Worms 2: Armageddon Trailer

Worms, a turn-based strategy game pitting teams of small elongated soft-bodied animals against each other in an ultimate battle to the death, is the only game where I kill myself more than I kill my teammates. The second XBLA version, titled Worms 2: Armageddon, is slated to be released in September 2009. It will feature classic weapons along with an assortment from Worms Open Warfare 2 and will also introduce new vertical levels. Watch the trailer, set aside some Microsoft Points for the fall, and don’t blame me if the sheep you count while falling asleep every night begin exploding. I’m just the messenger you know.

13 Responses to Worms 2: Armageddon Trailer

  1. TheChrisD says:


    My love has returned :D

  2. GeneralCupcakes says:


    I like teh epic music

  3. LAZR Blade 14 says:

    I haven’t played Worms, but this seems pretty interesting.

  4. dragnew says:

    I love Worms!
    Or, at least, I did before they fucked up and tried to make it 3D. Stupidest adding of a dimension since Team Sonic did it. I’m so glad that it’s back in 2D now!

  5. Shirdel7221 says:

    Me and Worms go back a LONG way. MicroProse was the best Producer Worms ever had. THQ failed with it. Honestly, if they make the Ninja Rope go back to like it was in the NORMAL Armageddon, then there would be hundreds of people playing. Go and play the Original Armageddon online and see what I mean.

  6. Crazy A 64 says:

    Yay! I can have worms again… wait, that sounds wrong!

  7. MathChief says:

    mayne cant wait~~~~~~~~~~

  8. Naepa34 says:

    I havn’t played that in Wayyyyyyyy too long.

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