure and deja vu and im really good but i can never find the right people becaouse they dont lisen i have 708 exp and if you dont beleive cheack me out at bungie.net my gamer tag is pervejon and if my freind list is full just send me a message and ill delete some people good lucks

  368. ali says:

    I need De ja vu, endure – UK time, free days and nights.

    GT: AgonisiticAli add me if you need help, can get another person if needed

  369. ali says:

    I need De ja vu, endure on ODST– UK time, free days and nights.

    Can also get Halo 3 disk to get Annual vidmaster with a little notice.

    GT: AgonisticAli add me if you need these achievements, can get another person if needed

    I’m available most of the time.

  370. coolio414 says:

    i need de ja vu and endure please help gt coolio414

  371. Stealth says:

    I need help with all the four player ones so send me a friend request or a message saying who you are what ones and when your available.
    Gamertag- xEGxStealth

  372. Alive says:

    i need help with Endure and Annual. GT is AliveAkatsuki13
    send me a message if help needed

  373. hatemyxboxandgamertag says:

    i got 7 on 7 by going on a special playlist entitled “7onthe7th” that Bungie put up on the 7th of either May or June i cant remember. It was worth 7 EXP for 1 win and everyone had 0 exp on that playlist because it was temporary

  374. Notchosenyet says:

    I finished the find the mythic skulls in 5 minutes

  375. mikmaqstunna says:

    hey if any one needs help getting the vidmaster challenge indoor fore halo odst add mikmaqstunna ill help u get it cause i need it too

  376. lukeass p 15 says:

    hey add lukeass p 15 i need help with vidmaster.

  377. Chase Goodroad says:

    Hey guys I need the:
    Vidmaster Challenge: Déjà Vu – Halo 3: ODST
    Complete Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no ‘Hog or Scorpion.
    Vidmaster Challenge: Endure – Halo 3: ODST
    In Firefight, on any mission, pass the 4th Set on 4-player Heroic LIVE co-op.

    Any chance three of you can help me out?
    My gamertag is: Krippled Kitten
    Add me and we can discuss a time to do it, thanks! :)

  378. vernon campbell says:

    i dont understand how u can get the vidmaster challenge 7 on 7 if you already have more than 7 exp but within the next week i will be attempting to attain recon so if anyone would like to help or need a team for the team challenge just message or add me my gt is bqXFury help would be much appreciated

  379. Playapozition says:

    Add this name and let’s get it done.


    • Gregor says:

      Hey, I’m gregzilla1234 and you may notice a friend request from me.
      I only need De Ja Vu, Endure and Annual until ze reconz. So, I’m hoping we could stick together to complete all 3?
      I live in the UK by the way, so if were going to arrange a time, it will have to be suitable for us both and the 2 other people we could find.
      Call me Greg.

  380. ErickDillinger says:

    I need help to get the annual archievement and the endurance, actually I have the Deja vu…..I can help you..but hurry up cause I just have ODST until friday
    GT: ErickDillinger add me

  381. LightningMace says:

    I need deja vu, and endure+ I might have someone help too
    GT LightningMace

  382. Serilicius says:

    I need help with the vidmasters

  383. Ali says:

    Email me

    My brother and I need help with the Firefight one. We can do Tuedsay 8:30 GMT 13th July, Mic is helpful. People who know what they are doing preferably.
    We can discuss this on email.
    2 Needed.

    • granttrev34 says:

      ive got one but im in i will try to get another person
      you can send me a message to my Xbox i will be online so i will try to reply right away



    • Marc Alarva says:

      Heey guys can anyone help me out with de ja vu and annual for halo 3? If u do i will give you 1600 microsoft points. i swaer and if i dont then you can report an abuse on me and ill get banned so help me out…
      Gamertag: Marc Alarva

  385. techman383 says:

    i will help u for free for the vidmasters a if u help me get scout

    Gamertag; techman383

  386. LightningMace says:

    Help me plz i need de ja vu and annual and endur plz message me
    GT LightningMace

  387. I need help with deja vu, annual and endure.

    Please help

    Gamertag: ExterminatorGR

  388. S0nic F1reSt0rm says:

    I also need help getting:

    Vidmaster Challenge: Classic – Halo 3: ODST
    Finish any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, with no shots fired or grenades thrown.

    Vidmaster Challenge: Déjà Vu – Halo 3: ODST
    Complete Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and no ‘Hog or Scorpion.

    Vidmaster Challenge: Endure – Halo 3: ODST
    In Firefight, on any mission, pass the 4th Set on 4-player Heroic LIVE co-op.

    (Gamertag is the name I used to post this comment)

  389. yungstuna17 says:

    hey i need help with 3 vidmaster challenges

    vidmaster challenge – endure – halo odst

    vidmaster challenge – Déjà – halo odst

    vidmaster challenge – annual – halo 3

    so if u want to help me just send me a friend request
    my gt is: yungstuna17

  390. Austinman7777 says:

    Hey I need help with:
    Deja vu
    I have ODST and Halo 3 so if anyone also needs help with any of these my GT is austinman7777 just send a friend request and a msg.

  391. Rich P says:

    Gamertag: RichieRay11

    Need 4-player co-op on Halo 3 and on ODST. And the one from firefight on ODST.

    (Annual, Endure, & Deja Vu)

    Send friend request and message.


  392. Tahmeed says:

    Hey can any one help me with the vidmaster achievements? ive got brainpan and am planning on doing endure soon. If anyone can help me please add me and reply on this post :) i have halo mythic map pack but am getting halo 3 on monday, two days from now so i would probably also be asking for help on annual next week. I am available on saterdays and sundays but it may be different in your region/country.

  393. Tahmeed says:

    almost forgot lol my gamer tag is sirToonick

  394. AJ6003 says:

    i need annual for halo 3 and also dejavu and endure on ODST my gamertag is AJ6003

  395. DJ Zivmovic says:

    Listen guys. All of the vidmasters are simple besides Annual if you know how to play the game. I happen to not care about recon, but I’ll help you guys get yours, for free.

    I only help with the Halo 3 achievements at the moment, but I’m sure you guys got the ODST ones by now.

    GT: DJ Zivmovic

    No, this is not my Recon account. I tend to avoid posting that account, as it has already been hacked twice.

    If you need help, send me a message, and we can work out a time.

    Damian Clements
    Bungie Forum Moderator

  396. beast bruh says:

    hey guys can anyone pleez help me out with annual and de ja vu pleez i will reward with 1600 microsoft points so msg me if u want to help and that 1600 microsoft points :D

    My GT: AZNBeastBruh

  397. Kid-ECA says:

    Need help with the annual and de-ja-vu on ODST

    *p.s. i know its not all that special but i want recon for my last acheviements

    GT is kid eca

  398. Antheny says:

    I need help with endure and deja vu vidmasters… my gamertag is XerNaut add me if you also need help with those

  399. suicidal bunies says:

    i need help with the 7 on 7 achivment

  400. Window Shopper says:

    I need Endure. I found a couple gamers list their gamertags at Gamerassist[DOT]com
    Halo is soooooo much better than CoDMW.
    Halo over CoD any day of the week!

  401. beast bruh says:

    Hey guys im back and now i need help with deja vu plz help me and my GT is AZNBeastBruh thnx

  402. chaz howard says:

    i need the vidmaster endure and deja vu for odst i need a couple people to help my gt is SizzlingSquaids

  403. SKULL770 says:

    Hey, I need help with Endure and Deja Vu. Send me a msg and we can get it over with sometime. GamerTag: SKULL770

  404. Nick says:

    GT is x69MrLong69x

    I need help with all of them. Message me on live

  405. GT Ninjow69 says:

    I need help getting vidmaster challenges ; Annual, deja vu, and endure. I have no halo friends in my area who can help

  406. Gregor says:

    Hey everyone, need help with the Vidmaster Endure on ODST until I get recon armor.
    Message me on live if, for a start, your good at firefight and your availible on Friday 6th.
    My gamertag is gregzilla1234 and I’m only taking the ones who message me on XBL, not the forum. If you reply to this post requesting to join you will not be able to join.

  407. Pete says:

    how do i do lightswitch if i am already lieutenant grade 2???

  408. Mark Miller says:

    I need help with Endure and Deja Vu. My gamertag is xMojache. If anyone else needs help add me and I’ll do my best. Thanks :)

  409. LightningMace says:

    I need help with the following

    Halo 3—-Annual

    ODST—–Deja Vu

    Gt LightningMace please send me a message/friend request to help

  410. pete says:

    thanks yungstuna17 if anyone still needs to get annual deja-vu and endure I could hep I still need to get them my gt is peterm101.

  411. GunSwagg says:

    I need help with the ODST disk, everything so firefight and the other things if anyone wants to start then add me and we’ll start right away

    GT : GunSwagg

  412. Michael says:

    I need to do odst endure add me
    Gt : Victory Hand

  413. Austin says:

    will any1 help me do these vidmasters please! I WANT RECON SO BAD!

  414. THIZZLE JEDI says:


  415. Sam Big L says:

    i can give you a hand if you want recon aslong as you are good im tired of dragging people around!! G.T: Sam Big L

  416. vain says:

    i too am looking for 3 people to beat the co-op vidmaster challenges with as well. if anyone wants to do this with me my gamer tag is IMAGE VAIN. any volunteers would be much appreciated.

  417. EtanG732 says:

    Looking for any 3 people to do Annual, Deja Vu, and Firefight with (all three or just one, doesn’t matter because the help would be much appreciated). I’ve been staying up late with the last few days of summer going by so if anyone is interested just send me a message over XBL.
    GT: EtanG732

  418. George says:

    Can anyone help me? I haven’t done any, Etan I’ll help you. If anyone else needs help in doing any I’ll gladly help them my Xbox Live is galaxy 95. :)

  419. Brandon says:


  420. Justin says:

    My gamertag is HostleDuck… message me if you can help me with vidmasters

  421. jose says:

    if anybody needs someone to do any of the 4 player ones send e a message and add me -joemainidiot-

  422. Noah says:

    Hello, my GamerTag is WaS x MeDDLeR. I need for Halo: ODST: All 3. and for Halo: 3 I need: Annual and Brainpain. please message me back, I quit Halo simply for the reason, that Recon wasn’t available to anyone, now that it is. I would love to experience wasting online with it.

    -Noah, WaS x MeDDLeR.

  423. nick bowe says:

    hi can any one help me with all of these be really great full if you could my gamer tag is njb96

  424. nick bowe says:

    hi could anyone help me with these achievements be really great full if you could please get back to me on x box live my gamer tag is njb96

  425. jacque khan says:

    i just need two get the two 4 player odst achivements and i can get at least two people

  426. hello everyone i need help with annual,endure and deja vu
    if you want to help my gamertag is CS LEGANDzZ :P

  427. bill says:

    help me get these please thec00n54

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