Meowster Chief

halo kitty master chief

The world of custom action figures is often times an intriguing place. From stripping off armor to creating mashups of the century, its dedicated and talented artisans continue to produce a plethora of one of a kind creations at an impressive pace. Sometimes we like what we see and other times we don’t, and this latest piece falls somewhere in between. Falling victim to the very popular trend of plastering Hello Kitty on absolutely everything, our favorite protagonist from the Halo universe has been given the ultimate girly treatment.  This lightish red custom action figure (which features the iconic Japanese cat face on its gun, shield, necklace, knees, and butt) has been dubbed the “Halo Kitty Meowster Chief.” Isn’t the name alone worth the US $49.99 asking price? Yeah, you probably shouldn’t answer that.

halo kitty master chief

halo kitty master chief

28 Responses to Meowster Chief

  1. ashame says:

    Blasphemy! o_O

  2. angelofbacon says:

    When did Master Chief get a shield?

  3. Blenniipus says:

    that is…………………….just……….wow

  4. lightish red?

    Also, if you look at he ebay pictures, one of them nicely conforms to the standards of “how to sell a video game”

  5. OxBidder says:

    That’s just as wrong as it gets. Who makes this kind of stuff?

  6. DethPwn says:

    Im in ur armerz, talkin 2 ur bloo ladeez.

    Oh hai! I are reechargen ur sheeldz!

    I can haz Mjolnir?

    Spartan Cat is firen teh lazerz

    I made u a cewkie… But I stikeed it.

    I can do this all day!

  7. Sever says:

    Goodbye, Kitty!

  8. NakedScooter says:

    *pulls out hammer*

  9. mysterioso2006 says:


  10. Sc4r says:

    To quote the Arbiter
    “When the Prophets learn of this, they will take your head!”

  11. LordOsiris says:

    It’s not Master Chief-It’s Donut!

  12. Naepa34 says:


  13. LAZR Blade 14 says:

    …What’re those pictures behind the figure?

    • mysterioso2006 says:

      They are smecksy pictures of Emma Frost. That is in fact the custom Emma Frost Fireplace.

      • HellCat says:

        Oh cool yea i was wondering what those pictures were.

        Meowster Chief what are you doing on this scratching post?
        Sir finishing this feline

      • BerserkerBarage says:

        Nice to see someone else knows their Marvel!

        Emma Frost is part of the Hellfire Club as the White Queen. She’ll be making an upcoming appearance in X-men Origins movie.


  14. Don113 says:

    At least the Japanese haven’t applied their irrational love of poop to the Halo universe yet. No, I’m not kidding. I wish I was, though. Oh God, I wish I was…

  15. Durden10 says:

    Is that thing built on a Guncannon (Gundam) base? The gun and body shape look vaguely familiar.

  16. DethPwn says:


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  18. A(lex) Ha says:

    She looks like a Hunter with none of the worms in the right place. All shield, no helmet.

  19. gunstar2 says:

    That appears to be a Master Chief figure with a Gundam shield and beam rifle… ornamented with pink and Hello Kitty.

    I have just died a bit inside…

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