Fun With Stereotypes

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exercise games and vacuum iwantthistoo

16 Responses to Fun With Stereotypes

  1. D taktics says:

    Looks about right.

  2. TJ says:

    Yea, but what about Snow Leopard and Star Trek?

    Sort of ruins the Stereotype.

  3. Poopie McGhee says:

    Star Trek? wow… is this some housewife trying to get fit, have fun, and clean… while keeping their nerdy offspring appeased?

  4. Tortacular says:

    That’s one ugly fucking vacuum cleaner.

  5. IcyTreats says:

    @ pittofdoom

    Aw man, I completely forgot about that comic, I read it a long time ago..but still, IMO this thing is more awesome looking (as a Covie vacuum cleaner) then the Beam Rifle(although a vacuum doubling as a sniper rifle does sound pretty damn cool)

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