VG Cats Knows What I Want

vg cats gamerpics

VG Cats must absolutely love me. How do I know this? Because hidden in their brand new bundle of Gamerpics is an adorable image that was positively meant for me. It’s almost like they heard my prayers and took it upon themselves to answer them. You can get this entire set of Gamerpics on the Xbox Live Marketplace under “Blind Ferret Gamer Pics” for a paltry 200 Microsoft Points. If I wasn’t out of town, I would be sporting one of them already. And I am sure you have no earthly idea which one that would be.

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6 Responses to VG Cats Knows What I Want

  1. Jonathan says:

    “And I am sure you have no earthly idea which one that would be.”

    Hmm… the green one?

  2. silvercube says:

    err umm the pink kitty master chief one??

  3. jb84 says:

    No offense Silver, but that’s the worst guess in the world.

  4. wriXeL says:

    hahah hey guys i think it might be the PINK one, highlighted with a Yellow box…. hahah those are really cute though, i like the one below it.

  5. ashame says:

    Not only you I think. Prolly ALL female Halo 3 players :mrgreen:

    And of course male players who have a bad taste in colors :|

  6. Sigafoos says:

    If I had a spare 200 points I’d totally use the Dr Hobo one.

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