Need Firefight Halo 3: ODST Teammates?

halo 3: odst screenshot

Last week saw the release of the highly anticipated first-person shooter Halo 3: ODST. Along with that release came Firefight, a cooperative campaign mode allowing up to four players to valiantly take on wave after wave of brutally aggressive Covenant attackers. Unfortunately this incredibly fun multiplayer arena came minus a matchmaking system, meaning you are left to your own devices to find teammates without any assistance from Xbox Live. That has proved to be a hindrance to many gamers so I have decided to create a database of Halo fanatics looking for Firefight teammates. If you would like to be included on this master list, please leave your exact gamertag and your official time zone in a comment. Optional information you may leave includes whether you play weekdays or weekends (or both), and if your regular gaming hours are AM or PM (or both). This article will be updated to include the list itself so bookmark it, save the link, or memorize the url. Happy ODST-ing!

This list is best utilized by logging into your profile, going to your personal page, and cutting and pasting the gamertags into the ‘Find a Gamer’ search bar. When sending friend requests or messages via this resource, please start each text message with, “RE: HMB FF LIST” so the recipient knows where you got their information from. Please do not spam; single messages suffice. A time zone conversion tool can be found here.

WD-Plays primarily on the weekdays
WE-Plays primarily on the weekends
AM-Plays primarily during the AM hours
PM-Plays primarily during the PM hours


UTC -10
NickLee808 (WE, AM/PM, 200K achievements)
BrigadierRayRay (WD/WE, PM, 200K achievements)




HMB Firefight P
Your Babies DR (WD, PM)
luptaktical (WD, AM/PM, 200K achievements)
the new easy (WD, AM/PM)
HANKars (WE, PM)
Skitzo Sven (WE, PM)
yourleftkidney (WE, PM)
Huskyboy24 (WE, AM/PM)
MrAchievables (WE, AM/PM)
Personsen (WE, AM/PM)
PhoenixFLAME305 (WE, AM/PM)
Viva La Natedog (WE, AM/PM)
Absolut Booth (WD/WE, PM)
ausmara (WD/WE, PM)
Beorn (WD/WE, PM)
Bzerker01 (WD/WE, PM)
Celsius070 (WD/WE, PM)
Cujo3211 (WD/WE, PM)
Danstanster (WD/WE, PM)
DarthVegan (WD/WE, PM)
dutchsloth (WD/WE, PM)
Fishdude20X6 (WD/WE, PM)
G The P Rican (WD/WE, PM)
Iztari (WD/WE, PM)
JedixJarf (WD/WE, PM)
Klln U qckly (WD/WE, PM)
MistaGrimm MD (WD/WE, PM)
NBA Kirkland (WD/WE, PM)
NeoXDonut (WD/WE, PM)
OGSpartan (WD/WE, PM)
Oroso (WD/WE, PM)
PancakeHalfpint (WD/WE, PM)
rabid panda247 (WD/WE, PM)
Rallyfox (WD/WE, PM)
Shad0wwww (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters)
stoshy (WD/WE, PM)
Stufe71 (WD/WE, PM)
tkmoney (WD/WE, PM)
AyBayBay Stewie (WD/WE, AM/PM, Endure)
BladeTurner (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Demonic 1080p (WD/WE, AM/PM, mature players only please)
iCeDrAgOn01 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
MichaelGodown (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Qix213 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
AND3RATH (none specified)
AngelsThanat0s (none specified)
Barmishmar (none specified)
David Rawr (none specified)
eggfooyung1(none specified)
OTAKU99 (none specified)
pimpsoup2141985 (none specified)




GiggityX2 (WD, PM)
OdysseyFan (WD, PM, 200K achievements)
The 7raveler (WD, PM)
DineOmite (WE, PM)
GeneralCupcakes (WE, PM)
MEGANfox1s Fine (WE, PM)
GreenMachine92 (WE, AM/PM)
Argosprtn117 (WD/WE, PM)
Capt 0bvious (WD/WE, PM)
CodeMonkey76 (WD/WE, PM)
Elements001 (WD/WE, PM)
Fieryanteater (WD/WE, PM)
heynate (WD/WE, PM)
i go choo choo (WD/WE, PM)
Kazooie5659 (WD/WE, PM)
Th3 Penman (WD/WE, PM)
Xegster (WD/WE, PM)
Jagged117 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
broodbaron8802 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
B 2da Iainer (none specified)
fulmetalcrdigan (none specified)
ktron42 (none specified)




HMB Firefight C
HMB Firefight C2
I xcutioner I (WD, PM)
La Pistola (WD, PM)
Last Rogue (WD, PM)
Seenohte (WD, PM)
SirLagalot (WD, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
T0RM3N7 (WD, PM)
Turbo Scion05 (WD, PM)
Insulin Maze (WD, AM/PM)
Sgt Nomad Zero (WD, AM/PM)
Grumpy Jedi (WE, PM)
JimboSims (WE, PM)
mjg2423 (WE, PM)
RADiuS 55 (WE, PM)
Sleeper Q (WE, PM)
bruender09 (WE, AM/PM)
Btk xc4rn4g3x (WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
dr pepper man17 (WE, AM/PM)
o7he Red (WE, AM/PM)
Ahranj Krayahn (WD/WE, PM)
akaduzwurk (WD/WE, PM)
AllPurposeGamer (WD/WE, PM)
Amethyst2185 (WD/WE, PM)
AshMCairo (WD/WE, PM)
BlueShift 07 (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
brainblaster92 (WD/WE, PM)
BRATROWE (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
CrimsonCrosser (WD/WE, PM)
CrunktAg06 (WD/WE, PM)
Darth Strangle (WD/WE, PM)
darthvader78 (WD/WE, PM)
Deceptibot669 (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
I AM PHOENIX (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
MangoTru7h (WD/WE, PM)
Master Zachary (WD/WE, PM)
Memelosky (WD/WE, PM)
MystDragon3k (WD/WE, PM)
Poopie McGhee (WD/WE, PM)
r0ll0tamasi (WD/WE, PM)
Shotgunchief (WD/WE, PM)
Sleepy Not Dead (WD/WE, PM)
stuntdouble2483 (WD/WE, PM)
Tanooky (WD/WE, PM, 200K achievements)
ToothFangnClaw (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
wigglyding (WD/WE, PM)
xxxVermillionx (WD/WE, PM)
Xeromane (WD/WE, PM)
crashpsycho (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
dipthermia (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Frankleton (WD/WE, AM/PM)
LordMandos (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Lysurgik (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Magnius ii (WD/WE, AM/PM)
ManU4tw (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
monsegnor (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Morpheus414 (WD/WE, PM/AM)
ObamasMommy (WD/WE, AM/PM)
PervySage53595 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
ThePopePoops (WD/WE, AM/PM)
The007JamesBond (WD/WE, AM/PM)
ustolemygmrtag (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Wildgamer1 (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Hungcomic (none specified)
InS1GNIA (none specified)
Mastro Antonio (none specified, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
txhoudini (none specified)
WhoZNick (none specified, Vidmasters)
zekbok (none specified)
Zep 077 (none specified)




HMB Firefight E
HMB Firefight E
TheRenewedValor (WD, AM)
WD War Demon (WD, AM)
Amnuth Rukal (WD, PM)
Brik82 (WD, PM)
KoRnyMunKy (WD, PM)
Mike Pib (WD, PM)
sega chezni (WD, PM)
SnipingMizzy (WD, PM)
The Pib (WD, PM)
VAVA Mk2 (WD, PM, Vidmasters)
SG Leroy Brown (WD, AM/PM)
OmezaO (WD, AM/PM)
SuicidalKanoka (WE, AM, Vidmasters)
arkwinder (WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
BlueTyphoid (WE, PM)
Cavscout Blue1 (WE, PM)
Discypler07 (WE, PM)
jkc82961 (WE, PM)
PikminGod (WE, PM)
RandomIndex (WE, PM)
TopLegend23 (WE, PM)
Trevlarfraggar (WE, PM)
akatsuki9GuY (WE, AM/PM)
Arcane knight94 (WE, AM/PM)
Horizon of Fire (WE, AM/PM)
IGotUrCrapola (WE, AM/PM)
John Killer118 (WE, AM/PM)
leoele (WE, AM/PM)
MathChief (WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
pr3d5h0t666 (WE, AM/PM)
RusticFry (WE, AM/PM)
Sonya 00101 (WE, AM/PM)
Zadok23 (WE, AM/PM)
ZTurulski (WE, AM/PM)
AdjutantRefiex7 (WD/WE, PM)
alexgrantmyers (WD/WE, PM)
Backroom Six (WD/WE, PM)
Baron164 (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Blacklockdown (WD/WE, PM)
Blaz0 (WD/WE, PM)
bonesixsixer (WE/WD, PM)
BRAVOmega77 (WD/WE, PM)
Calminaion (WD/WE, PM)
Canis Firebrand (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters)
CbWilliams17 (WD/WE, PM)
ChaosTool8 (WD/WE, PM)
chinamaninf3rn0 (WD/WE, PM)
Chris a12345678 (WD/WE, PM)
Cypher2612 (WD/WE, PM)
DT62 (WD/WE, PM)
EbonBlade117 (WD/WE, PM)
EmpiricalM (WD/WE, PM)
EuphoricAmoeba (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Fushiko (WD/WE, PM)
gmac196 (WD/WE, PM)
grandmastahj117 (WD/WE, PM)
GrimJack352 (WD/WE, PM)
Gunlat3M (WD/WE, PM)
Ixspar (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Jekotia (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters)
jrcasi (WD/WE, PM)
kamakaZMan (WD/WE, PM)
Killermac96 (WD/WE, PM)
Killianss (WD/WE, PM)
Konuas (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Lantean47 (WD/WE, PM)
like fate (WD/WE, PM)
Mailman13 (WD/WE, PM)
Martian Bum (WD/WE, PM)
nixproto (WD/WE, PM)
Onlychopper16 (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Patterson333 (WD/WE, PM)
pyr0lyZer (WD/WE, PM)
RevMDN 73 (WD/WE, PM)
Sasuke U (WD/WE, PM)
SC Nelson (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
seanofxthedead (WD/WE, PM)
senorjerome (WD/WE, PM)
Sensei322 (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters)
silver DewSky (WD/WE, PM)
Skier7667 (WD/WE, PM)
slayer829 (WD/WE, PM)
Slowrider305 (WD/WE, PM)
Smerious (WD/WE, PM)
Sonicdevron (WD/WE, PM)
SwanDogg07 (WD/WE, PM)
Tartabus (WD/WE, PM)
Tentimook (WD/WE, PM)
TheOnlySnake (WD/WE, PM)
thequietfly (WD/WE, PM)
TheRailrider (WD/WE, PM)
TL RuNz SwaT (WD/WE, PM)
UndefiledRage (WD/WE, PM)
Whiteguy128 (WD/WE, PM)
Xor1an (WD/WE, PM)
xxQuintonx (WD/WE, PM)
xxxJL AUDIOxxx (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Yami sora (WD/WE, PM)
Amy Lefanto (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Buddy Duffman (WD/WE, AM/PM)
chiefnutszr (WD/WE, AM/PM)
D3ad1te (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Draco Le Faust (WD/WE, AM/PM)
General F34R (WD/WE, AM/PM)
GTFOn00bs (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
Joey of Bladez (WD/WE, AM/PM, 200K achievements)
J0kersBlood (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Lobo0588 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
nstajic (WD/WE, AM/PM)
pyroknetik (WD/WE, AM/PM)
RustyNoMore (WD/WE, AM/PM)
TenthNo Name XX (WD/WE, AM/PM)
TurboGiggles311 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
x Rayout x (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Alwayz Scotty (none specified)
aoikiragame (none specified)
Artiic Warrior (none specified, Vidmasters)
Deactivator2 (none specified)
Mace Windex (none specified)
Master Spartan (none specified)
RichieRay11 (none specified)
XenomorphHorde (none specified)
YouJustLostMan (none specified)




UTC -3:30
joe momma138 (WD/WE, PM)




HMB Firefight G
Demom Dude (WD, PM)
Evolution X0 (WE, PM)
iTz I Dan (WE, PM)
Aaronmendi009 (WE, AM/PM)
RZCassassin (WE, AM/PM)
Square eyes (WE, AM/PM)
UndeadSteel1973 (WE, AM/PM)
A Spaz Ape (WD/WE, PM)
Ben Of Bodom UK (WD/WE, PM)
bryantpark (WD/WE, PM)
cbjoe (WD/WE, PM)
ChestnutFirefly (WD/WE, PM)
Davyboy94 (WD/WE, PM)
El Prezidente81 (WD/WE, PM)
Gooch2004 (WD/WE, PM)
iKim1213 (WD/WE, PM)
MachinimistLuke (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Nelmo Nelmz (WD/WE, PM)
nomis78 (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
ostemb0r (WD/WE, PM)
Pulpredemption (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Rampaged Death (WD/WE, PM)
Shirdel7221 (WD/WE, PM, Endure only)
shortypwnsu (WD/WE, PM)
staticrift (WD/WE, PM)
TheCoffinDodger (WD/WE, PM)
TonKa 04 (WD/WE, PM)
Ultimate RC (WD/WE, PM)
workshy1 (WD/WE, PM)
Crazy A 64 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Firefight UK (WD/WE, AM/PM, UK-specific Firefight tag)
FishType1 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Jc Number2 (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Jd8coke (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Johnnyboypro (WD/WE, AM/PM)
ODST Liam (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
setters knits (WD/WE, AM/PM)
Whitehawk13 (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
roog42 (WD/PM, WE/AM)
Breadcrusher (none specified)
Deathbyflower (none specified)
fluffygib (none specified)
jay2o (none specified)
thedrummarr (none specified, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
tiptopjosh (none specified)
Zacky Regret (none specified)




aLkX (WD, PM)
Kingsams (WD, PM)
CptFatal95 (WD/WE, PM)
Errod (WD/WE, PM)
frondish (WD/WE, PM)
gangsterreus (WD/WE, PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
Gin0r (WD/WE, PM)
porkstein (WD/WE, PM)
xX Prime x (WD/WE, PM)
Borbah (WD/WE, AM/PM)
DBM BloodStrike (WD/WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
buddyf0xx (none specified)
C3H5 MAXT3R (none specified, Vidmasters and 200K achievements)
CROSBY1989 (none specified)




UTC +2
AlbiinoSaatana (WD/WE, PM)




UTC +3
IcyColdStare (WD, PM)




UTC +8
Restlessmatt125 (WD/WE, AM)
Zereta (WD/WE, AM/PM)




UTC +10
Marksman Fusion (WD, PM)
Mifkin (WE, PM)
TheShadyGnome (WE, PM)
Kali Black (WD/WE, PM)
Ollycity (WD/WE, PM)
xXxTheFridgexXx (WD/WE, PM)




UTC +12
Darkhound64 (WE, AM/PM, Vidmasters)
hellcatnz (WE, AM/PM)
ClaimingCarnage (WD/WE, PM)
Veh to go (WD/WE, PM)




UTC +13
ramb4ldi (WE, PM)
Onscreenloki (WD/WE, PM, prefers NZ or Australia players please)
Strikemaster NZ (WD/WE, PM, prefers NZ or Australia players please)

Last updated 16:50 01.16.10

480 Responses to Need Firefight Halo 3: ODST Teammates?

  1. Grumpy Jedi says:

    Gamertag: Grumpy Jedi
    Time zone: Central
    When my kids aren’t occupying my time, I play usually after 8 PM CT, usually more on the weekends than during the week.

    Thanks, bs angel!

    :added: (No thank you necessary!)

    • Kyle says:

      Gamertag: DineOmite
      Time Zone: Mountain Time
      I usually play in the PM and/or on weekends


    • Big Jay says:

      You are always welcome to Join us. We all have kids too. My gamertag is grandmastahj117. We are east coast and start between 8 and 9.


    • Jc Number2 says:

      just @ me on twitter I’m looking to go for the Vidmaster: Endure achievement twitter name: JcNumber2


    • Jc Number2 says:

      Gamertag: Jc Number2
      Time Zone: GMT +00 (England)
      Just @ me on twitter (JcNumber2) or send a game invite if im online at te time


    • Draco Le Faust says:

      Gamertag: Draco Le Faust
      Time Zome: Eastern Time
      I’m pretty much available whenever, always ready to play.


    • SPOC says:

      gt: SPOC XLI
      timezone: Eastern (EST)

      I’m available to play from 6-11pm on the weekdays and anytime on the weekends. If you send me an invite or friends request, just state in the msg that you are from Hawty McBloggy. Thanks!


    • Magnius II says:

      Gamertag: Magnius ii
      Time Zone: Central

      I play anywhere from 10 am to 3 pm, and then again at 10 pm to 3 am. Feel free to add me.


    • Brian says:

      Gamertag: Sleeper Q
      Time Zone: Central

      I play usually after 7 or 8 PM CT, usually more on the weekends than during the week.


    • Sergio says:

      Gamertag: Sensei322
      TimeZone: Eastern
      Early afternoon on some weekdays, several nights per week around 6pm EST, and weekends late afternoon and evenings.

      You rock bs angel!!!

      :added: (I rock the betrayals maybe, LOL)

      • Sergio says:

        Gamertag: Sensei322
        TimeZone: Eastern
        Seeking good partners for the Vidmaster achievements: ENDURE and DEJAVU


        • esfuerso says:

          Dejavu isnt very hard, it just takes some time (iron) but its easier than annual cuz u get unlimited rocket launcher (well ok only 998 but thats nearly unlimited)


        • KRAZYCREE says:

          beat odst solo on legendary and need two more vidmasters deja vu and endure need people to play with thanks

          :please specify time zone:

    • Roflcopter says:


      Pacific timezone

      great idea!

      :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

    • Xeromane says:

      Gamertag: Xeromane
      Timezone: Central (utc -6)
      Will play either week days or week ends, normally in the PM


    • BlueShift 07 says:

      Gamertag: BlueShift 07
      TimeZone: Central (CST/utc -6)
      Available weekdays or weekends, between 8pm and 2am.
      Vidmaster challenges and 200k achievements.


    • Argosprtn says:

      Gamertag: Argosprtn117
      Time zone: Mountain
      Weekends and evenings are the best for me, usually after 8 or 9 thanx for the help bs angel!

      :added: and you’re welcome!

    • Smerious says:

      GT: Smerious
      Timezone: Eastern


    • SgtSmackaho says:

      Gamertag SgtSmashaho
      Timezone Eastern
      Most any evening after 9 pm


    • Evan says:

      gamertag: Insulin Maze
      time zone: UTC-6 (Central US)
      Endure, Deja Vu, 200K, Firefight, Campaign


    • Colby says:

      Gamertag: ThePopePoops
      Gamertag: ObamasMommy Gamertags of me and my friends that can work as a team in firefight
      Gamertag: Lysurgik
      Gamertag: dipthermia

      TIME ZONE: UTC-6



    • Pipe says:

      Gamertag: UnjustPipe
      Time zone: UCT AM/WD/WE

  2. Skitzo Sven says:

    Gamertag: Skitzo Sven
    Time Zone: Pacific
    I usually check Live around 9pm PST and more often on the weekends.


  3. Paprika says:

    gamertag: thequietfly
    time zone: eastern
    when i play: way too often, everyday, usually afternoon


  4. Billdebeast says:

    GT: billdebeast
    timezone: GMT, usually on after 6pm on weekdays

    looking for a team to play the deja vu achievement, not firefight :) thanks!


  5. childsyrup says:

    Gamertag: Master Zachary
    Time Zone: Central
    I usually play in the evenings on weekdays (after 6), and anytime on the weekends (after noon on Saturday, though).


  6. xX Prime x says:

    Gamertag: xX Prime x
    Timezone: GMT +1 (BST)
    When I play: 6pm till 11pm on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday. Anytime till 12pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

    Just a little note if you do add me be sure to tell me where you got my gamertag from.


  7. CodeMonkey76 says:

    Gamertag: CodeMonkey76
    Time Zone: Mountain
    Typical Gaming Hours: 6pm-midnight Mon-Thurs, 11pm-4am Friday, 7pm-midnight Saturday, all times Mountain


  8. nelmonelmz says:

    GT: Nelmo Nelmz
    TIme zone: GMT (England)
    I play from about 6 to 8:30/9:00 in the week, and most of the time at the weekend
    Tell me how you got my gamertag if you do invite me/ friend request me please


  9. Iztari says:

    Gamertag: Iztari
    Timezone: GMT -8 (Pacific)
    Gaming Time: Mostly weekends and some weekdays at night.


  10. porkstein says:


    Time Zone:

    Additional info:
    Primarily play at weekends, but am often online from around 7-9PM on weekdays


  11. GeneralCupcakes says:

    GT: GeneralCupcakes

    Time Zone: GMT -7 (Mountain Time)

    Gaming Time: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, 3pm-7pm

    Additional Info:

    Accept all friend reqeusts



  12. StuntDouble2483 says:

    GT: stuntdouble2483
    TZ: Central

    Almost every night, from 8pm to midnight.

    By the way, Angel, great idea. Thanks!

    :added: (It’s my pleasure!)

  13. ChestnutFirefly says:

    Gamertag: ChestnutFirefly
    Time zone: GMT (UK)
    Time: Usually evening on weekdays, but anytime on weekends


  14. Beorn says:

    Gamertag: Beorn
    Timezone: GMT -8 (Pacific)

    Available in the evenings most days of the week, and during the days/evenings on weekends. I’m better off planning ahead just in case.

    And thanks for putting this together, Angel!

    :added: (No thank you necessary. :) )

  15. GamerTag: Canis Firebrand
    Time Zone: EST
    Time Online: Usually 8pm EST- 11pm est on weeknights. Friday later then 11pm est
    Saturday – can vary
    Sunday latest I’ll be online is 11pm est.

    Looking mainly to get the Endure and Deju Vu achievements. Would not mind picking up Annual from Halo 3.


  16. Qix says:


    Pacific Standard

    I will accept all friend and party invites.

    Recently unemployed/returned form Japan, so I play whenever the mood strikes me. Which is almost all the time that Oblivion is not sucking away my soul.


  17. txhoudini says:

    Gamertag: txhoudini
    Time Zone: central

    Not very good but a quick learner. Just need some practice.

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  18. Rob says:

    Gamertag: Rampaged Death
    Timezone: GMT
    Time Online: Mostly in the afternoon – 12PM – 4PM and then midnight – 12AM – 4AM


  19. PancakeHalfpint says:

    GamerTag: PancakeHalfpint
    Time Zone: Pacific

    Usually after 6pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends.


    • matt says:

      Gamertag: Restlessmatt125
      Im in GMT+8
      W/D + W/E, AM mostly for W/E following monday 12th of october,But also W/D untill then,


  20. luptaktical says:

    GamerTag: luptaktical
    Time Zone: PST
    Time Online: Whenever I can get on. usually 3-7pm or 6-9am mon tues wed

    trying to get the 200,000 on firefight maps


  21. dan says:


    Central Time

    Looking for a good group to play with for fun and to get the vidmaster achievements

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  22. ClandestineMan says:

    Gamertag: ClandestineMan
    looking for: 30+ age. Yes I am old.
    Playtime: when ever the wife doesn’t want to snuggle.

    :please specify time zone:

  23. CKZ3R0 says:

    Gamertag: CKZ3R0

    Timezone: Mountain

    Evenings (after my kids in bed) and weekends. I’m game for ODST and H3.


  24. LateNightHunter says:

    Mountain Time

    I usually play evenings and nights on weekdays, up in the air (usually more than less) on weekends.

    I’m looking to get the achievements at some point (Vidmaster as well as 200,000 pts per map), but am game for casual play as well.

    :please confirm gamertag:

  25. Jon L says:


    Central Time
    (Main Time)Around 9P.M.-2A.M.


  26. Tom Bell says:

    Look me up to play….TopLegend23…..mostly at night and weekends.


  27. Ray says:

    Gamertag: Master Spartan
    Time Zone: Eastern

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  28. Mace Windex says:

    Awesome idea.

    Mace Windex
    Eastern Standard Time (Ontario, for lag consideration)
    My work schedule varies. I’m off today(09/29) if anyone wants to give it a go.

    ::feel free to specify day/time preferences (if possible!):

  29. IcyTreats says:

    Time zone: GMT +3:00
    I’m on usually on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, but I might be on at other random times.

    And great idea with this post, angel!
    Now I wont have to do solo FF all the time..


  30. Memelosky says:

    GT: Memelosky
    Timezone: GMT -6

    Everyday from 8 p.m to midnight, i live in Cancun, Mexico.


  31. Tom Bell says:

    Sorry….that is EST…..


  32. CROSBY1989 says:

    gamertag: CROSBY1989
    from yorkshire england… good connection… want to do the last 2 levels of campaign on legendary and as many firefights as my body can do

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  33. Jagged117 says:

    GT: Jagged117
    Time Zone: Mountain

    I play randomly whenever I have time. Aside from regular Firefight, I’ve already completed the Vid-Master achievements and am happy to help anyone who needs another player.


    • GT:Nucleant says:

      Hey,do You think you could help me get some of the vid master achievements I’m on every friday till midnight and a bit on saturdays.If you can thanks,if you cant that cool to.


  34. GreenMachine92 says:


    Mountain Time

    Usually on the weekends, sometime during the week!


  35. OdysseyFan says:


    Mountain Time (-7)

    Playing Every Night this Week 7-11 to get 200K achievements


  36. J Meza says:

    Gamertag: OmezaO

    Timezone: Eastern
    Play Time : Mon – Thur. whenever im online


  37. Fushiko says:

    I’m looking for people to play firefight with. Trying to get the Endure achivement right now. I play usually around 9 ish and after est and on fridays and sats it’s pretty much all day.

    GT: Fushiko


  38. Barmishmar says:

    Gamertag: Barmishmar
    Time Zone: Pacific

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  39. mjg2423 says:

    gamertag – – mjg2423
    time zone – – central
    when – – evenings/weekends


  40. John says:

    GT: MidniteAnarchst
    Time Zone: EST -5:00
    You can usually find me on during the night and on weekends.

    Trying to get 200k in each map and the vidmaster hit me up for a group :)


  41. Oroso says:

    GT: Oroso
    Pacific time


  42. WLGJr. says:

    GT: EmpiricalM
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Times Available: Afternoon and Nights are best

    I’m available most days in the afternoons and into the night. Tend to play more during the week than on the weekend. For the next week my schedule is wide open, if somone wants to play send me a message on XBL or tweet me (@WLGJr)

    yet another glorious idea angel!

    :added: <3

  43. Gamertag: Darth Strangle

    Central Time Zone

    Hit it up anytime after 6pm and send a friend request


  44. killianss says:

    GT: Killianss
    Time Zone Eastern
    Nights and afternoons


  45. matt says:

    GT: rabid panda247
    Time Zone: Pacific
    Time available: Afternoons and nights


  46. Gilby says:

    GT : Sleepy Not Dead
    Time zone central (Texas)
    usually at night after 11PM when fam. and work allows.
    prefer peeps that dont take it to seriously do to my lack of skills ( I do try my best though)


  47. Jc Number2 says:

    GT: Jc Number2
    TZ: GMT +00 (England)
    Am online pretty much all te time but Tweet me if not @JcNumber2


  48. nicksawesomeblog says:

    GT: CbWilliams17
    Time Zone is eastern
    Times available: all day on Thursdays (no class) and afternoons every other day


  49. chris says:

    GT: Martian Bum
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Time available: afternoon or night depends on the day


  50. Skittlez says:

    GT: Sonicdevron
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
    I’m usually on every weekday after 4 PM, and weekends, probably near 24/7.

    I noticed some people care about the here’s mine:

    I know it sucks..


  51. Blaz0 says:

    You can add me.

    Location: Detroit, Mi. EST

    Available in the evenings and nights. :)


  52. Last Rogue says:

    Gamertag: Last Rogue
    Time Zone: Central
    Available: Weekday Evenings and Saturdays.

    Send me a Friend request. I’d love to have more people to play firefight with!


  53. Mandos says:

    Gamertag: LordMandos
    Time Zone: Central
    Times Available: Mostly mon-thur mornings, and mon, tue evenings. Saturday evenings.


  54. Justin says:

    GT: Amnuth Rukal
    TZ: Eastern
    Availability: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and weekends


  55. Baron164 says:

    Gamertag: Baron164
    Timezone: Eastern(NY)
    Time Avaliable: Late evenings usually after 8pm during the week and throught the weekend.
    I’m a big achievement addict so I’m up for any vid master and score challenges. Send me a message or friend request over live.


  56. Wolf5254 says:

    GT: Fieryanteater
    Time Zone: Mountain
    Twitter: @wolf5254

    I am usually on around 4 pm


  57. 7he_7ruth says:


    Eastern Standard Time

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  58. proton says:

    Gamertag: PROTONONE
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Times:I’m on later on in the evening and on the weekends.


  59. intoxik8 says:

    Gamertag: INTOXIK8 UK
    Time Zone: GMT (UK)

    I’m usually on sometime after 8ish if I get chance.


  60. phillipsmy says:

    Gamertag: CptFatal95
    Time Zone: BST
    Time online – 4.00 – 9.00


  61. iCeDrAgOn01 says:

    Gamertag: iCeDrAgOn01
    Time Zone: Pacific
    Available: Mostly all day except Wednesday through Friday. Those days I will be on at night.


  62. MangoTru7h says:

    Gamertag – MangoTru7h
    Time Zone – Central
    Weeknights – 6PM-10PM
    Weekends – Anytime


  63. Aaron says:

    GT: Aaronmendi009

    Time Zone: GMT (UK)

    Wednesday 1:00pm, Friday+ Weekend Anytime of the day

    Vidmasters, Legendary, Halo 3 ODST and Halo 3


  64. Gooch2004 says:

    GT: Gooch2004
    Timezone: GMT

    I play mostly in the evenings and my on days off any time at all!

    Looking forward to finding new teamates to play with!


  65. Samuel W says:

    Gamertag: Th3 Penman
    Time Zone: Mountain
    Available: Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, Weekends


  66. Matt Nelson says:

    Add me, please(^^ always up for a bit of firefight goodness.

    Gamertag: OTAKU99

    time zone GMT +9, although I’m up at all kinds of crazy hours, so this doesn’t really effect me too much.

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  67. john says:

    gtag: kamakaZMan i live in the eastern timezone. and i play late at night around 11pm to sonetimes 7:30am


  68. Gamer tag: alexgrantmyers
    time zone: Eastern
    Available i usually play in the PM durnig the week days and weekends


  69. Frankleton says:

    GT: Frankleton

    Time Zone: Central

    Available Wednesday-Sunday

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  70. DannyD says:

    Gamertag: Danstanster
    Gamertag: CoolkidBear

    Time Zone: Pacific

    Available: Mon-Fri 3-11 Sat-Sun 9am-12pm


  71. Gamertag: silver DewSky
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Available: Most Afternoons I’m online and the weekends too. Prepare to Firefight!


  72. John Beadle says:

    Gamertag: Breadcrusher
    Timezone: GMT (uk)

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  73. Eric says:

    GT: J0kersBlood

    Timezone: Eastern

    Available: Weekends and Some Weekdays

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  74. Connor Lonske says:

    Gamertag: Backroom Six
    Time zone: EST
    Available: All day weekends, afternoon week days (Past 3:30 PM).


  75. JimboSims says:

    GT: JimboSims
    TZ: Central
    Available: mostly weekends, afternoons after 1600

    I’m more into having fun, not gamerscore. I would rather play on normal/heroic (or even easy) just so I’m not getting killed all the time.


  76. Draco Le Faust says:

    Gamertag: Draco Le Faust

    Time Zome: Eastern

    Available at random times everyday, I accept all friend requests


  77. gangsterreus says:

    GT: gangsterreus
    Time Zone: Algiers, Berlin, Kinshasa, Lagos, Paris, Rome, Tunis; UTC+1 (europe)
    i play all the evenings (except saturday occasionly)
    and tuesday and most sundays throughout the day
    I still need all the 200k achievements, ‘be like marty’ and ‘endure’
    Would love to help anyone with the other vidmasters


  78. SirLagalot says:

    Gamertag: SirLagalot
    Time Zone: Central
    Availability: after 9pm Central weekdays mostly.

    Old-ish fart with some decent skills looking to collect on achievements (Legendary co-op or Firefight) and find a good group of other old-ish people.


  79. willow says:

    Gamertag: Slowrider305
    Timezone: Eastern

    I play mostly weeknights after 9 pm and weekends whenever I get a chance (usually after 6pm)…
    If I am online I am typically playing Halo so just invite me… : )


  80. RusticFry says:

    Gamertag: RusticFry
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Available: Mostly weekends. Weeknights are sparatic so probably not the best for firefight since there’s no drop-in drop-out.


  81. T07WRX5 says:

    GT: T07WRX5
    TZ: Mountain Standard
    I am almost always online when my daughter takes her naps from like 3-5pm and I play late nights on Friday and Saturday.


  82. Tentimook says:

    GT: Tentimook
    Time Zone: EST
    usually on from 5pm-8pm EST


  83. Rodger says:

    gamertag: Xegster
    Time zone: Mountain

    I play (for now) every day after 6 till about midnight. Weekends I can potentially play all day.


  84. GT: FiniestSkace says:

    Im on whenever i also play COD:WAW and Halo 3 multi give me a request

    :please specify time zone:

  85. GT: FiniestSkace says:

    FiniestSkace is my gamertag from up above


  86. Bzerker01 says:

    GT: Bzerker01

    Time Zone: Pacific

    Available: Fluctuates, but most afternoons to late nights.


  87. KaRmAChAnG says:

    Gamertag: KaRmAChAnG
    Timezone: GMT (UK)
    Time Online: Everyday, usually after 5/6pm til late.

    Thanks in Advance guys.


  88. stosh says:

    gt: stoshy




  89. Brase says:


    Brase Brizzler

    Hit me up I’m playing all the time. Trying right now to get the 200k achievies in all firefight levels!

    :please specify time zone and day/time preference:

  90. crunktag06 says:

    GT: CrunktAg06
    TZ: CST
    evenings and weekends


  91. 7he Red says:

    Gamertag: o7he Red

    Central Mountain Time

    I play on weekends.

    Add me kthxbai.


  92. Curtis says:

    GT: chinamaninf3rn0

    TZ: EST

    usually on later at night


  93. Bruce B says:

    Hey, I’d be down to find some teammates for this.


    I play almost every day, but at different times, depending on when I work and such that particular day. I usually do play, though after 10PM ET.


  94. Curtis says:

    the o at the end of chinamaninf3rn0 is a zero


  95. Tuukka says:

    Gamertag : AlbiinoSaatana

    Time Zone : GMT+2

    Available : Almost, every evening/night.


  96. Sam says:

    GT – Amy Lefanto
    TZ – EST
    On all the time


  97. DarthVegan says:

    I’m DarthVegan. Friend me, and let’s roast some Covenant fools.

    I’m on in the evenings, Seattle time. Sometimes in early afternoon, too.


  98. D-BO says:

    GamerTag – Demom Dude
    Time Zone: GMT +00 (United Kingdom)
    sometimes 6pm – 8pm on weekdays,
    not much on the weekend.
    Send me a firefight invite if i’m online, also add me on xbox live


  99. GT: nixproto
    Anywhere from 6-10 on weekdays if I am not too busy. And basically any time after 12 PM on Saturday. Usually I don’t get on that much on Sundays. My schedule is too bizarre. :D



  100. John says:

    GT: Johnnyboypro
    GMT +00 (Britain)
    Lol add me guys.


  101. Ben Of Bodom UK says:

    Gamertag: Ben Of Bodom UK
    Time zone: GMT
    I usually play between 9:30 pm – 12:00 pm on weekdays, and 1:00 pm onwards on weekends, but I’m on alot of other times aswell so don’t worry.


  102. jkc82961 says:



    Friday: 3:30pm-2:00am

    saturday: 12:00pm-2:00am

    sunday: 10:30am-9:00pm


  103. Jim says:

    Gamertag – Hungcomic
    Time Zone – Central

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  104. ProScreenlooker says:

    Gamertag: EXTREMENOVA
    Time zone: Newfoundland
    Usual times: 6:00pm to 9:30pm on every day accept friday, saturday, and anyday with no school next day
    7:00pm to 1:00am on those other days


  105. Reezy says:

    GT: like fate
    Time Zone: Eastern (Ohio)
    I usually play super-late (starting 11pm and after)
    Just DM or @ me on Twitter (likefate).

    Great idea, bs angel!

    :added: ty!

  106. Bart says:

    Gamertag: YELLOW SPARTAN

    Time Zone: Central

    I usually play between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. I need to get the “Endure” and “Deja Vu” Vidmaster achievements. Just send me a friend request with “vidmaster” in the text.


  107. RevMDN says:

    RevMDN 73
    Eastern time zone
    Most evenings after six. Sometimes during the day.
    Looking to get Vidmaster: Endure, and just kick this games ass!


  108. steve says:

    Gamertag: BRAVOmega77
    Time Zone: EST
    Time: Anywhere from 6pm (After work) until 11pm at night, open for weekends too.

    I’m more into having fun, not gamerscore. I would rather play on easy/nomal. I’m unfortunately very busy from work/life, so i’m not sure i have the time to develop the skill level for Heroic/legendary I enjoy more the carnage than racking up points.


  109. Wildgamer1 says:

    Gamertag: Wildgamer1

    Time Zone: Central Standard

    Usually on whenever I have the the time, can be either PM or AM.

    Still have last vidmaster achievement to get for firefight if anyone wants to join in and help out! lol.

    And if you want to play, simply message me about what you’re wanting and send a friend request. Without a message I won’t add you as a friend.


  110. OGspartan says:

    Gamertag: OGSpartan
    Timezone: Pacific
    Playtime: Mostly everyday after 4 p.m. If not me, then my nephews. They are just as good. lol.


  111. Mizzy says:

    Gamertag: SnipingMizzy
    Timezone: Eastern
    Times: M, W 6-8

    I’m usually on playing Fallout or trying to finish one of the other bazillion games I have, and I can’t promise I’ll be on every week. Anyone can msg me if they really need the help, though. And by “really need”, I mean desperate for a teammate who will serve as a meatshield for you.

    P.S. swearing to a minimum would be great ^_^;


  112. UndefiledRage says:

    weeknights and weekends


  113. Matt says:

    Zep 077

    US Central time zone.

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  114. DT62 says:

    GT: DT62
    Mon.-Sat. after 7 PM


  115. joshm says:

    gamertag: tiptopjosh

    time zone : gmt i think

    i will proberly not often be on odst but add me anyway because if i have people regulary wanting to play firefight, i likely will

    i am not very good though

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  116. LordOsiris says:

    WD, PM

    The 7raveler


  117. ClaimingCarnage says:

    gt: ClaimingCarnage
    timezone: GMT +12 pm and weekends…


  118. Xor1an says:

    GT : Xor1an
    Time Zone : EST
    Normally on weeknights late (10PM – 12AM), earlier on Saturday and Sunday evenings.

    My friends list is close to full, but I’ll accept any that mention

    What would be really great is if this all went into a database where you could ask it “who said they might be playing Firefight right now?” so it could give you a list of possible fellow players. If it was really slick it could check to see if they’re on-line and in ODST and skip anyone who’s not.

    A year ago I would have tried to do that myself, but ever since I opened my own Spartan training facility (martial arts school), my schedule has become too tight to do that sort of thing.


    • bs angel says:

      Funny you should mention that! I was discussing that exact thing with someone earlier today (his idea, not mine) and he’s looking into seeing if something like that is plausible. :)


  119. EXZA says:

    Gamertag: AshMCairo
    Time Zone: CST
    Times to play: Thursday PM, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

    Unless work has be scheduled.

    My friend-list is currently full so you would have to send an invite to my GT if I am on.


  120. ostemb0r says:

    hi guys, UK based player, mostly evenings 8pm onwards & weekends, please add me, gt is ostemb0r (second zer0 is an 0)

    our community have also set up a silver tag “Firefight UK” for people who want to find people to play firefight with, please ping it a friend request, all friends of that gamertag will be people who play firefight.

    Firefight UK


  121. MathChief says:

    Time zone: EST
    Times to play: primarily weekends, sometimes Tue and Th night

    wanna work on those two vidmaster achievements


  122. SHAGGYDEATH says:


    Mountain Time



  123. chezni says:

    utc -5 (eastern time zone)
    GT: sega chezni
    WD, PM

    My gaming time is much more random than it used to be, but if you’re not too srsface or concerned with skill, but rather looking for someone to play for fun, then add/msg me!


  124. Keith says:

    Mountain Time Zone
    UTC – 7

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  125. Capt 0bvious says:

    Gt: Capt 0bvious
    The 0 is a zero.


  126. Ryan Quinton says:

    xxQuintonx primarily on PM eastern time.
    looking to play


  127. undefiledrage says:

    Nights and weekends


  128. Jammerfer [MunKy] says:

    utc -5 (eastern time zone)
    GT: KoRnyMunKy
    WD, PM

    I don’t mind playing on any skill level. Easy to Legendary, it’s all loads of fun :D


  129. Sgt Nomad Zero says:

    Gamertag: Sgt Nomad Zero
    Timezone: Central
    Weekdays during the day or late at night are usually when I’m on.


  130. IcyTreats says:

    I have my own column :)


    • bs angel says:

      Yeah you do! I’m actually somewhat compatible with overseas players because I typically play from about midnight until three or four am my time which is daytime for most of you. :)


  131. Radius says:

    RADiuS 55
    Central Time
    Friday and Saturday, Late afternoons through the night


  132. MLP says:

    Gamertag: PhoenixFLAME305
    Time Zone: Pacific
    Usually Weekends, whenever–but it’s all dependent on my (home)work schedule (college classes fluctuate wildly).


  133. El Prezidente81 says:

    Gamertag – El Prezidente81
    Timezone – GMT
    WD – PM
    WE – PM mostly


  134. Clay says:

    I xcutioner I is my sn.

    Play after 9 on weekdays and I’m central time.


  135. staticrift says:

    GMT (England)
    WD/WE, PM

    Hope to get the achievements but also have fun.


  136. feared yellow says:

    time zone: – 5 eastern time


  137. Jansen says:

    Gamertag: AllPurposeGamer
    Time Zone: Central Daylight Time

    Usually on the weekdays and weekends in the evening around 9pm


  138. Ebon Blade says:

    Gamertag: EbonBlade117
    Time Zone: utc -5 (eastern)
    Active Hours: typically PM on weekdays, AM/PM on weekends.

    By the way, bs angel, this database is one of your best ideas EVER. *applaud*

    :added: Even better than Spartan pr0n? O_o

  139. RK4N3 says:

    Pacific Standard Time
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
    after 6pm


  140. Personsen says:

    GT: Personsen
    Time Zone: Pacific

    Active Hours: PM on Fridays, AM / PM on Saturdays



  141. neoxdonut says:

    GT: NeoXDonut
    Time Zone: Pacific
    Time available: 5:P.M – 11 P.M


  142. JohnKiller118 says:

    Gamertag: John Killer118
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
    Active Hours: A little during the weekdays, but the weekends is when I do most of my gaming. I stay up until 2 am on Friday and Saturday nights.

    Oh, and I only talk if it’s necessary. I hate my voice. I always stutter and almost never have anything interesting to say, but I’m damn good with a pistol.


  143. Dust and Echoes says:

    Sasuke U((Don’t judge me, I’m too lazy to shell out the cash to change it))


  144. dutchsloth says:

    Gamertag: dutchsloth
    Time Zone: Pacific
    Time Available: Weekdays: 4:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
    Weekends: (Odd) Between 9:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.
    Musts: Guys or Girls, Just talk, I want to have a good time, kick some ass, and get high on the leaderboards, I can last as long as we have to. I Screw around a lot when it comes to talking but dead serious (most of the time) When It comes to playing.


  145. Tony says:

    Gamertag: TonKa 04
    Time Zone: GMT
    Active Hours: Evenings & Weekends.

    Looking for friends to play Firefight for fun.


  146. Schlist says:

    Gamertag: TheCoffinDodger
    Time Zone: London Town – GMT
    Time available: Late evenings on weekdays, weekends on and off (but large chunks of this coming one).


  147. BRAINFR33Z3 says:

    Gamertag: BRAINFR33Z3
    Time Zone: Central
    Time Available: Weekdays: 7:00 P.M. – Midnight
    Weekends: Really depends…about 9 P.M. – ????
    Musts: I just wanna play!


  148. Cypher2612 says:

    Gamertag: Cypher2612
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Availability: Weekdays, after 6 PM or so, until around 11 PM (usually) except Wednesdays, in which I’m busy until about 8.
    Weekends: Generally from 10 AM to 11 PM.

    All times are unfortunately subject to the whims of classwork, but that’s life for ya.
    Mostly just interested in getting a chance to really play Firefight and tear the Covenant a new one. Can’t say whether or not I’d really suck, since I haven’t had much opportunity to play full 4-player Firefight yet, but there’s only one way to find out.


  149. Strikemaster NZ says:

    GT: Strikemaster NZ
    Timezone: UTC +13 Hours
    Availability: 9-12pm Weekends/weekdays
    Musts: PLEASE don’t contact me if you are not from NZ or Australia! All lag and no play makes Strikemaster a dull boy.
    Looking to get the endure achievement and deja vu if possible.


  150. Bryan Ojeda says:

    Gamertag: AdjutantRefiex7
    Time zone: Eastern

    I play on weekdays and weekends in PM hours.


  151. Nile says:

    Gamertag: The007JamesBond
    Time Zone: Central
    Availability: Whenever I’m online. My play times can be quite random.


  152. PikminGod says:


    Mostly play from 2100 to 0400 on fridays and saturdays


  153. HazMatt says:

    GamerTag- TheRailrider
    Time Zone- Eastern
    I play on weekdays and weekends, mondays and wednesdays I can’t be on before 3:00 and not alot at all on mondays. Tuesdays and Thursdays class ends by noon so any time after that. Friday nights are usually busy. Saturday and Sunday I should be free all day unless family events or other occasions pop up.
    I just want to play firefight more and not worry about having to scrounge up people out of nowhere. Also got to get Endure eventually.


  154. angela says:

    my gamertag is Amethyst2185..i’m in the central time zone and play evenings on weekdays, and on weekends anytime is fair game…send me a friend request please cause i haven’t been able to play firefight yet…great idea by the way ;)

    :added: ty!

  155. MrAchievables says:

    Gamertag: MrAchievables
    Timezone: Pacific
    Availability: Weekends (WE)
    Time Online: AM & PM

    usually from friday – sunday, due to school, usually on almost throughout the day.


  156. d3ad1te says:

    Timezone: Eastern
    Time: AM PM, WD and WE.


  157. Celsius070 says:

    Gamertag: Celsius070
    Timezone: Pacific Standard time
    Time: weekdays after 3:00 and weekends


  158. TheShadyGnome says:

    GT: TheShadyGnome

    TY HMB :)

    :added: You’re welcome!

  159. Paul says:

    Gamertag: x Rayout x
    Timezone: UTC -5 (eastern)
    Availability: WD/WE, AM/PM

    Also lookin to get the Vidmaster and 200k achivements.

    Thx HMB

    :added: Any time. :)

  160. Robert says:

    GT: Calminaion
    TZ: Eastern

    Play time: Nights & Weekends


  161. masterlicious says:

    GT: LA REBEL 1
    Timezone: Central Standard Time (timezone sierra)
    Time: Weekdays after 4:00 P.M. and every other weekend


  162. Morpheus says:

    Okay…reading the things that are going on here…

    I am UTC-6. Central Time, USA.

    I play WD, WE’s and AM, PM.

    I know, I’ll be more specific.

    Weekdays, I play from 9 AM to 3 PM. Then I go to work and come back to….ironically play the same time, 9 PM to 3 AM.

    Saturdays, catch me from 9a-10a, and 9p-3a.

    Sundays, 7p-1a.

    Oh, and my gamertag is Morpheus414.


  163. ausmara says:

    gt: ausmara
    tz: PST (-8)
    time: weekdays at night, weekends pretty much any time.


  164. nomis78 says:

    Location: GMT
    Play time: All Days, Evening
    Gamertag: nomis78

    looking for firefight and vidmaster achievement collection as well as casual sessions


  165. zadok says:

    GT: Zadok23
    (WE, Am&Pm, and occasionally on WDs)
    UTC -5


  166. War Demon says:

    GT: WD War Demon
    PT: Weekdays AM
    TZ: Eastern -5


  167. Will says:

    Gamertag: VAVA Mk2
    Usually play about 7-10 EST Time Zone weekdays, Weekends varies throughout the weekend. PM me if you wanna set up a match and try to get achievements. Want to get Endure and Deja Vu and still need Annual in Halo 3

    Also, my buddy Kevin plays with me around that same time. His GT is haloelon207


  168. Matt says:

    LOL… looks like I’m the only one in Utc +9… I don’t think anyone’s going to want to add me with it like that… I should have just said “Pacific time” … Pretty much the same thing.

    GT: OTAKU99

    :switched: :)

  169. Antonio Marcellino says:

    Gamertag : Mastro Antonio
    (GMT-06:00) Central Time (United States) Chicago

    If I’m not online it usually means I’m out jamokin’ it with my buds, anyone posting on here feel free to add me so I can get a team together for ” Endure ” and ” Deja Vu ” Vidmaster achievements. Also I’ll help you get any other achievements or get all the Firefight par scores topped. If you have a account check out my fileshare, I got some pretty cool stuff on there.


  170. Monkey_lord says:

    Gamertag: yourleftkidney
    Time Zone: UTC -8,
    Game times: Friday noon to 11:00 pm, Saturday same as Friday, Sunday 3:00-9:00 pm. I.E. WE PM.


  171. NickLee808 says:

    Gamertag: NickLee808
    Timezone: Hawaiian Time (UTC -10)

    WE, AM/PM


    • NickLee808 says:

      I’d also like to add that I’ll be aiming towards the 200,000 achievements for all the maps except Windward and Alpha Site.


  172. Zereta says:

    Gamertag: Zereta
    Time Zone: GMT +8

    Game Times: Its all over the place really. Can’t specify one fixed one.


  173. lantean47 says:

    Gamertag: Lantean47
    Timezone: Eastern
    I play when I can, usually between 8PM and 10PM, any day.


  174. FassinTaak says:

    Gamertag: Gin0r
    Timezone: Central European Time
    Playtime: WE / PM, also sometimes on WD after 6 p.m.


  175. Kingsams says:

    Gamertag: Kingsams
    Timezone: Central european time +1

    Play weekdays between 5pm and 10pm

    Invite me for firefight action!


  176. Gamertag – G The P Rican

    Time zone Pacafic/Mountian depending on time of year (live in AZ we are either an hour w or before

    California, currently we are Pacific)

    Game Time WD/WE Afternoons, evenings, and later on PM through early AM, basically catch me if u can, twitter will let u know if I’m playing


  177. davyboy94 says:

    after PM , most weekdays and weekends


  178. Rambaldi says:

    GT: ramb4ldi
    Timezone: UTC +13 Hours
    Availability: WE PM


  179. setters says:

    GT : setters knits
    Timezone: UK
    plays: anytime i can, a bit randomly as I work from home


  180. Zach says:

    GT: chiefnuts05
    Timezone: EST


  181. Shirdel7221 says:

    GT: Shirdel7221
    Timezone: GMT
    WE/WD PM
    (Note: No Racists. Must be cool with playing with little kids from Wales and slightly bigger kids from Ireland.)


  182. veester says:

    Gamertag: UndeadSteel1973
    Time Zone: GMT
    I usually play at the weekends as much as possible, occasional weekdays


    • Dellboy says:

      Gamertag: workshy1
      Timezone: GMT
      Usually weekends, some evenings – new baby means limited but want to be on soon


  183. Crazy A 64 says:

    Gamertag: Crazy A 64
    Time Zone: GMT
    My playtime is psuedo random and like Christmas session is special!


  184. Gamertag: Sonya 00101
    Timezone: Eastern time zone
    I play mostly on weekends. Rarely weekdays.


  185. TheRenewedValor says:

    GT: TheRenewedValor
    TZ: EST
    Weekdays early am like 1am


  186. Devin says:

    Gamertag: joe momma138
    Timezone: Atlantic (GMT-4:00)

    I play on evenings and on weekends. Need team for Endure achievement.


  187. Kim says:

    Gamertag: iKim1213
    Time zone: UTC+0 (or UTC+1 — daylight saving)
    Weekdays or weekends, primarily PM.


  188. Ollycity says:

    Gamertag: Ollycity
    Timezone: GMT +10
    Play on PM Weekdays and Weekends


  189. Marksman says:

    GT: Marksman Fusion
    TimeZone: GMT+10 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
    Additional: School and whatnot, only available past 2;30 p.m. MY TIME no weekdays, but free on weekends.


  190. akatsuki9GuY says:

    On the weekends and a little on the weekdays.

    :please specify time zone:

  191. D3T0N8R says:

    Gamertag: D3T0N8R
    Time Zone: Eastern
    WD/WE PM


  192. Square eyes says:

    Gamertag: Square eyes
    Time zone: GMT
    Mainly weekends
    i will play weekdays for the endure achievement


  193. Mbeck says:

    GT: La Pistola
    Time Zone: Central


  194. BladedDakkon107 says:

    GT: BladedDakkon107
    TZ: Eastern
    WD/WE PM


  195. MAX says:

    C3H5 MAXT3R


  196. GTFOn00bs says:

    GTFOn00bs – those are zeros between the N and B
    Eastern Time Zone
    WD, WE, AM, PM


  197. GTFOn00bs says:

    GTFOn00bs – Vidmaster Achievements (Deja Vu & Annual)


  198. FishType1 says:

    I play whenever I feel like it


  199. the new easy says:

    Gamertag: the new easy
    WD, AM/PM


  200. tkmoney says:

    Gamertag: tkmoney

    WD: PM
    WE: AM/PM


  201. sariTAN says:

    GT: monsegnor
    TZ: central


  202. EvolutionX0 says:

    Gamertag: Evolution X0
    Time Zone: GMT
    WE-Plays primarily on the weekends
    PM-Plays primarily during the PM hour


  203. Tartabus says:

    GT: Tartabus
    WE: AM/PM


  204. Ned S. says:

    Thank you for the list !!!

    Gametag: nstajic
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Playing: WD,WE,(AM,PM)

    Happy ODST-ing

    :added: Thank you for using it!

  205. Errod says:

    GT: Errod
    TIME ZONE: utc+1 (Central Europe)

    Playing days varies a lot, but it is mainly in the PM hours.


  206. Patterson333 says:

    GT: Patterson333

    Time Zone: Easterm

    Weekdays, PM (afternoon)
    Weekends, AM/PM


  207. Nate says:

    gt: heynate
    time zone: mountain
    weekdays, weekends, pm.


  208. akatsuki9GuY says:

    On the weekends and a little on the weekdays.


  209. t0rm3n7 says:

    GT: T0RM3N7 (note that’s a zero after the ‘T’)
    I play around 10 PM on weeknights, and occasionally Saturdays.
    TZ: Central


  210. David says:

    Absolut Booth
    Nights and Weekends
    TZ: PST


  211. BlueTyphoid says:

    GT: BlueTyphoid
    GMT – 5 : EST
    WE, PM


  212. pyr0lyZer says:

    GT: pyr0lyZer

    TZ: Eastern

    Weekdays; best after 8 PM eastern time.
    Weekends; mostly PM but occasionally AM.

    Usually on nearly every day.


    • pyr0lyZer says:

      Just to be clear, my GT uses a zero and not the letter “o”…

      Thx HMB…great idea! Too bad they didn’t include some sort of matchmaking lobby to begin with.

      :happy you find it useful!:

  213. akanealw says:

    GT: darthvader78

    TZ: CST

    WD/WE, PM


  214. Cujo3211 says:

    GT: Cujo3211

    Pacific Time zone.

    At night on weekdays and weekends.


  215. blainer2013 says:

    GT B 2da Iainer (the L is a capital eye{ i })
    Time zone: Mountain

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  216. Quagmire says:

    Gamer Tag: GiggityX2
    Mountain Time Zone
    Weekday PM


  217. elements says:

    Elements001 US mountain time – WD/WE PM


  218. SwanDogg07 says:

    GT: SwanDogg07

    Time Zone: Eastern

    Usually play on PM hours, Weekends or weekdays


  219. carnage says:

    Btk xc4rn4g3x

    Central Time Zone

    Weekends mostly, Week days late at night

    (Endure and deja vu)


  220. leoele says:


    Eastern time zone, weekends, perhaps more.


  221. HellCat says:

    GMT 12+
    Weekends and all of next week


  222. Shad0wwww says:

    Gamertag: Shad0wwww

    Timezone: PST (California)

    Playtime: WD/WE/PM, I’m on in the afternoons everyday after 5pm ish (Pacific time) and all weekend. I’m a legit general, and am trying to find a few people to do the vidmaster achievements. If you help me, I’ll gladly return the favor. Add me if interested!


  223. TRAVIS says:


    time zone:eastern(SC)



  224. Dave says:

    GT: Deceptibot669
    Time Zone: utc 6 (central)
    vidmasters and 2k achievements


  225. Mifkin says:

    WE PM

    Weekends mainly at night. GMT-9 (Australian Timezone, sorry dont know which one for the above)

    Can you also arrange this by country?


    • bs angel says:

      Unfortunately at this point arranging it by country would be less than optimal as many people have already left their information. Hopefully the time zones will be sufficient. :)


  226. SC Nelson says:

    GT: SC Nelson
    Time Zone: utc 5 (eastern) (South Carolina)
    vidmasters and 200k achievements


  227. Seenohte says:


    Central (CST)

    PM on weekdays, occasionally on at all hours of weekend

    Looking forward to some great games of firefight. Wouldn’t mind hitting the co-op Vidmasters either.

    Does anyone else feel that angel is setting herself up as our pimp?


  228. JedixJarf says:

    Gamertag: JedixJarf
    Time zone: utc -8


  229. onlychopper16 says:

    Gamertag: Onlychopper16

    Timezone: Eastern

    Weekdays in the PM, and weekends AM/PM
    looking to get the vidmasters and 200k firefights


  230. Pyroknetik says:

    GT: pyroknetik
    Timezone: Eastern
    WD/ WE/ Wherever I have time.


  231. Poopie McGhee says:

    GT: Poopie McGhee
    TZ: CST
    When: mostly @ Night/Afternoon


  232. xVermillionxx says:

    Central TZ
    WD-mostly after 4pm-9pm
    WE- 12pm-3am off and on
    *never single always play as group of 2


  233. Pulpredemption says:

    GT: Pulpredemption

    on weeknights when i can, i’m in the uk so gmt evenings guys. and weekend afternoons where possible.


  234. Pulpredemption says:

    ^^ more informative than the above is as follows:

    GT: Pulpredemption

    Timezone: GMT

    When: WD WE PM

    Wants: 200k achievements, vidmasters.


  235. my gt is Vs NeXuS PLZ INVITE

    :please specify time zone:

  236. Dan says:

    iTz I Dan
    WE, PM


  237. Darkhound64 says:

    Hey there people. Gamertag is Darkhound64. I need help with the ODST vidmaster challanges (the firefight one and the no hog or scorpion one) I live in New Zealand and am mainly on during holidays or weekends.


  238. Huston says:

    GT: Ahranj Krayahn
    UTC -6 Central Time Zone
    WD/WE, PM


  239. jj says:

    gamer tag is deezcrazy
    need help with fire fight and campaign trying to get all acheive ments also vid master challenge
    so hit me up im usually on all the time

    :please specify time zone:

  240. Radius says:

    I think it’s about time to delete some of these posts. My computer is geting *this* close to freezing each time I come on, and I have a 2 Mbps connection.


    • bs angel says:

      I don’t want to delete any of the comments as the majority of them contain additional information beyond what I publish in the master list. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your connection continues to hold up. :)


  241. SG Leroy Brown says:

    EST – NJ

    WD – AM, PM


  242. Discypler07 says:

    GT: Discypler07

    Timezone: EST

    WE- PM


  243. XBLGT: MachinimistLuke
    TZ: GMT
    WD – PM
    WE – AM/PM


  244. TheFridge says:

    XBLGT: xXxTheFridgexXx
    TZ: +10
    WD and WE


  245. Rallyfox says:

    GT: Rallyfox

    Timezone: Pacific

    When: WE anytime, WD nights


  246. KgIAssassin says:

    Already have all vids


  247. RandomIndex says:

    GT: RandomIndex
    TZ: EST
    Usually on PM, WE


  248. LA says:

    me and my cousin need 2 people
    add both of us

    TZ: Pacific


  249. Artiic Warrior says:

    My gt is Artiic Warrior, need to get the vidmasters.

    :feel free to leave day/time preferences:

  250. Artiic Warrior says:

    EST time zone


  251. zekbok says:

    zekbok Central Time

    :feel free to leave day/time preferences:

  252. AND3RATH says:

    Gamertag: AND3RATH
    Time: Pacific utc -8

    :feel free to leave day/time preferences:

  253. Mailman says:

    Gamertag: Mailman13
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard
    PM on weekends and weekdays


  254. InS1GNIA says:

    Gamertag: InS1GNIA
    Timezone: Central
    Need help with Firefight, Just pm or join pls

    :feel free to leave day/time preferences:

  255. pr3d5h0t666 says:

    eastern timezone
    weekends am-pm
    weekdays whenever i can no set time
    i love sniping:)


  256. bryantpark says:

    GT: bryantpark
    TZ: GMT
    WD NIghts and w/ends


  257. josh says:



    :feel free to leave day/time preferences:

  258. Trevor says:

    Gamertag: Trevlarfraggar
    Timezone: EST

    WE – PM


    :added: and you’re welcome!

  259. Konuas says:

    GT: Konuas
    headset/english only
    GMT-5 (EST)
    WD/WE (M-F 6p-1a) (Sat/Sun) 11a-4a
    looking for 200k, endure, vidmasters – just to play ODST online..

    msg if you need someone in a pinch or to schedule gather time..


  260. Whitehawk13 says:

    GT: Whitehawk13

    Time: GMT

    Sporadic – W/D W/E, early AM and can be all PM.

    Some Vidmasters and 200k


  261. PikminGod says:

    From this list, i have gained one XBL friend that i will play with every time I am on and 2 other “gentlemen” that i now must delete multiple comments from and avoid at all costs… thanks hawty


  262. Arcaneknight says:

    GT: Arcane knight94
    TZ: EST


  263. MathChief says:

    sorry guyz I sucked hard…..this evening


  264. ZTurulski says:

    GT: ZTurulski
    TZ: EST
    Looking for a partner for sunday. Msg me on xbl.


  265. Homer says:

    GT: TurboGiggles311
    TZ: EST

    Im always looking to play

    weekdays and weekends just msg me


  266. suicidalkanoka says:

    Eastern on Weekend Mornings

    And right now I need one more person for endure.


  267. Buddy Duffman says:

    Buddy Duffman
    Eastern (GMT – 5) Time Zone
    Daily – Sporadic.


  268. A Spaz Ape says:

    Gamer tag: A Spaz Ape
    ONline At:PM mainly
    Time zone :GMT


  269. im looking for good players and great friends my gamertag is shadowkiller897 and im not bad with a sniper but im always looking to play weekends and some school days

    :please specify time zone:

  270. TheMADShcleper says:

    Looking for firefight matches. Weekdays / Weekends between 4-11pm PDT

    :please specify time zone:

  271. PV4N0 says:

    looking for firefight matches weekdays from 8-11pm and weekends from10am-1am
    central time zone
    gamertag PV4N0


  272. luckiy says:

    Need firefight team sometime during the week can do it anytime from 6:30-11


    add me thanks

    :please specify time zone:

  273. borbah says:

    From France, would like to find a team for firefight

    GT: Borbah
    TZ: UTC +1
    WE/WD/AM/PM (just msg me when online)


  274. Jesse says:

    GT: i go choo choo
    Timezone: MST (Arizona)

    I need help with Deja Vu, Endure, and Annual for this new tag. Thanks!


  275. Lobo0588 says:

    GT: Lobo0588
    Timezone: Eastern (FL)
    WD, WE, AM, PM


  276. Ny Hitman 0401 says:

    Need:Endure and Deja Vu

    Please help!


  277. Stefan says:

    We are I AM PHOENIX and BRATROWE we play mostly weekends but get on weekdays as well. We really want to get achievements and don’t think thats possible with just 2 of us. Let’s play. Weekdays we’ll be on 3pm-8pm central time (TX) and weekends usually around 12pm-11pm central time


  278. LodiDodi says:

    Gamertag: Brik82
    Timezone: Eastern


  279. FakedRidley says:

    GamerTag: FakedRidlay
    TimeZone: Central
    Times on: IDK If I’m on just message me


  280. Andy D says:

    I NEED PARTNERS!! Gamertag: Kooter65

    :please specify time zone:

  281. Gamertag : xxxJL AUDIOxxx
    TimeZone : EST


  282. Demonic 1080p says:

    Looking for MATURE gamers for Firefight / Endure / Deja Vu achievements. I’m on every day, AM/PM, weekdays and weekends Pacific time. Gamer Tag: Demonic 1080p

    What is mature? If you like to sing while you play, punch your teammates while they’re shooting enemies, hog all the power weapons, play as an army of one and if you spell the word team with the letter ” I ” then please DO NOT BOTHER.

    Hit me up with a friend request and lets do this.


  283. jkc82961 says:

    Now currently looking for endure helpers
    messege me if u r interested
    twitter: walster8296

    :please specify time zone:

  284. Mike R says:

    Gamertag: senorjerome
    Timezone: EST (New Jersey)
    I usually play weekend afternoons and after 8 pm during the week.

    Not too serious about the game, just looking for some cool heads with decent skills.
    Take it easy.


  285. Nic says:

    GT: Klln_U_qckly
    Good for Weekdays PM
    Weekends all day.
    Pacific Time


  286. EJ says:

    plz add me as friend i need more ppl to play fire fight with or campaign im always down for halo 3 as well

    :please specify gamertag/time zone:

  287. Eric says:

    Hours:WD/WE AM/PM anytime really


  288. HALOFREAK12346 says:

    I am very good at Halo I am East Time Zone NEED GOOD PLAYERS
    I need the Endure achievment

    :please confirm gamertag:

  289. Deathbyflower says:

    Gamer Tag: Deathbyflower
    Timezone: GMT (England)
    On regulary, love to welcome all, cant wait to kick some grunt’s ‘cheeks

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  290. hypnocake says:

    arkwinder (WE – PM, Vidmasters, 200k)


  291. Nicog says:

    Gamertag: “Your Babies DR”
    PST, Weekdays, PM


  292. Firefrenzy17 says:

    Gamertag: Firefrenzy17
    anytime really
    and I’d like if someone could help me with the vidmasters, and Im really good at halo

    :please specify time zone:

  293. EMac96 says:

    Gamertag: Killermac96
    Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
    Time: Monday and Thursday 4-9 pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 7-9 pm, Friday 3pm-2am, All day on Weekends


  294. tom s says:

    gamer tag:kingbuddy06

    lookin for ppl to get firefight achievements (get 200k points on every map and last to round 4 on heroic)

    :please specify time zone:

  295. ODST Liam says:

    Gamertag : ODST Liam

    Timezone : GMT

    Time Avaliable : Anytime

    Want : Vidmaster Acheivements


  296. Ronald says:

    Gamertag: RustyNoMore
    Timezone: Eastern
    Tim Available: Anytime


  297. Keith says:

    Gamertag: GrimJack352
    Timezone: Eastern
    Available: Wed., Thur., Fri. night after midnight, usually to around 6 a.m. Occasionally other nights also.

    Looking for mature players to shoot for Firefight Achievements, also campaign on Legendary. I’m not a super- awesome player but not a Noob either, just someone who doesn’t get to play as much as I’d like. Also open for Halo3, Gears 1&2, L4D, RE5.


  298. Jon says:

    Gamertag: Deactivator2
    TZ: EST
    Avail: whenever I’m online? no predictible schedule


  299. NBA Kirkland says:

    XBLGT: NBA Kirkland
    TZ: Pacific
    WD – PM
    WE – AM/PM


  300. GT BrigadierRayRay
    Time Zone: -10 Hawaii
    Times Avalible: Afternoon on weekdays all day weekends.
    Need 200 K Achievements


  301. Dhregin says:

    GT – Ixspar
    (thats not an L its an i … don’t know how people get that so mixed up )

    TZ – EST

    I’m up for all things ODST- only need endure and 3 200k achievies, but I enjoy all aspects of the game so if you need someone who knows how to play, lemme know :)

    I usually play evenings.


  302. X NsinR8 X says:

    WE/WD/PM/ Pacific


  303. GT: DBM BloodStrike
    TZ: +1.00
    Time Available: All time
    200k Achievements, Vidmaster Endure.

    DBM BloodStrike


  304. says:

    Gamertag: Jekotia
    Timezone: GMT -5 EST
    Availability: Weekday afternoons, weekends vary.

    Other: I’m mainly after the Vidmasters, still need to knock off Deja Vu (co-op) and Endure (Firefight).


  305. kev says:

    Looking for people to do the vidmaster challenge “Endure” with.

    Quite possibly Dejavu as well if we have time.

    Im on at random times so just contact me on xbox, “Blackrthanwhite”

    :please specify time zone:

  306. General F34R says:

    I do not need any of them (recon ready!) I am just looking for people to play ODST with. Send me a FR!

    General F34R


  307. Blacklockdown says:

    weekdays PM,
    weekend most after 12:00PM

    :please specify time zone:

  308. Kid says:


    Weekend, PM
    I usually get online around… 5-10PM EST [-5]
    Send a request! I’m looking for people to go shooting with.


  309. frondish says:

    I’m in!! gt: frondish (all letters, no numbers) timezone utc +1 :)


  310. Chris a12345678 says:

    Gamertag: Chris a12345678
    Timezone: UTC-5 (Eastern Time)
    Playtime: Weekends and in the PM on weekdays


  311. Miltendergen says:

    Add Miltendergen I play all the time I need RECON please help me.

    :please specify time zone:

  312. EuphoricAmoeba says:

    Gamertag: EuphoricAmoeba
    Timezone: UTC-5 (Eastern)
    Playtime: Everyday, mostly PM
    Play Preferences (in order of importance): Vidmasters, 200K, just for fun


  313. wigglyding says:

    GT: wigglyding
    timezone: Central
    play: WE, WD PM


  314. Geryl says:

    Gamertag: gmac196
    Timezone: UTC-5 Eastern
    Playtime: Weekends and in the PM on weekdays


  315. bonesixsixer says:

    Gamertag: bonesixsixer
    Timezone: EST
    Playtime: Weekends mainly


  316. bonesixsixer says:

    Gamertag: bonesixsixer
    Timezone: EST
    Playtime: Weekends and in the PM on weekdays


  317. Ruaridh says:

    Gamertag: roog42
    Timezone: GMT
    Playtime: PM weekdays & AM weekends


  318. akaduzwurk says:

    playtime evening


  319. The(BigGun) says:


    I am in the Atlantic time zone, New Brunswick baby!

    I’m live mostly during PM on weekends, and on weekdays


  320. Adam Susskind

    I primarily play on weekends (WE) AM or PM

    I am in the East Coast (utc -5)

    Currently I only need Endure, but enjoy some good Covie bashing in firefight without that goal in mind, long walks on the beach, and less than subtle humor.



  321. aLk says:

    Looking for players to play:D

    Tag: aLkX
    UTC +1


  322. Lee says:


    Central am/pm
    UTC -6


  323. Ahsim says:

    UTC -6 (Central US)
    WE some WD
    FF, Vidmaster


  324. nEEd 2 PLAyers
    GT sPideR maYneE

    JUst send me a friend request
    iLL get back 2 u when im online/

    :please specify time zone:

  325. bruender09 says:

    Gamertag: bruender09
    Timezone: GMT-6
    I usually play weekends but ocassionally late on weekdays.
    I am on mostly at night but it depends.
    Im hoping to get the vidmaster achievements and beat legendary co-op.
    Right now i dont do much co-op.


  326. c.m says:

    gamertag:pimpsoup2141985 pacific timezone

    :feel free to specify day/time preferences:

  327. Stewie says:

    Gamertag: AyBayBay Stewie

    Timezone:Pacific Time

    Im mostly on all day if im not with friends or if it depends on what day and i am hoping to get the Vidmaster Challenge: Endure


  328. Jebus says:

    MistaGrimm MD

    Pacific Time

    Im on typically after 6 PM. Shoot me an invite


  329. Cav says:

    Cavscout Blue1
    Eastern time
    WE, PM

    Thanks for setting this up. It’s a great idea.


  330. Yami sora says:

    GT: Yami sora
    WD pm


  331. SuperScrapper1 says:

    Anyone want to play right now? I’m alone, but looking for some fun!


  332. Gunlat3M says:

    Gamertag: Gunlat3M

    Timezone: Eastern (EST)

    Weekdays PM, and weekends AM/PM


  333. chiefnutszr says:

    So apparently, chiefnuts05 is too offensive. I got asked to change my gamertag so it’s now chiefnutszr. If I get asked to change it again, I’m calling XBL to ask WTF? Anyway, you can delete chiefnuts05 off your list and exchange it with chiefnutszr. Still WD/WE, AM/PM


  334. Kiel Werner says:

    Central time zone – -Oklahoma- Turbo Scion05 ( WD PM)


  335. Hank says:

    GamerTag: HANKars

    WE / PM (primarily)

    WD (only PM on WD though if I can get the wife to let me play on the living room tele)

    Pacific Time


  336. David says:

    GT: David Rawr

    Ill be on at 9pm tonight pacific time (utc-8), looking for GOOD, keyword good, teamates that can survive, so we can actually finish heroic vidmaster endure. Add me if you want to get this achievement tonight.


  337. Tim Acheson says:

    Gamertag: cbjoe

    I’m online weekday evenings and weekends, UK time (that’s GMT).

    I have every achievement in Halo 3 and ODST, apart from the Firefight 200K score achievements, and I love Firefight.

    Thanks Hawty for providing this service!


  338. Ben says:

    GT: Kali Black
    UTC+10 (Melbourne, Australia)
    WE/WD PM


  339. 117649 says:

    GT: Onscreenloki
    Time Zone: UTC +13
    Times on: WD MUST START AT 4PM. WE 10am-4pm
    Prefer NZ or Aussie players.


  340. ChaosTool8 says:

    GT: ChaosTool8
    TZ : Eastern (GMT-4/-5 depends on dst)
    Times: WD – Evening and on WE – Almost any
    Prefer US Northeast.


  341. chris says:

    GT: Whiteguy128

    Zone : eastern (-5)
    times : PM any day

    Located in NY, closer = better obviously


  342. MichaelGodown says:

    GT: MichaelGodown
    Zone: Picific
    TImes: All time random all days


  343. TenthNo Name XX says:

    GT: TenthNo Name XX
    Zone: Eastern
    TImes: All time random all days


  344. MichaelGodown says:

    GT: MichaelGodown
    Zone: Picific
    TImes: All time random all days


  345. Jd8coke says:

    GT: Jd8coke
    Zone GMT
    Times: AM and PM any day of the week.


  346. GT: The Pib
    GT: Mike Pib
    Zone: Eastern Standard
    Times: weekday afternoons

    Good idea! Check out for real-time Firefight matchmaking.


  347. Shotgunchief says:

    I’ve already gotten all the achievements in ODST, but I was wondering if you could still add me to the list so I can help others out? I want to play some more, and I think this would be a good way of doing it. If not, then I understand.

    GT: Shotgunchief
    Zone: Central
    Times: M-W I can’t play until 6, but Thursday and Friday I can play after 3:30 (college classes). Weekends I can play whenever.


  348. Teddy Longchap says:

    GT: TL RuNz SwaT

    Time Zone:Eastern Time

    Times : Weekends Or 3:30 p.m On Weekdays


  349. Zacky Regret says:

    hey guys Im looking for team mates for all the ODST co-op achievements and to have fun doing them. Im on quite a bit. this game should have a time attack mode too
    GT: Zacky Regret
    timezone: 00 (UK)


  350. Sparkypinball says:

    BladeTurner, sometimes up really late at night, PST (California) time.
    Prefers mature gamers over Little Timmy’s that want chocolate milk.
    Willing to help you with your 4 player achievement attempt.

    I work a crazy freelancer schedule, so I game at an unpredictable schedule; Sometimes late at night, or all day on my free weekends.


  351. Aoi says:

    GT : aoikiragame
    Toronto Ont. EDT time zone


  352. Joe says:

    Gamertag: Stufe71

    Time zone: Pacific time

    Times to play: weekday evenings and weekends.

    Send me a message/friend request if you want to play. Would like to get achievements and have fun doing them.


  353. jamezjolly says:

    MEGANfox1s Fine

    utc -7

    WE PM

    I live in the mythical snowy land of Canada (OK, maybe not…).

    Calgary, Alberta to be exact.


  354. RC Master says:

    Ultimate RC



    Would really like to get endure eventually. Its my last one!


  355. DarthVehder says:

    GT: Veh to go

    UTC +12



  356. Joey says:

    Joey of Bladez

    – Eastern time zone

    – weekdays/weekends

    – will help with 200k achievements

    – may help with vidmasters, but I can’t always get two other people, so don’t come asking for help by yourself and expecting an immediate vidmaster. it’s something you need a skilled team to do; something you must work for. and if you’re not that good, no offense, but I may not be able to help you. ODST is about team effort, especially since you share lives in Firefight.

    – will help with Campaign, including audio logs.

    – don’t quit. if you know your mom is going to come in your room and tell you to go to bed as soon as she catches you staying up late, then don’t ask to play Firefight with me. Just wait until you have a good two hours or so of uninterrupted time. Now campaign you can do, because of checkpoints.


  357. X NsinR8 X says:

    Please remove my name, thanks


  358. ToothFangnClaw says:

    UTC -6 WD pm WE AM/pm VIdmasters and 200k


  359. Cornerstone4625 says:

    Looking to head shot some covenant! Trying to get 200k as well. I’ll get your back.

    WE / WD AM/PM

    Off between 5:30pm-10:45pm

    :please specify time zone:

  360. crashpsycho says:

    WE/WD/AM/PM need vidmasters GT crashpsycho

    timezone central


  361. Nate says:


    Usually on after 5:00 PM Pacific Time, seven days a week.

    :invalid gamertag:

  362. Richie Ray says:

    RichieRay11 – GamerTag

    Need Co-Op Achievements for ODST and Halo 3

    Eastern Time – FL

    Send a friend request and LETS DO THIS ISH!!!!


  363. Viva La Natedog says:

    GT: Viva La Natedog

    Some WD PM, but a lot more WE AM/PM


  364. DC says:


    would like to be added on the list gmt+1.
    my gamertag is: buddyf0xx

    see u on odst firefight.



  365. Crimson says:

    GT: CrimsonCrosser
    Timezone: GMT -6 (central)


  366. youjustlostman says:

    GT- YouJustLostMan
    Timezone- UTC -5 Eastern TZ


  367. thedrummarr says:

    GMT time zone
    need Endure and 200,000 point achievements


  368. fluffygib says:

    GT: fluffygib
    GMT time zone


  369. RZCassassin says:

    Gamertag: RZCassassin
    Timezone: GMT +00 (England)

    Either play for fun or for Endure achievement.


  370. RZCassassin says:

    Oh yeah, and i mainly play WE AM/PM


  371. German says:

    Gamertag: Tanooky
    Time Zone: UTC -6 Central Time Zone
    Play on: (WD/WK,PM,200K achievements)


  372. jmac says:

    Gamertag: JR2

    Time Zone: Pacific

    Available: WD/WK, AM/PM


  373. greed says:

    Gamertag: IXGREEDXI
    Timezone: central
    Available: WD 4PM-12AM WE basically all day (most of the time)


  374. rollotamasi says:

    Gamertag: r0ll0tamasi
    Timezone: central
    Available: WD 5pm – dawn WE basically all day


  375. alwayz scotty says:

    Gamertag=Alwayz Scotty

    wanna beat camapaign on legendary


  376. Fishdude20X6 says:

    Gamertag = Fishdude20X6
    Timezone = Pacific
    Play mostly weeknights/weekend nights


  377. Craig says:

    Gamertag = AngelsThanat0s (that’s a zero)
    Timezone: Pacific


  378. Roger says:

    Gamertag: Skier7667
    Time Zone: utc -5 (eastern)
    Active Hours: typically 8-12 PM on weekdays & Saturday. Sunday most AM/PM hours.


  379. David says:

    Gamertag: MystDragon3k
    Timezone: Central (-6)
    Active hours: 5pm-11pm


  380. Bobby says:

    Gamertag: W12A
    Timezone: Eastern

    Anytime day or night.

  381. Timothy says:

    GamerTag: PhantomZone1986
    TimeZone: +08:00 Perth, Australia

    Anytime, Also need help with Endure.

  382. Ramsey Smith says:

    Gamertag: Enraged Liger0
    Time Zone: Central

    Im wanting to get the Vidmaster: Endure achievement, if anyone can help, let me know =)

  383. ace73 says:

    Time Zone: Central WD/WE, PM

  384. Art963 says:

    Gamertag: ArturoOOOOH
    Time Zone: Central
    Active hours: 7pm-11pm

  385. bwalker91 says:

    Gamertag: Angry Loki X

    Time zone: Eastern

    Active hours: Anytime

  386. Gamertag:telocas says:


    gmt 6 mexico

    active hours till today

  387. loukas says:

    hello . I would like to play firefight online. I can play both weekends and weekdays anytime really, and my gamer tag is “anamiskyclear”

  388. onscreenloki says:

    can you please remove me from the list? thanks.

    • bs angel says:

      I couldn’t find you on the list. Is your username your gamertag? It’s possible I just missed it when I was scanning.

  389. Kingspot69 says:

    Gamertag: Kingspot69
    Timezone: Eastern
    Mostly WD 10PM-2AM

  390. Sgt Hodag says:

    gamertag: Sgt Hodag
    timezone: central
    i probly will play anytime mostly early mornings.
    please ask me to play.

  391. Don says:

    Gamertag: BigDonMega10
    Timezone: GMT UK
    yeh im about most of the time, add me and say u got my name from here and then we’ll play some firefight or whatever u want =)

  392. charbzqc says:

    Love this game
    anytime\add me

  393. JJJP147 says:

    Timezone:GMT UK
    i’m usually on weekdays and weekends. just say u got my name from here :D

  394. andy says:

    add me wanting to play firefight any1 interested add my GT

  395. patrick says:

    patrickmma207 .need to do vidmaster and endure. would like to do the 200k firefights with people but can do those alone.

  396. Johnathan says:

    Gamer Tagg is ReddHaze5
    TimeZone is GMT-05 Eastern (U.S. & Canada
    I play whenever someone wants me to (meaning after 12:00 P.m till Mid night.

    Tons of fun to play with other people right???

  397. Johnathan says:

    Oh I forgot, WD’s and WE’s and PM’s also AM’s

  398. Brad192837 says:

    GT: Brad192837
    forget the timezone, but live in michigan
    most every day

  399. Saood says:

    Gamertag : saood007
    Time Zone : GMT +5 : 30
    PM’s and AM’s and mostly on weekends,
    sometimes on weekdays.

  400. Alfie9946 says:

    Don’t know if anyone is still doing this but i’m on GMT, play day and night. Already got some team mates so stragglers wanted. My Gamertag is Batman9946, if you add with a message saying something like “ODST?” i’ll invite you to the party and you can meet the team.

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