New Halo 3: ODST Sgt. Johnson Screenshots

Halo 3: ODST will drop onto a retail shelf near you in just three short months. If you decide to pre-order your copy from select participating retailers (Amazon, Best Buy, Gamestop and Wal-Mart if you’re in the US), you will be rewarded with being able to play as Sgt. Avery Junior Johnson in the new Horde-esque cooperative mode entitled Firefight. In case that news isn’t alluring enough to spark you into action, Bungie has updated their Halo 3: ODST screenshot page with three new images featuring everybody’s favorite soon to be playable Marine. I do have one primary concern though. If I’m playing as Sgt. Johnson in ODST and I die, will the storyline of Halo 3 be forever altered? I feel like we’re entering weird Back to the Future territory here. Just to be safe, I’m hitting Forge tonight and building a time machine out of a warthog. And you’ll never guess what my magical speed will be!

halo 3: odst Sgt. Johnson dropping and shockinghalo 3: odst Sgt. Johnsonhalo 3: odst Sgt. Johnson

halo 3: odst-related stories

29 Responses to New Halo 3: ODST Sgt. Johnson Screenshots

  1. Naepa34 says:

    117 Mph?
    I’ve already pre-ordered, now I have a long 3 months.

  2. Viktim says:

    Well, this IS Angel we’re talking about. So it’s either 117 or 69. One or the other…

  3. Tentimook says:

    I would normally buy this at Best Buy on 9/22/09 but they have instore pickup and it doesnt cost any extra money so why not!

  4. DethPwn says:

    Does this include the Gamestop-exclusive Limited Edition?

  5. GeneralCupcakes says:

    I have school on the day its being released…dam..and my school doesn’t take absents easy. ><

  6. DTA MoonDawg says:

    I really don’t think I’ll be able to wait for this…

    Thank God I’ll be at PAX before this comes out. :)

  7. Lincoln says:

    Just to let you all know, not all Wal Marts do preorders. I went to my local Wal Mart Supercenter to preorder it, but the look on the guy’s face seemed as if he had never heard of pre-orders. It’s a shame, if anything ‘accidentally’ happens to your disc, Wal Mart is usually nice enough to jsut give you a new one. Not Gamestop. =(

  8. Das Kalk says:

    I KNOW you’re all about those 80’s references :P

  9. NartFOpc says:

    Lots of people saying 117 mph, but I’m gonna have to go with 77 to stick with the established trend.

  10. LAZR Blade 14 says:

    It’s going to be pretty silly, me being the only ODST in a party of 3 other Johnsons.

  11. HellCat says:

    i’ve already tried the time machine thing. Explosives and Marty McFly don’t work

  12. JLay says:

    I know the 117mph thing makes sense for the Halo universe (and 69mph for the BS Angel dig), but doesn’t it have to be 88mph for the flux capacitor to work properly? :)

  13. tortacular says:


    I will play the crap out of this.

  14. GeneralCupcakes says:

    I just realized this firefight map takes place in a zoo. if you look closely you see a flag with a panda on it. Looks like the ODST’s are taking a run from it from the Gorilla enclosure and got ambushed by some Covies!

  15. triptup says:

    have u seen my Johnson? had to do it ];-)

  16. Legion1620 says:

    Curses, 3 posts from the bottom, and someone beats me to the back to the future reference

  17. THE FAR KING KILLA says:

    thank god i preorderd my copy at EB games just got to wait till it comes out now

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